Introducing a New Game

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"Bee music!"
-tunes radio stations playing different tunes until the human girl told him to stop-

The girl reached out for Bee's servo and he gently took it and twirled her around. He then let go and turned in a circle dancing along with the music, the scout looked over to see the big green bot Hound slightly dancing. Though no one could see the smile they could read it from those big optics he had, they told everyone how he was feeling. As he danced he remembered his friend, Sam how he had good memories like this with the boy until he didn't want to be part of the whole secret alien cars and what not. Bumblebee missed him at times wishing he could see him again.


Bee was in the small garage that Sam made him stay in. Sam and his parents were getting attacked by some mini cons, the boy yelled for the Autobot and the mech came bursting through the fence and into the yard shorting the mini cons. After killing them all Sam yelled at bee to get in the garage, shortly before Sam's mom ran out of the house covering her head and running into a hanging flower pot. Bumblebee's door wings droopped a bit, he reluctantly went to the small garage again. Sam came in see Bee hitting himself in the face, the bot turned when he heard the boy talking to him, Mikaela his girlfriend, was with him.

"Yea you know what you did"
-makes a small whimper-
"He's just having a voice malfunction"
"No he's playing it up"

Mikaela steps out for a second as Sam talks with Bumblebee about up coming events.

"Bee as you know I'm going to collage"
-turns radio and starts snapping his digits - 'I'm so excited and I just can't hide it'
"But I'm not taking you with me"
-music cuts off-
"You need to get out there with Optimus, your suffocating in here, you will always be my first car but the guardian stuffs over Bee"

"Hey Bee!"
"Oh hey Raf! What you guys got there?"
"Something me, Jack and Miko bought. We all thought it would be fun to introduce you guys to something new"
"Sounds cool what is it?"

Raf pulls a black box with sliver letters out of the bag and shows Bee. Then Miko holds up a game and shows the mech.

"Another Racing game? And why another gaming system don't you like that one?"
"We do But this one is a new one"
"This isn't a racing game, as much as Raf wanted to get one we didn't get that one we got this one called JD4"
"What's JD4 mean?"
"We will show you once we get this set up"
"Ok, what's this system called?"
"A Wii"

Within a few minutes the kids had the system set up to the new tv the Autobots got for them. It was like a projector screen so the bots could see as well, Miko grabbed the first remote and started putting the game in and waited for the icon to appear. When it did she pointed the remote at the grey beam they lay in front of the tv. Miko opened up the game and set it up, she made a player card for everyone. Miko then dared Bee to play, the bot was confused because he didn't know how to play. The girl quickly picked something and put Bees player card in for it, Raf set the camera up so the game could read the bot since the remotes were to small. Miko pressed play and Bee looked cluelessly at the screen as a person appeared fixing his tie. Little shapes appeared on the bottoms right of the screen and a song started to play, the person was doing the same moves as the little figures on the bottom of the screen. Bee knew the song but still didn't know what to do. Raf started following the small shapes in the right and Bee followed, three minutes later the song was over and Bee was wanting to do another one. The kids then told him JD4 stood for Just Dance 4, Bumblebee thought this video game was awesome and wanted to play it some more. The next four hours later Bee had levelled up his player card to 12 and was half way to levelling up again.

Smokescreen walked in seeing Bee talking with the kids, he walked over to the bot to see what he was doing.

"Hey Bee!"
"Smokescreen come play this!"
"What is it?"
"Just Dance 4"
"I'll play a round"

"Ok Bee what song now?"
"Let's do...Never Gonna Give You Up"

Raf pushed a button on the remote making it go through the songs a found the one the bot wanted and added SmokeScreens player card to the dance.

After a few hours of Bee kicking Smokescreens Aft, they both decided to pick two more bots to play and do a four player dance. Both bots decided to get Ironhide and Starscream to play, in the the end both bots didn't have a choice but to say yes. All four bots let the three kids pick, let them pick which one they want wanted to be and got into to place.

Starscream said he felt embarrassed for doing that song and Miko decided to made things worse for him. The girl picked another one for the four mechs to do and as the dance started Windblade walked in and saw the seeker.

Afterwards Starscream heard laughing and turned his helm to see Windblade laughing. She had seen it all and watched him dance to the song. The seekers wings drooped and he ran off down a hall that would link up with the hall the goes to the quarters. Then with Bee, Smokescreen and Ironhide left they continued on.
I felt that I needed a chapter to make fun of screamer and welp here it is. Just a random question, but who still has their Wii if you had one and how long have you had it?. I still have mine and I've had it for maybe 8 years or more

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