Losing Control pt.2 An Old Friend

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Arcee pulled Ironhide to the side after they gave Ratchet the news and Optimus the dark starsabor. Ratchet then informed Optimus about the incident with Bee and Airachnid. When Optimus heard what the medic said he knew exactly what was going to happen as did Ratchet and Hide it felt all too familiar.

"Hide please help me go look for him"

"Arcee we can't"

"Please I just want to see if he's alright, we don't have to talk to him I just want to see him please Hide"

"Fine...alright we will go look for him. Nothing more"

"Thank you Ironhide"

Arcee and Ironhide left the base going back to where Bee was taken and retraced their steps.
When they entered the forest they saw the spot where Bee had landed with the sword. Arcee looked to the right and noticed the trail Bumblebee left as he ran. They followed the trail until they reached the edge of the forest where the trail ended. Arcee walked forward looking for something, she looked down when she felt something under her foot. When she looked down there was nothing in sight. That was until she brushed the sand away to reveal the armor shoulder piece that belonged to Megatron then they spotted his blade buried next to the armor. As they both dug into the sand they started to see blue sand, they both exchanged worried looks as they keep digging. Hide stood up and saw something silver a few feet from the stuff they found. The mech walked over to see Megatron he jumped when he saw him on his side, the sand around Megatron was blue indicating that he was attacked. Arcee walked over to the mech and saw Megatron, she bent down and examined the damaged parts of his armor. On his side she could make out the fangs that were dug into his side.

"This wasn't just anybody"

"Then who did it?"

"Bee, he's here somewhere we have to find him"

"We don't know that."

"Will you just trust me..."

They both started searching for the missing mech, Arcee noticed blue sand just a foot in front of her and started to brush the sand away. Arcee stopped when she saw the sand underneath her start to turn blue, she picked up some in her servo's and looked at it. It was fresh Energon. Hide rushed over as he saw the two wheeler digging in the sand he started to help but stopped when he heard Arcee whimper. The mech turned his helm to see Arcee holding a larger k-9's helm in her arms Ironhide uncovered the rest of the the body. Ironhide's optics widened as he saw the hole in Bee's spark he only hung his helm low. Arcee started to cry while holding her life less spark mate. Ironhide noticed a soft blue light, when he looked up he saw the light coming from the lifeless characters spark. He picked up the life less body and opened his comm link.

:Ratchet I need a ground bridge stat:

"Hold on Bee"

Arcee looked up at Ironhide with sorrow and confusion

"There still might be a chance"

The ground bridge opened and Ironhide ran through with Arcee behind him. Ratchet looked at Ironhide holding something, he walked up to see Bee with a hole in his spark.

"Get him to the med bay quickly!"

Ironhide hurried to the med bay and laid Bumblebee on the berth. Ratchet rushed Arcee and Ironhide out and started working on fixing Bee. Within 2 hours Ratchet had repaired the noticeable wound where the dark Starsabor had entered Bee's armor and cut a few minor energon lines and successfully repaired the blast damage from Megatron's blast on Bee's chest. Ratchet found out that the blast just barely missed his spark, this was good but now the only other problem was to see if Bee could make it through the night. The medic walked out of the med bay meeting Arcee who looked up at him with worry.

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