One Mistake Takes a Unexpected Turn

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Three months have passed since the fateful incident with Bee and Megatron. Bee and Arcee's bond had grown strong and Bee was getting along well and connecting more with Alduin, Bee also got to talk with Marin and his creators. Optimus has become more protective over Elita since she was sparked and was one quarters of the way in the process, it would be six more months until she was due. No body liked seeing the prime mad when they were being careless around Elita, poor Bumblebee and Smokescreen learned that the hard way. Later on the kids found out about everything and were happy for Optimus and Lita, they were also happy about the deceased decepticon warlord. The decepticons laid low after finding their leader and didn't bother the Autobots. Everything was peaceful just how Bee wanted it before this whole this happened it looked like Alpha Trion fulfilled his wish.

Only that's what he thought, what he didn't know was what laid beyond the boundaries of Nevada lie something........ or someone who decided it was time to pay their old friend a visit one that wouldn't require them to leaving the state of California but instead the black and yellow mech coming to them instead.

Bee was in his quarters cuddling with Arcee, since the decepticon's were no longer a bother to them they got more time to spend together. Arcee and Bee would go for drives, patrolling (even though nothing was going to happen) and snuggles and cuddling, Bee favorite thing to do. Arcee started to fall asleep as Bee held her in his arms, once the mech looked down and saw the femme asleep he laid his head against the wall he was leaning up against and closed his optics soon falling asleep as well.

Bumblebee slowly woke up when hearing his designation being called softly. Once he was fully awake he saw Arcee sitting in front of him, a small smile creeped on his faceplate. He sat up and kissed her forehelm, they both froze when they heard a loud bang coming from the main room. Both left the quarters and strode into the larger room, there was no one there......both bots exchanged concerning looks. Bee heard a sound and changed forms standing in front of the two wheeler, he hung low to the ground while growling. The femme walked towards the sound and Bee ran after her, when they stood in the area the sound came from they found nothing. Bumblebee keep getting this uneasy feeling and told Arcee it might be best if they went back to his quarters.

The femme ignored him and continued walking, the metallic dog stood there in shock and confusion. Arcee had ignored him that was a first, he also knew she heard the sound and they found nothing, why hang around when there are strange sounds but nothing to support why the sounds was made. After a while of looking around Bee felt something staring at him, Arcee suddenly felt a panicked sense coming from the bond with Bee. The two wheeler turned around and saw the larger dog cowering with his ears down.

"Oh come on Bee there's nothing here could have been a faulty beam"

He stayed in the corner for awhile and didn't move until Arcee headed back towards his quarters. Bumblebee moved out of the spot and followed but stopped once again, he felt the optics staring at him almost as if they were burning a hole though him. He looked up and saw a large figure only in wasn't solid it was see through and fell on top of Bee. Bringing a couple of support beams from the ceiling to fall onto him making Bee black out.

Ratchets POV

Optimus was very moody when anyone was reckless around his spark mate. I made sure to stay away, I also made sure Wheeljack didn't say the wrong thing to get his aft kicked into place otherwise I wouldn't hear the end of his complaints. As we both laid there in my quarters recharging we soon jumped to our pedes when a loud crash could be heard. No doubt everyone heard it, especially Optimus and I have no doubt in my processor he is not happy about the sound waking Elita. I ran out of my quarters with Wheeljack at my heels to defend who ever it was that was going to suffer Primes anger. When I entered the room I stopped trying to find who was under the mess and found the bot. It was Bee, I saw Arcee run in then came the bull.

'Primes Bee you better have a good explanation for this'

Optimus pushes aside the debris that fell onto the bot quickly and grabbed him by his throat and shook him back and forth. For a second I thought Bee was joking and was acting like he wasn't there to get out of a lecture. But I soon realised I was wrong and stopped Optimus, the Prime looked at the bot and noticed he wasn't talking or anything and realized what I noticed. Bee was unconscious, I looked at the support beams and looked up at where they fell from, there was no way they were weak someone had to have caused them to fall maybe Bee was up in the beams and they fell but he wouldn't have been under them he would have been smashed in between them.

I talked with Arcee and she told me he was behind her and following her and wasn't up in the beams. We both stopped when we heard a loud scream and saw the prime of the floor with Bumblebee on top of him with his jaws locked on the Primes neck. I called his designation and he looked up at me, his optics flashed purple and he charged me. Wheeljack jumped in the way and got the bite from hell, Bee latched onto his side and bit down hard and then went for his neck but Wheeljack put his arm up and Bee caught that instead in his mouth. In a split second bee was gone and was running for the exit, he didn't have enough time to stop him. I ran to Wheeljack's side, Knockout walked in and I told him to check on Optimus. Everyone was in shock about what just happened, I smacked Wheeljack on the side of his helm for him being stupid.

"Don't do that again!"
"What were you gonna do stop him? I don't think so sunshine"
"I would have done something and wouldn't have ended up like you"
"Eh it's nothing big"
"Nothing BIG?! You were attacked by an Cybertronian Dog that is strong than a prime! I CALL THAT BIG!!"
"Ok ok ok Sunshine calm down please I don't like seeing you upset"
"Ok, no promises though"

I sighed at Wheeljack being stubborn as usual, sometimes I wonder why I bonded with him or how I even ended up with him in my life. I will say he does help when I feeling down but when he does stupid scrap like what he just did it makes me wonder. After fixing both Wheeljack and Optimus I started to worry about Bee and what caused him to attack. As I thought back on the attack I remember seeing Bee's optics turn purple. I quickly stood up startling Wheeljack, I grabbed one of the beams and brought it back to the med bay. A confused Wheeljack looked up at me, I quickly placed the beam down and examined it and noticed something. A green substance covered the corner, then I saw something else the shook me. Purple, the purple substance that Megatron threw at Bee only it was sticky and wasn't smoke. I backed up not wanting to touch what ever it was, it was clear what ever that purple stuff was injected into Bee along with the green liquid after taking a second look at it I realised what it was.

Synthetic Energon


"Ah....Look your little friend is finally coming to save you for a second time after all these years. Years later after saving you once he has to save you again, I bet you feel weak."


"He already has BRAT! Now we wait until he makes his way here, you stay you move and one person in your family dies you try again and another and then the last one in you precious family that you've made"

"Don't touch my family!"

"Then stay like a good Human and don't move or cause trouble"

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