Don't Do It

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Bumblebee woke up and stretched while trying not to break anything in the small garage he once use to be able to stand up in. He found the old VHS tapes of breakfast club, he wished he could watch them but they didn't make stuff anymore like VHS tapes or the tv's that played them anymore. That was one thing Bee missed from the 80's. He moved around and decided he need to get out and actually stretch, he quickly found the button that opened the garage door and pressed it lightly making sure not to break it. Once it was open he walked out he felt the sun warm up his frame, he enjoyed it a lot.

If only he hadn't been to busy sun bathing he would have had time to hear the thing that was charging at him that tackled him to the ground.

Charlie lie in bed sleeping, she sat up when he heard the sound of something opening. She looked beside her to see Memo still asleep, she knew it wasn't her kids. She thought it was just her imagination after it was silent and she laid back down. Charlie jumped out of bed when there was a large crash that came from outside and shoot the house. Memo got up with her and they both rushed outside, they didn't see anything until they saw something sliver fly past them. It hit the ground with a clash, then it got up and both humans saw it was Bee, them a red and white figure charged Bee with a Blue figure behind it.

Charlie hugged Memo as she felt the ground shake. She quickly ran out to help the bot in trouble, she froze in her steps when she heard that god awful sound again the one she heard when Shatter held her captive and Bee rescued her.

Charlie found herself balled up and cowering like she was when she heard it the first time. Memo had rushed over to her to help her up, Charlie looked up to see the two figures that charged at Bee were backing away in fear. Charlie was able to get a good look at the bots who attacked Bee, a white and red one who had a Red Cross on the side of his arm. She remembered it from yesterday, It was Ratchet did he find Bee this morning? The one behind Ratchet was smaller than him with blue and pink colours. She then saw Bumblebee walking towards them growling he didn't look happy, the smaller one charged at Bee but it failed and he bit her waist pinning her. He held her down with his paws and looked ready to attack, before he could do so she ran out and stood on top of the pinned bot and waved at Bee.

"Bee don't do it! It's ok your ok, leave them be. All that matters is that I'm ok! Memo's ok as well so are Max and Delilah"

As Bee looked at Charlie she noticed his optics weren't blue but purple. Charlie saw something behind Bumblebee, she tried to warn him but there was no time. A needle was plunged into his spinal strut causing him to yelp in pain, he quickly turned to Ratchet a growled at him but Bee soon collapsed to the ground. The human looked up at the bot who held the needle, the needle had a purple substance in it. The bot that was under Bee got up and rushed over to the passed out figure and picked up his helm.


"I had to it was the only way to get the dark energon out"


"He'll be fine in and hour or two. Now get over here so I can wield your wounds"

Charlie looked at the female bot as she gently set down Bee helm and walked over to Ratchet she had puncture wounds along her waist from Bumblebee. The female bot kept a close optic on Bee, after Ratchet foxes her he picked up the sleeping giant and placed him in the garage. He turned and apologised to the two humans, the other bot didn't seem to happy about it though. Charlie forgave them and Ratchet explained everything that happened and after that Charlie and Memo went back into their house to feed their children and get dress and what not while Ratchet and Arcee waited for Bee to wake up.

Bee soon awoke a little dizzy he sat up hitting his helm on something he heard someone yelp in pain. As his vision became more clear he saw Ratchet holding his chin, guess Bumblebee must have accidentally hit him. The medic growled at Bee but Bee growled back remembering how Ratchet had drove a needle into his spinal strut earlier as Ratchet went to grab a wrench to throw at Bee, Bumblebee nipped him on the arm and Bee continued until Ratchet eventually gave up. Primus how Ratchet wanted to throw a wrench at Bee so badly.

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