Chapter 12-Winter break

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Clementine's POV

So its Friday. School already ended the group is just talking about random shit when Vi says-

"You guys want to go on another group trip?"
"Sure. I missed the last one" Louis said
"Where are we going exactly?" Sophie asked
"Well since winter break is coming up.." Minnie said "We could go to a ski lodge!"
Everyone got so excited
"Dont get too excited. We gotta ask out parents first" I spoke up
"Oh yeah.." Violet said "damn forgot about that"
"Wait will it be just us?" Sophie asked "no adults coming?"
Then we heard Brody hang up from the phone
"Nope my Mom will supervise us!" Brody said smiling
"Whew!" Minnie said relieved "at least some of us wont get into any trouble" she eyes Mitch and Marlon
"Whatever" Mitch said "Could siblings come? My lil bro Willy might wanna come"
"Sure" Violet replied "but we are gonna have to invite some new friends"
"Like who?" I asked
"Lila of course. Since she's your girlfriend" she looked at Louis "Then a guy named Gabe and his sister Mariana "

When I heard Violet say his name I started shaking and sweating

"You okay Clem?" Violet asked
"Y-yeah Im fine.." I told her..I wanted to tell them about what happened with me and Gabe but I just stayed silent. Then Lee calles me and said me and louis have to go

"C-Come on Louis..Lee is calling us" I tugged on his coat
"Sure im coming" he said "see you guys soon"

Me and Louis left to the parking lot and we went into the car

When we got home I told Louis
"Mind telling Lee about the trip? Im too tired to ask" And I went into my room

Louis's POV

Something's wrong with Clem..Is she really tired? Or is something actually wrong?

I went to Lee in the kitchen

"Hey Lee" I greeted him
"Oh hey Louis! Need anything?" He asked
"No but.. Our group of friends set up a trip to a ski lodge for 5 days. Me and Clem were wondering if we could go. Maybe take AJ with us too?"
"Hmm.." he thought "Will there be any adults?"
"Mhm. Brody's Mom"
"Okay sure. They could use the time with friends" he said with a smile
"Thank you"
I started walking away when
"Hey Louis.."
I turned around
"Make sure to sweep her off her feet" he winked
I blushed and went over to Clem's room
I knocked on her door and heard a faint "come in"
I went inside and closed the door behind me and saw her laying on her bed looking like she was about to sleep
"Hey Clem"
"Hey Lou. What did Lee say?"
"He said we could go. And take AJ with us"
"Hey Clem...Are you okay?"
"Hm? Me? Im fine...Why?"
"I dont know you just seen kinda off today after school"

Clementine's POV

He was right.. I wanted to tell him something was wrong but I would just ruin the fun for everyone..
"Nah im just tired.." I replied
"You sure?"
We ate dinner, packed and went to sleep

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