Chapter 14- Thinking about you

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Clementine's POV

I woke up when we hit a speed bump

"Oh shoot. Sorry Clementine" Brody's Mom told me
"Its okay Mrs. Cruz.."
"No need for that Mrs. It makes me feel old" she giggles "You can call me Sasha"

I look outside at the beautiful view. Its 10 am. Everyone is asleep but then..

"Psst.. Clem" I hear from my side
I look over to Violet
"Whats up?"
"I uh..."
She gets up and whispers in my ear
"Im on my period and I ran out of pads.."
"Oh shit.."
I slowly put the armrest up and lay AJ down
"Dont worry I have some
I quickly snatch one out of my backpack and put it in my long sleeve
Violet goes to the bathroom in the back and I quickly give it to her

A few minutes later

"Holy shit Clem thanks" she smiles at me "if you ever need anything call me. You just saved me from total embarrassment"
"Its no problem Vi"
We both go back to our seats

Time skip to night

"Okay everyone" Brody's mom tells us "We're gonna camp out for the first night"
"Omg hell yes i love camping" Mariana says excitedly
Brody's mom sets up the tents and makes a fire

"Hey guys.." Ruby says "Look at the stars"
Everyone looks up
"Woah.."Lila gasps "thats beautiful"
"Reminds me of-" Minnie gets cut off
"S-Shush.."Violet says while her face is red and hugging her knees"
Minnie and Sophie giggle
"Couple goals" Sophie smiles
Everyone keeps on looking at the stars
Then Brody comes out with a bag
"Whats that?" Mitch asks
She opens it and spills the contents.
Its s'mores ingredients
"Hell yeah!" AJ says with excitement
Everyone starts making s'mores

"Can we do a s'mores making competition? If we do can i be the judge?" Sophie says innocently
"You just wanna eat our s'mores" Omar says
"Guilty" Sophie smiles
"Mine is way better than yours" Mariana states
"Nope Mine is better" Gabe talks back
"But Im better than both of you" AJ says eating his perfect looking s'mores
"Woah watch out Omar" Marlon laughs
After making and eating the smores

AJ,Willy and Tenn yawn at the same time and they laugh
"I think its your bedtime AJ" I tell AJ
"You too Willy and Tenn" Sophie says
"Two more minutes?" AJ begs
"If you sleep late you wont be able to hit Louis with snowballs tomorrow" Aasim chuckles
"Okay we'll go to sleep" Willy says
"The tents fit two people." Mrs. Sasha said "So.. Sophie and Tenn. Violet and Minnie. Gabe and Mariana. Lila and Louis. Mitch and Willy. Omar and Marlon. Ruby and Aasim. Clementine and AJ. And finally Me and Brody"
I heard a sigh from Marlon and laughed
"Whats so funny?" Minnie asked
I pointed over to Marlons sad expression
She giggled

We all went to sleep after awhile
Me and AJ got in our sleeping bags and slept..

Around 1am...

I woke up and saw AJ shivering. I removed my jacket despite how cold it was and put it over him. He seemed to stop after that. I couldnt go back to sleep so I went outside It was 1:03 am and the snow started lightly falling. Everyone was asleep. I saw a hill near the campsite. It was just a small but you could see it peeking out of the trees. I went over

I sat ontop of the hill and watched the stars.. laying down on a blanket i brought..Almost falling asleep while watching the stars.. Then I heard a voice

"Well thats not such a good idea to be out in the snow without a coat"
I jumped and looked behind me.. It was Louis
"Oh Hey Lou.. Why are you awake?"
"I could ask you the same thing" he walked closer to me
"I asked first" He sat down next to me
"I heard AJ crying in his sleep so I went to check on him. When I went inside you weren't there. Dont worry he stopped crying"
"I couldnt go back to sleep. So I just came up here"
I looked back up at the stars
I started to shiver
"Fuck I should go back.."
I almost stood up to leave when Louis put his coat over me
Not even gonna lie..I kinda blushed. But I had to snap out of it..He's with Lila..
His coat was warm and cozy..It smelt like really expensive body wash. It was a lavender scent..
"W-what about you?"
"Im good. That coat is too warm for me. It looks good on you" he smiled
I blushed,looked down and looked back at the sky
I looked at my phone and it was almost 2 am
"We should get going" I said while standing up "Its almost 2"
"Well okay then." He looked kinda sad but he stood up anyway "Lets go"

We were walking back to the camp
Even with Louis's coat my hands were freezing. I felt like Elsa or some shit. He must've noticed because he held my hand for awhile. It was so warm. I wanted to hold it forever..My face was red both from the cold and the blushing
Before I went back I gave his coat back. We both smiled and went back to sleep. I easily fell asleep..He was such a gentleman <3

I almost fainted making this story and re-reading this for mistakes. <3 <3 <3

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