Chapter 6

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-3 months later-

Today's the day we get to figure out our baby's gender.

"Are you ready Pay?" Jeff asks.

"Yes." I say grabbing his hand.

He lifts up my hand to his lips and kisses it. I smile at him and kiss him.

"I love you. And I love you too little bean." Jeff says bending down to kiss my stomach.

"I love you too Jeff." I say running my hands through his hair.

He stands up and kisses me again. We walk to his car and drive to the doctor's office.

"Hi, I'm here for an appointment with Dr. Foster." I say.

"Name?" The man asks.

"Paisley Gonzalez." I say.

"Okay. We'll call your name when she's ready." He says.

I nod my head and we walk over to the chairs. We sit there for five minutes before they call my name.

"Paisley Gonzalez." He says.

We stand up and Jeff quickly interlocks our hands.

"Hi Paisley. Hi Jeff." Dr. Foster says shaking our hands.

"Hi Dr. Foster." I say.

"Let's go back to the ultrasound room." She says leading us back.

We make it to the room and I lay down. She puts the cream on my stomach and grabs the scanner.

"Are you guys ready to find out your baby's gender?" She asks.

"Yes we are." We say.

"Okay, well it looks like you're having a girl." She says.

I look at Jeff who was smiling and crying. I smile at him and he looks down at me.

"I'm so happy. I'm gonna protect you babygirl." He says looking at my stomach.

"Okay, well that's all for this appointment. The baby seems to be really healthy so I'll see you at the next appointment." She says.

I clean off my stomach and pull my shirt down. Jeff helps me up and we leave.

We go over to David's house and see everyone there.

"Okay good, you're all here. We found out the gender of the baby." I say.

"It's a boy. I got a feeling." Todd says.

"Well, you're feeling is wrong. It's a baby girl." Jeff says.

They all start screaming and jumping around. David was filming everyone's reaction while laughing.

"Holy fuck!" Erin says.

She runs up to me and hugs me.

"Yes. I'm so happy. I really wanted it to be a girl. So do you guys have any names?" Carly asks.

"None yet." I say.

Scott and Kristen come up and hug us. Jonah, Dom, and Vardan shake our hands. Liza hugs us smiling and congratulates us.

Matt, Jason, and Trisha hug us while Trisha had tears of joy in her eyes.

"Congratulations guys." Heath says hugging me.

"Congrats baby. Love you guys." Zane says hugging me and then Jeff.

"Thanks Zane." I say.

"Yay! I'm gonna have a baby cousin." Teddy says hugging me, "I love you princess."

I Love You - Jeff Wittek Where stories live. Discover now