Chapter 12

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"Baby, it's time to wake up. It's noon." I hear Jeff say.

I open my eyes slowly and look up at him grinning. He kisses me and a smile comes to my face.

"Good morning sunshine (I had to put this in. When I spent a week in Tennessee with my church three girls would say goodmorning sunshine to me and my friends)." He says.

"Good morning." I say slightly laughing.

I see Hailey standing next to the bed smiling with this outfit on:

"Happy birthday princess." I say picking her up.

"Thanks mommy." She says kissing my cheek.

She kisses my stomach and smiles.

"Hi baby." She says.

She giggles before jumping off the bed. She runs away and it's just me and Jeff laying in our bed.

"Okay, when is everyone coming?" I ask.

"Um, they should be arriving around 2." He says.

I nod my head and get dressed in this:

I put my now mint green hair up into a messy bun and do my makeup like this:

"You look amazing." Jeff says wrapping his arms around my waist from behind.

"Come here for a second Hailey!" I yell.

I hear the sound if feet running down the hall and see Hailey standing at the door shortly. I pick her up and put her on the bathroom counter.

I grab some pink eyeshadow and put some on her eyelids. I put some mascara on and then some pink tinted lip gloss.

"I look pretty." She says grinning at herself in the mirror.

"You always look pretty." I say kissing her head.

"Thanks mommy." She says.

"Did mommy do your makeup?" Jeff asks poking his head into the bathroom.

Hailey nods her head excitedly. Jeff picks her up and takes her to the living room while I brush my hair and then put it into a braid.

I walk out to the living room and see Hailey sitting on the couch watching Finding Nemo with Jeff.

"Princess, Uncle Dave, Uncle Todd, Aunt Ellie, and Teddy will be here soon." I say.

She jumps up and down smiling and laughing.

"Yay! Will my friends be here?" She asks.

"Yep. Indy, Harlow, and Harper will be here. I think Wilder, Hunter, Gray, and Dexter will be here too." I say smiling at her.

She blushes slightly when I say Wilder's name. I grin at her and kiss her cheek.

"Do you like Wilder?" I ask smiling.

She slowly nods her head while looking down. After that I hear a knock on the door and open it up. I see Wilder standing there with his mom behind him.

Wilder goes over to Hailey while his mom sets down the gift on the table.

"Happy birthday Hailey." Wilder says smiling at her.

"Thank you Wilder." She says blushing.

Wilder kisses her cheek making her go even more red. Hailey wraps her arms around him and puts her head on his shoulder making Wilder turn slightly red.

Around half an hour later, everyone arrives with their gifts.

"Hailey, it's time for gifts." I say.

She starts jumping around making me laugh. I grab her and put her in a chair next to the gifts.

After she opens all the gifts we eat the birthday cake.

"Oh wait, I still got another gift for Hailey." David says.

He quickly gets up and grabs Hailey taking her outside. We all follow and hear Hailey scream. We see her standing next to a kids motorized car. It was a black Lamborghini and to be honest, I'm shocked.

"Thank you Uncle Dave!" Hailey exclaims hugging him.

"David." I say still a little shocked.

"Thank you SeatGeek for helping me buy Hailey a car." David says to his camera jokingly.

We all laugh but the little kids are confused, well all of them besides Hailey because she's known him her whole life.

I shake my head while laughing still. We head back inside and finish eating the cake.

Around 5 PM, almost everyone is gone. Wilder was the only one left and he was gonna stay the night for the next couple of days because his mom was having a baby.

"Wilder and Hailey! Dinner time!" I yell.

They run into the dining room and sit down at the table. Jeff sits down next to them and I give them their plates.

Dinner consisted of fruit salad and mac and cheese, which is Hailey's favorite meal.

When we finish we all go sit on the couches and watch a movie. Wilder and Hailey were laying on one couch while Jeff and I were on the other.

Around 9 I see Wilder and Hailey asleep on the couch. I smile and grab Hailey. I put Hailey in her bed while Jeff puts Wilder in the extra bed we have.

We go back out to the living room and shortly after I get a call from Ellie.

I set up my phone and wave to her.

"You'll never guess what just happened." Ellie says grinning.

"What?" I ask getting excited.

"I'm pregnant!!" She screams.

I tell her to quiet down because of Wilder and Hailey sleeping.

"Did I hear you were pregnant?" Jeff asks not in frame.

"Yes you did, now butt out." She says.

He snickers before turning his attention back to the movie.

"So, did you tell David?" I ask.

"Of course, he was the first person I told." She says giving me a look making me laugh.

"Oh shit, you know what I just realized? Me and you are pregnant at the same time." I say.

"Holy shit we are! That's so funny because we always said we weren't gonna be like those best friends who got pregnant together and here we are." She says laughing.

I laugh as well remembering out 14 year old selves.

"Well, I have to go." She says.

"Okay bye Ellie." I say.

"Bye." She says.

"Bye Paidoh!" David yells.

"Bye DaveMan." I say waving to them.

I hang up and turn off my phone.

"Ready to sleep?" Jeff asks.

I nod my head and go to our bedroom. I put on a Clickbait hoodie and black shorts.

I decide to pick out my outfit for tomorrow. I pick out the black and yellow Vlog Squad hoodie and some yellow shorts that match the yellow on the hoodie. I put some black high top Converse next to it and then get into bed.

I end up closing my eyes and quickly falling asleep.

I Love You - Jeff Wittek Where stories live. Discover now