Chapter 8

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-a few days later-

-Jeff's POV-

I slowly open my eyes and look at Paisley who was still asleep in my arms. I kiss her cheek and she opens her eyes.

"Good morning princess." I say.

"Good morning." She says.

"You get to go home today. Are you excited?" I ask.

She nods her head while she stretches slightly. She turns around and kisses me.

"I gotta go shower. Can you get out her outfit for today?" She asks.

"Yeah of course. Go shower, I got it." I say.

She gives me a small smile before getting up and grabbing her necessities and heading to the shower.

I grab this outfit for Hailey and smile at it:

I grab this outfit for Hailey and smile at it:

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I grab Hailey and smile at her.

"You're gonna look so cute in this." I say kissing her cheek.

I put her in it and lay her down on the hospital bed on a blanket. I make sure we have everything that was in our bag and go back to the bed when I'm done. I lift up Hailey and lay down.

I lay her gently on top of my chest and she falls asleep. I kiss her head and hold her there.

Around 15 minutes later, Paisley comes back in looking awake and refreshed.

She puts her toiletries and towel in the bag before coming over to us. She smiles and takes a picture of me and Hailey. She leans over and kisses me and then Hailey on the head.

"You guys are so cute together." Paisley says.

"Well so are you and Hailey when you're together." I say.

"Well, I think I'm all ready to go." She says.

"Okay. Well, let's go then." I say.

I get up and put Hailey in her carrier. I grab our bags that we have and Paisley grabs Hailey's carrier.

We walk to where we needed to check out and do that quickly.

"Alright, you're all ready to go. Take care guys." The man says.

"Thank you." I say before we walk away.

I see David in the parking lot so we head over there.

"Hey guys. I'm taking you guys home." He says.

"Okay. Thanks man." I say.

He grabs the bags from my hand and puts them in the trunk. Paisley sets up Hailey's seat and gets in next to her.

-Paisley's POV-

I sit down next to Hailey's car seat and put the pacifier in her mouth. I smile at her and tickle her a little bit.

"I love you babygirl." I say kissing her head.

She grins behind the pacifier and I see Jeff looking back at us smiling. David backs out and drives to our home.

We get there and get out seeing that all of our friends were there.

"Congratulations!" Everyone says.

I smile and laugh at them as they all say that in there own special way. I laugh at Zane who was on the floor.

"How did that even happen?" I ask.

He shrugs his shoulder before getting up. I take Hailey and put her in her crib and everyone gets to see her.

After they all leave Hailey falls asleep. Jeff takes me to our room shuts the door.

"This time, I'm locking it." He says.

"Yeah, cause you never know what will happen." I say.

He kisses me and guides us over to the bed. We fall onto the bed so I'm on top of him. He rolls over so he's on top.

He continues to kiss me before I hear something. Jeff pulls away and screams.

He looks down at his leg and so do I only to see a yellow paint mark on his pants.

"What the fuck?!" He exclaims looking at the person who shot him.

We see David who was laughing and filming us. He gives Jeff a hundred bucks receiving a glare.

"Fuckhead." Jeff mumbles.

David unlocks the door and leaves. I get up and lock it going back to the bed. He looks up at me and pulls me onto his lap.

"I've waited 9 long ass months." He says.

"Sorry, you gotta wait at least a week." I say.

He groans but kisses me again. He rips off our shirts and I pull away.

"No. I told you, a week." I warn.

"Why?" He whines.

"I gotta heal. I mean, I just had a baby after all." I say.

He thinks about and shrugs his shoulders before I get off.

I grab my shirt and out it back on. U throw Jeff his but he just lets it fall to the floor.

"What, so you're gonna go around shirtless?" I ask.

He smirks at me and nods his head. He lifts me up and carries me out to the couch.

He puts me on his lap and holds me there. I lean my head on his shoulder but that doesn't last long before Hailey starts crying.

I get up and go to Hailey's room. I get in there and pick her up. I take out her pacifier out and start feeding her. Jeff walks in and puts his arms around my waist and his head on my shoulder.

I grin at him as I finish feeding Hailey. I lay her down and she quickly falls asleep.

"I'm tired baby." I say.

Jeff picks me up and takes me to our room. He sets me down and I put on my pjs.

I put on my light blue shirt and my light blue shorts that match it. Jeff throws on some black joggers and a white shirt.

I climb into bed and Jeff jumps into bed after me. He turns off the lights and wraps his arms around me. He kisses my cheek and leans his head on my shoulder.

"I love you so damn much." He says.

"I love too baby. I still can't believe we met because of our idiot friends David and Ellie." I say.

"I know. David had told me that there would be another girl and that I might find her cute so he had me come. When I first saw you, I knew I liked you. When I saw you, you were gorgeous and even still you are. I'm so lucky I have you in my life. I love you." He says.

"I love you too." I say smiling with slight tears in my eyes.

We fall asleep in each others arms.

I Love You - Jeff Wittek Where stories live. Discover now