Chapter 25

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A/N: there's only 5 more chapters left so there are going to be several time skips. I'm thinking about making a sequel but based off of one of the kids. The time skips are going to be leading up until Hailey is 18 

-time skip: 7 years-

"Mommy wake up!" Eli yells jumping on me.

"Ow. Eli, your eight buddy, you can't do that." I say groaning.

"Sorry mommy." He says hugging me tightly.

I kiss his cheek and he gets up.

"You ready for school?" I ask.

He nods his head.

"Are your siblings ready for school?" I ask raising my eyebrow.

He shakes his head no and I laugh.

"Go tell them to get ready." I say with a sigh.

He nods his head and runs off. I feel the urge to vomit, so I run to the bathroom and vomit. When I finish, i sit up and rub my stomach.

There's a small bump and I smile down at it.

"Mama can't wait to meet you little bean." I say.

"You okay babe?" Jeff asks from outside of the door.

"Yeah, just morning sickness." I say.

"Um, just so you know, Hailey and her boyfriend are kind of sorta naked in bed together." He says from outside.

"Seriously?! She's only thirteen! She can't be doing that with a boy yet." I say.

"Yeah, I already yelled at her a little bit." He says.

"Did you see any protection anywhere in the room? Or even an empty wrapper?" I ask.

"I'm not sure." He says.

I hear him walk away and then he comes back.

"Yeah, there was an empty wrapper on the floor and a used condom in her trash can." He says.

"I'm assuming they're dressed now?" I ask.

"Yeah. Are you gonna take them to school?" He asks.

"Yep. I'm gonna take a quick shower and then get dressed and I'll be ready to go. Can you make breakfast for when I get back?" I ask standing up and peaking my head out the door.

"Sure. Are you craving anything babe?" He asks.

I shake my head and peck his lips.

"The kids already ate breakfast." He says.

I nod my head before closing the door and locking it. I strip off my clothes and hop in the shower.

When I finish in the shower, I curl my brown hair and let it hand loose. I put on a Dodgers jersey and black leggings. I slip on my black Converse as well and head out of the bathroom.

"Hailey! Come in here for a second! You too Jackson!" I yell.

They walk in looking ashamed with their heads held low.

"Did you two really think it was a good idea to do what you did last night?" I ask.

"No mom. And I'm sorry, but we still used protection." She says.

"I know, your father told me, but I'm still very disappointed in you. And Jackson, you should've known not to do that. You're fifteen so you should've known better." I say.

"I'm sorry Mrs. Wittek." He says.

"Alright, go get your shoes on. We're about to go." I say.

They nod their heads and run out of the room. I walk out following them and see Canyon looking pale.

"Mama, I don't feel to good." He says right before he gets sick on the floor.

"Oh, baby. Go the bathroom. Jeff watch him while I take the other kids to school." I say and Jeff nods his head kissing my cheek before checking on Canyon.

"Eli! Time to go!" I yell and Eli comes running in.

All three had their backpacks on and we head outside to the car. We go pick up Jacob and head to the high school.

I drop of Jackson and Hailey and then go drop of Jacob and Eli.

I go back home and head inside. I walk into the bathroom and see Canyon hunched over the toilet vomiting.

"Oh, baby. I'm so sorry you feel sick." I say.

Canyon wipes his mouth and looks up at me. He gives me a weak smile and I wrap my arms around him.

"It's okay mama. I love you." He says.

"I love you too baby." I say kissing the top of his head.

Canyon leans into my arms and his eyes start closing.

"Canyon, go get some sleep baby." I say.

He nods his head and we get up. I follow him into his room and make sure he gets into bed safe.

Once he lays down and falls asleep, I turn off the light and close the door quietly. I go into the kitchen and see Jeff sitting at a chair on his phone.

"Hey babe. Breakfast is at your spot." He says standing up.

"Thanks baby. Little bean is getting hungry." I say with a laugh.

Jeff laughs and smiles at me. He puts his hands on waist and kisses me. He continues to peck my lips and then gives me a couple small kisses on my neck.

"Go eat babygirl and then we can watch movies all day with Canyon." He says kissing me one last time.

I nod my head and go eat my food. As I start eating it, I see Jeff putting on The Princess Bride.

"I love that movie!" I say with a gasp.

"I know you do babe, that's why I put it on." He says with a laugh.

I quickly finish my breakfast so I can go watch the movie. When I'm done, I clean my dish and then go jump onto the couch next to Jeff. I climb onto his lap and lean my head back onto his shoulder.

He places a small kiss on my cheek and I smile as he wraps his arms around my waist.

-3:30 PM-

I just arrived at the kids schools and see Hailey and Eli. Eli comes running to the car and Hailey walks behind him.

"Hi guys." I say giving them a smile.

"Hi mom." Hailey says.

"Hi mama." Eli says.

They hop in the car and we drive home, after getting a couple Frosty's for us, Canyon, and Jeff.

We get home and eat our Frosty's before watching more movies.

-later that night-

"Goodnight mama." Eli says with a yawn.

"Goodnight Eli." I say kissing his forehead.

Canyon and Hailey were already asleep so I head into my room. I see Jeff peacefully sleeping, so I quietly climb into bed next to him.

I wrap my arms around him and fall asleep.

I Love You - Jeff Wittek Where stories live. Discover now