Chapter 17

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I wake up when I feel a heavy weight in my stomach. I slowly open my eyes and see David laying on top of me.

I look at the time and see it's 10:45AM.

"David I gotta get up." I say groaning.

"No. Please don't leave." He pleads.

"I've already made up my mind David. I bought the tickets, my mom set up our rooms, and I've packed everything I'm taking." I say.

"Please. Don't leave." He says looking at me with tears in his eyes.

"I'm sorry David." I say.

"Well, then I'll just have to come visit you." He says sitting up next to me.

"You don't know where my mom lives." I say.

"I'll just ask Ellie." He says.

"Damn. Forgot she knew." I say.

David smiles at me before getting off my bed. I get up after him and tell him to get out so I can get ready.

I take a shower and dry my hair. I put it into a messy bun and then go get dressed.

I put on some black leggings, a grey halter top, and some black Nike shoes.

Once I finish, I go into Hailey's room and get her ready.

I give her a quick bath and put her hair into pigtails. She had already chosen her outfit which was denim shorts, a yellow hoodie, and some yellow Converse.

After that, I go into Canyon's room and see David had already gotten him ready.

"Thanks for getting him ready David." I say.

"No problem." He says handing me Canyon.

I grab him and take him to the dining room. I put him in the high chair and give him a bottle with milk in it. He grabs hit and he starts drinking it.

Hailey was sitting in her chair waiting patiently for me to give her food. I hand her a bowl of yogurt with fruit in it and she eats it.

I make myself a bowl of yogurt and fruit and eat it as well. David sits in a chair on his phone waiting for us to finish.

I get a text and look at it.

DaveMan: we're gonna miss you Paidoh

Zane: don't leave

Heath Bar: we're begging you.

Erin: noooooo

Carly: take me with you. I don't wanna be stuck with these people.

Jeff: please don't leave Paisley

Paisley: sorry guys, I already made up my mind. We have our bags packed and tickets. We'll miss you guys.

Ellie: I'm gonna miss you girl.

Paisley: I'm gonna miss you too Ellie

DaveMan: what about the rest of us?

Paisley: I'll miss you all too

Todd: don't go.

Paisley: sorry guys. See you at some point in the future. Love you guys❤❤

DaveMan: we love you too

I turn off my phone and look up at David who was wiping his eyes.

"Come here David." I say.

He gets up and walks over to me. I stand up and he hugs me tight. He cries onto my shoulder. I feel a small arm wrap around my leg and I look down and see Hailey hugging my leg and David's leg.

I Love You - Jeff Wittek Where stories live. Discover now