Chapter 21

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I wake up to small kisses on my neck and jaw. I smile and turn around looking into Izzy's bright blue eyes.

He goes to kiss my cheek but his lips land on mine. I put my hands on either side of his face and pull him closer in order to deepen the kiss. He slides his hand down to my butt and grabs it. I let out a small moan and he takes that as a sign to slip his tongue into my mouth.

We continue to make out until I hear my door open and someone make a gagging noise.

"Gross mommy." Hailey says.

I pull away from Izzy and laugh. He laughs too and picks up Hailey.

"Who are you?" Hailey asks.

"I'm Izayah, but I go by Izzy. What's your name?" He asks.

"Hailey." She says smiling.

"Well it's nice to meet you Hailey." He says.

"Do you like my mommy?" She asks.

"Yeah I do. I like your mommy a lot." He says smiling at me and her.

I blush and hide my face in his chest. I feel a kiss on my head and hear little feet running away and then a door close.

I lift my head up and look back into Izzy's eyes. He places a small kiss on my lips before getting up.

He stretches and I notice his muscles flexing.

"Like what you see babe?" He asks with a smirk.

I hum in response and he grins at me. He throws on a shirt and I frown.

"I liked it better when you were shirtless." I say.

"Well that's just gonna have to wait." He says.

He picks me up making me laugh and scream. He sets me down and hands me one of my oversized shirts.

"Cover up baby." He says kissing my cheek.

I take off my tank top and put on the shirt. I put on some athletic shorts and jump into Izzy's arms. He stumbles back but manages to keep his balance. He puts his hands under my thighs and grins at me.

He pushes me against the door and I hear it click. His eyes fill with lust as he kisses me.

He moves down to my neck and starts to suck on it. I let out a small moan as he starts to suck on my sweet spot. He slips off his shirt and then does the same with mine.

He takes us over to the bed and we fall down. He straddles me and continues to kiss me.

"Baby I love you so much, let me show you how much I do." He says quietly smirking at me.

I nod my head and kiss him.

-Hailey's POV-

"Daddy, do you have to go?" I ask.

"Unfortunately I do princess. I'm gonna miss you so much." He says.

He picks me up and hugs me tight. He kisses my cheek and I smile.

"I'm gonna miss you too daddy. Wait, can we see if mommy will let me go with you?" I ask.

"Sure, but let's wait until she comes out here." He says.

"What about Canyon?" I ask.

"He should stay here with mommy." He says.

"Okay. Can we go for a run around the block?" I ask.

"Of course princess." He says smiling.

I jump up and down and go put on some pink shorts and a white shirt with a rainbow on it.

I Love You - Jeff Wittek Where stories live. Discover now