Chapter 23

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-Unknown POV-

Every part of me hurts. I need to get out of here, but he won't let me. He hurts me everyday and I can't take it anymore.

I'm not strong enough to beat him and, so for now, and maybe a couple more years until I'm stronger, I'll be stuck here with him...

-Paisley's POV-

It's been a year since we got the news of Hailey's death.

I had a healthy baby boy on December 8th. His name is Elias Jay Wittek, even though he is Izzy's son, we gave him Jeff's last name, because Jeff is going to be the only man in his life he knows as dad. We call him Eli for short and he's adorable.

He has bright blue eyes like his father and blonde hair. He looks quite a bit like Izzy, but he still looks a little like me.

I get up slowly and stretch. I walk out of the bedroom and into the bathroom. I do my business and wash my hands before heading into Canyon and Eli's room.

I see Eli awake and walk over to him smiling.

"Hi baby. You hungry?" I ask although I know he can't answer.

I feed him quickly and then put him in his baby bouncer.

I go over to Canyon and gently wake him up. I kiss his cheek and he wakes up.

"Mama." He says rubbing his eyes and giving me a small smile.

"Hi buddy." I say picking him up.

Canyon's almost two, but he's still very clingy. He's also quite smart for his age and I'm proud of him.

"How did you sleep?" I ask.

"Good mama. How bout you?" He asks with a yawn.

"Haha, good buddy." I say laughing.

"Mama, I miss Hailey." He says with a frown.

"I know. Mama misses her too." I say.

He wraps his arms around my neck and hugs me. I feel tears fall onto my shoulder and I rub his back in an attempt to calm him down.

I hear feet padding on the floor and Jeff walks in. He gives me and Canyon a confused yet sorrowful look.

"What's up buddy?" He asks Canyon.

"I-I miss H-Hailey." Canyon says.

"We all miss her buddy." Jeff says sighing.

He grabs Canyon, who holds him tight.

Eli makes fussing noises so I turn around and see his bright blue eyes have darkened and tears were filling them.

I pick him and gently bounce him in my arms. He starts to calm down and I kiss his cheek.

He starts giggling in my arms and I smile at him.

"I love you Eli." I say kissing his cheek.

"Mama, what are we gonna have for breakfast?" Canyon asks.

"Yogurt parfaits." I say.

"That sounds yummy." He says jumping up and down.

"Go sit down at the table. Jeff, set the table." I say and they nod their heads.

They head out of the room and I follow them. I put Eli in a play pen near the table and then go get the ingredients we want ready.

I put some yogurt in a bowl for Canyon and some fruit. I give him the bowl with a spoon and he gladly accepts it.

Jeff and I make our own bowls and sit with Canyon, eating our breakfasts and talking with each other.

"Canyon, your birthday is tomorrow. Are you excited?" I ask.

He nods his head excitedly and I smile at him. His bowl was empty by this time so I go to clean it out.

"So, are we gonna have Canyon start preschool?" I ask Jeff.

"I think it's a good idea. He needs to socialize, and since he's gonna be two tomorrow, we could start him next school year." He says.

"That sounds like a good plan, but I'm concerned for how he's gonna react. He's very clingy, so he might be upset." I say.

"Yeah, but maybe this will help his clinginess go away." Jeff suggests.

"Maybe. We could go take a tour of the preschool sometime soon." I say.

"Definitely." He says.

I finish the dishes and go see Canyon playing with Eli. I smile at them and sit down with them. Eli crawls over to me and into my lap and Canyon joins shortly after, resting his head on my chest.


"Canyon just fell asleep and I'm working on Eli. I'll be finished in here soon and can help wrap presents soon." I say.

Jeff nods his head and I head back into the boys' room. I feed Eli and rock him once he finishes.

I lay him down in his crib and put his blanket over him. I put a pacifier in his mouth and and he slowly starts closing his eyes.

I kiss his head and he falls asleep. I turn off the light and close the door quietly. I go into our room and sit down on the floor.

I help wrap some presents and Jeff does the rest of them.

"So, Canyon's gonna be two. He's too big now." I say with a sigh.

"Yeah. It's crazy to think that." Jeff says.

"Do you wanna watch Heathers?" I ask suddenly.

"Sure." He says as he finishes the last present.

I turn on the TV and keep the volume down. I put on Heathers and climb onto the bed.

Jeff climbs in next to me and leans his head on my shoulder. He kisses my head and I smile.

"This is my favorite line." I say.

'Fuck me gently with a chainsaw.'

I laugh softly and look at Jeff who looks concerned.

"Why is that your favorite line?" He asks.

"Cause, it's funny." I say.

Jeff laughs and rolls his eyes. He kisses my head and we finish watching the movie.

When it's done we turn off the TV and I put on a white t-shirt and light blue shorts and climb into bed. Jeff joins and turns off the lights.

We fall asleep pretty soon because it had been a very tiring day... of doing nothing.

Author's Note: okay so my friend's and I made this bet that if Selina and Kaylynn can't find dates for me and Bryn for Homecoming in January, then Selina has to kiss Titus for 3.5 seconds and Kaylynn had to kiss Katelyn's hand for 2.8 seconds. Katelyn didn't want to do that so we need to find a new punishment for Kaylynn when they lose. Also Selina picked this picture for science and Mr. Hippie said "why did you pick that picturem?" And she answers with "cause it's pretty." So yeah. Very interesting day

I Love You - Jeff Wittek Where stories live. Discover now