Chapter 14

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-5 months later-

I open my eyes slowly and stretch, careful not to hit Jeff. I slowly get out of bed and slip on a hoodie. I slip on some socks and go into our son's room.

"Good morning bubba." I say picking up the small baby.

Let me catch you up, I gave birth to Canyon Mylo Wittek a month ago. He's the cutest little boy ever and I love him.

Canyon has blue eyes like me and brown hair like his father.

Canyon whines a little bit snapping me back into reality.

"Hungry bubba?" I ask smiling as I start to feed him.

"Good morning mommy." Hailey says walking into Canyon's room rubbing her eyes.

"Good morning princess." I say.

Recently we let Hailey dye the ends of her hair a light pink color and she had me do the same because she wanted to match.

"Hailey, go sit in the bathroom and wait for mommy. When I finish feeding Canyon, I'll come do you hair." I say.

She nods her head walking away. When I finish feeding Canyon, I put him in the playpen and then go to the bathroom.

I see Hailey sitting there on her pink stool we got for her, patiently waiting for me.

"Alright, what do want your hair to be princess?" I ask while wetting and brushing her hair.

"Um, two braids." She says smiling.

"Okay. What do you want for breakfast?" I ask.

"Cereal." She says.

"Okay. So, we're planning on going to the park today." I say.

She squeals, but remains in the same spot because she doesn't want her hair messed up.

"Can Wilder come?" She asks.

I sigh and set down the brush that was in my hand. She gives me a confused look as I bend down to her level.

"Sweetie, I'm sorry to say this, but Wilder moved away. He moved to Texas." I say.

"No. Why did he leave? Does he not like me?" She asks, tears falling down her face.

"Baby, no he liked you. You were his best friend, and he was really sad he had to go. His mommy got a job offer in Texas and they had to go." I say.

I stand up and finish up her hair and she still has tears in her eyes. When I finish, I pick her up and she cries on my shoulder.

I kiss the top of her head and sit down on the couch. My eyes soften as I realize she is still crying. I rub her back trying to calm her down.

I lift up her head and look at her.

"Mommy, I really liked him." She mumbles.

"I know you did princess." I say.

"I miss Wilder." She says.

"I think we all do princess." I say kissing her cheek.

She sighs as she gets off my lap.

"Mommy, I'm gonna go play with Canyon." She says walking away.

I nod my head as I go make her a bowl of cereal. I make myself one as well and put it in our places.

"Hailey, it's time to come eat." I say.

Hailey walks in with Canyon in her arms. She hands him to me and I put him in the highchair.

Canyon sits there playing with the toy tray we have for him since he can't eat solid foods yet.

I Love You - Jeff Wittek Where stories live. Discover now