Chapter 20

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I wake up to a text.

Izzy: hey Paisley. Heard you were back in Ohio. We need to meet up.

Paisley: hey Izzy. Missed you. Can you meet today at the mall at 11?

Izzy: yep. Can't wait to see you!

Paisley: I can't wait to see you either.

I turn off my phone smiling like an idiot.

"What are you smiling about?" Jeff asks peeking his head into my room.

"Nothing." I say.

"Hey, I'm gonna take the kids out today. Is that okay?" He asks.

"Yeah of course." I say.

"Sweet, they've eaten already and I'm gonna get them ready so we can go." He says kissing my cheek.

"Okay bye." I say.

He smiles at me but I look down at my phone grinning at it.

Let's just say, Izzy was my best friend in high school as well as Ellie. I developed feelings for him and now that I'm not sure about me and Jeff's relationship, I might be liking him again.

"Dang, I sound like a high schooler again." I say.

I check the time and it says 10:15. I get up and go take a quick shower. I throw on a Clickbait sweatshirt with some black shorts and black Converse.

I go eat breakfast and when I'm done it's 10:45.

I go get in my car and drive to the mall. I make it there by 10:57 and I'm pretty happy with myself.

I get out of my car and go inside to the food court.

Paisley: I'm in the food court

Izzy: Omg I see you!

I turn off my phone and see Izzy.

He's still the same. Dirty blond hair, bright blue eyes, and that amazing smile and personality.

I jump up and we run to each other. I jump into his arms and he stumbles to the ground with my hugging him still.

We're both laughing on the ground, not caring who is staring at us.

I get up and he follows me.

"I missed you so much." He says wrapping his arms around me.

"I missed you too Iz." I said.

"Wanna go watch a movie?" He asks.

"Yeah. What one?" I ask.

"Hustlers?" He asks.

"Sounds good." I say smiling at him.

He grabs my hand and we walk to the movie theater. We buy two tickets and go inside the theater.

We go to the back and sit down. Izzy places his hand in mine and squeezes it. He brings my hand up to his lips and kisses it.

I feel my face heat up and lean it against his shoulder.

The movie starts playing and my eyes are glued to the screen. Izzy's eyes however, are glued to me. I look over and him and he smiles.

He gets a little bit closer and grabs my face gently. He pulls me closer to him and soon, his soft lips are placed against mine.

I kiss back and smile into it. He pulls away and looks into my eyes.

"You have no idea how long I've been wanting to do that for." He says.

"I think I do, because I've wanted it to happen for a long time too." I say.

I peck his lips and lean my head back in his shoulder and watched the movie.

When the movie finishes I stand up and stretch. Izzy stands up and wraps his arms around my waist. He places a soft kiss against my lips with a smile.

"You wanna head back to my house?" I ask.

"Sure." He says.

"Can I get a piggyback ride?" I ask with puppy dog eyes.

"Of course. Anything for you." He says making me blush.

He crouches down and I get on his back. I wrap my legs around his waist and he puts his arms under them as I wrap my arms around his neck.

I give him a small kiss on the neck. I feel his grip tighten on my legs and we head outside.

We make it to my car and he sets me down.

"Do you have your car here?" I ask.

"No, I took an Uber here today." He says.

"Okay, then I hop in." I say smiling at him.

He gives me a grin as he gets in the passenger side. I get in the driver side and start the car.

On the way home he puts his hand on my upper thigh. He leans over and kisses my neck making me get chills.

We make it back to my house and get inside. We go into my room and fall onto my bed.

Izzy crawls on top of me with his legs on either side of me. He leans down and kisses me.

He rubs his hands on my sides making me grin into the kiss. Soon it becomes heated, and he has his shirt off and somewhere thrown in my room.

"Pai-" I hear someone say.

I break the kiss and look at the door. I see Jeff and he looks extremely hurt.

"Jeff, how was the day with the kids?" I ask.

"How could you do this to me?" He asks with a tear in his eye.

"Paisley, what does he mean? Are you cheating on him with me?" He asks.

"Izzy, he cheated on me and we're on a break right now. We're technically still married, but he is just visiting form California. I promise, I would never make you my side dick. And Jeff, we're not a thing right now, so you shouldn't even be this sad about it." I say.

Izzy gives me a small smile and kisses my cheek. Jeff looks heartbroken and slams the door shut, running away.

-Jeff's POV-

What I just saw, it ruined me. I love that girl with my whole heart and to see her kissing another man, it hurts me.

I want to be the one she kisses. She's supposed to be mine.

"Daddy, what's wrong?" Hailey asks giving me Canyon.

"Nothing princess." I say kissing her head giving her a small smile.

"Okay. Just know I always love you daddy. You're the best daddy ever." She says kissing my cheek.

"Wanna have a movie day?" I ask.

Hailey eagerly nods her head and I smile at her.

-later that night-
-Paisley's POV-

"Wanna do PG cuddling or rated R cuddling?" Izzy asks with a smirk.

"You weirdo. But PG cuddling, I'm not really in the mood for rated R cuddling. I'm pretty tired." I say with a yawn.

"Okay." He says.

He wraps his arms around my waist and kisses my cheek. I fall asleep quickly.

I Love You - Jeff Wittek Where stories live. Discover now