Chapter 15

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-Jeff's POV-

I haven't been able to fall asleep yet. I sit on the edge of the couch and run my fingers through my hair. I feel like my whole world just shattered. My daughter and wife are mad at me.

I decide to stand up and grab my stuff. I head into our room and see Paisley asleep.

I throw the blanket in the corner and put the pillow on the bed. I lay down next to her and wrap my arms around her waist.

"I'm sorry Paisley. I love you so much." I whisper.

-Paisley's POV-

"I'm sorry Paisley. I love you so much." Jeff whispers.

I turn around and look at him. I kiss him and smile.

"I'm sorry too J." I say.

He smiles and kisses me again. We end up falling asleep after.


I wake up and see Jeff had woken up and was out of the room. I get up and see he wasn't in the living room either.

Suddenly I hear talking and go find out where it's coming from. I go into Hailey's room and see him talking to her.

"I'm sorry princess." He says.

"Do you still love mommy?" Hailey asks.

"I will always love her. I will always love you and Canyon." He says kissing her head.

She wraps his arms around him and then looks up at me.

"Hi mommy." She says.

"Hi princess." I say.

"I'm hungry." She says.

"Let's go eat then." I say.

"I'll get Canyon." Jeff says.

I nod my head as I take Hailey out to the table. I set her down and give her bowl of yogurt and fruit.

Jeff hands me Canyon and I feed him and then put him in the playpen.

"I have to go grocery shopping after breakfast so can you watch the kids?" I ask.

"Yeah of course." Jeff says.

"Alright thanks." I say as I sit down with my breakfast.

When I finish I clean off my bowl and then go put on some clothes. I put on royal blue crop top, high waisted black ripped jeans, and some blue Converse.

I put my hair into a ponytail and grab my phone and wallet and then leave.

-Hailey's POV-

Mommy left a little bit ago and I was playing with Canyon when I heard daddy talking.

I get up and look into his room and see him talking to a girl. Daddy kisses her and then gets on top of her.

"Wait, I gotta get the door." He says meaning I should run away.

I run back to Canyon and pretend I never left that spot. I hear the door shut and a click showing he locked the door.

I hear strange noises coming from the room so I turn on the TV. I pick up Canyon and sit him on the couch. I then climb up next to him and put him on my lap so he doesn't fall.

I tickle him and he giggles making me smile. I kiss his cheek and return my focus to the TV.

Around 45 minutes later daddy comes out of the room sweaty with messy hair. I never see the girl emerge from the room and question myself as to where she went. I shrug my shoulders and put Canyon on the ground.

"Daddy! Canyon's tired!" I yell.

He comes into the room and picks him up. He takes him into his room and puts him in the crib.

Mommy arrives a little bit later and I run up to her.

"Can you help me with the bags?" She asks me.

I nod my head and run out to the car and grab two bags.

I take them inside and do it once more. Mommy grabs the rest and brings them inside. I shut the door behind her and help her put away everything.

"I'm gonna tell mommy about what I saw today." I think to myself.

"Mommy, I saw daddy kissing a girl. Then he shut the door and noises were coming out of the room." I say to her.

Daddy comes in with slightly wide eyes.

"You did what?" Mommy asks becoming angry.

"She's a little kid. It's just her imagination. She doesn't know what she's talking about." Daddy says nervously.

"No, I didn't imagine it. You said 'Wait I gotta get the door' when you were kissing her." I say giving him a confused look.

"I can't believe you!" Mommy yells.

-Paisley's POV-

"I can't believe you!" I yell.

"I promise you nothing happened." He says.

"Something definitely happened. I heard her scream your name. Did you hurt her?" Hailey asks.

"Hailey, baby, go into your room. I need to talk to daddy alone, but thank you for what you said." I say.

She nods her head before running off. I turn my attention back to Jeff and glare at him.

"You fucked a girl in our bed, while our children were home?!" I yell.

"N-no." He says nervously.

"Yeah right. Hailey doesn't lie a lot unless she did something wrong. Get out." I say.

"Baby listen-" He says.

"No, don't you 'baby' me. Get out, you cheated on me. Grab you stuff and go. I don't want you anywhere near my children." I say.

"They're my children too you know." He says.

"Yeah, but right now, that doesn't matter." I say.

Jeff leaves 15 minutes later with his stuff and I call Ellie and David over.

"What did he do?" Ellie asks me immediately.

"He cheated on me, fucked the girl in our bed while our children were home and he was supposed to be watching them, then Hailey tells me what happened. He then had the audacity to lie to me and say Hailey was imagining it all." I say.

"Hailey doesn't lie unless she's in trouble though." David says.

"I know that's what I told him. I hate him so much and I kicked him out." I say with tear falling down my cheeks.

"I'm so sorry Paisley." Ellie says hugging me.

"Me too Paidoh." David says giving me a small smile as he joined the hug.

"Thanks for being there for me guys." I say.

We ended up hanging out until late that night.

I just put Hailey to bed and Canyon was already asleep.

"Bye Paisley." Ellie says giving me one last hug.

"Remember, we're always here for you. Bye Paidoh." David says hugging me.

"Bye guys. Thanks again." I say.

I shut the door and head to my room. I see Hailey sitting on my bed.

"Can I sleep in here with you mommy?" She asks tiredly.

I nod my head and go to change. I come back and lay next to Hailey.

"Goodnight princess." I say kissing her head.

"Night mommy." She says quickly falling asleep.

I fall asleep soon as well.

I Love You - Jeff Wittek Where stories live. Discover now