Chapter 30

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A/N: there will be a lot of POV changes in this chapter

It's been twelve hours since I've been kidnapped, only twelve more hours to live. Jeff, please hurry up. I need your help.

-Jeff's POV-

My babygirl is going to be dead in twelve hours, and it'll be on me. I've tried tracking her phone, but it must be dead.

"Daddy?" Avery asks me looking up at me.

"What's wrong bean?" I ask.

"Where's mommy? I miss her." She says with tears in her eyes.

"I know, so do I. I'm trying to find her and the police are helping too." I tell her.

She starts to cry more and I pick her up holding her. She puts her head on my shoulder and cries onto it. I kiss her head and rub her back.

"We'll find her bean, I promise." I say softly.

"O-okay." She says rubbing her eyes.

I wipe her tears away and kiss her cheek before she goes to play with her siblings.

-10 hours left-

"Fuck." I say frustrated throwing my phone down.

"Dad, what's wrong?" Hailey asks.

"We can't find your mom." I saw with tears in my eyes.

"Dad, I believe in you guys." She says hugging me.

She kisses my cheek before leaving.

-Hailey's POV-

"Hailey, are you sure they'll find mom?" Eli asks.

Avery and Eli look at me with big, scared eyes and I can see tears in them.

"Yes. Canyon, you know they'll find mom right?" I ask.

"Yeah of course. Come here guys." Canyon says and they come over to us.

"You don't need to worry. They'll find her, but for right now, let's go get our minds off of this." I say to them.

"Okay, but what are going to do?" Eli asks.

"Let's go to Dave & Buster's." Canyon suggests.

"Sounds like a plan. Go get ready and I'll drive." I say.

I go put on a cropped Clickbait hoodie, white high waisted jeans, and maroon high top Converse.

I head back downstairs and grab the car keys.

"Dad! We're going out!" I yell.

"Alright, be safe! Love you guys!" He yells back.

"Love you too dad!" We all yell back.

-Jeff's POV-

-8 hours left-

I hear a knock at the door downstairs and run to open it.

"Jeff, we may have found her." A police officer says.

"Wait, really?" I ask becoming hopeful.

"Yes. May we come in?" He asks.

"Yeah, of course." I say letting them in.

They follow me inside and I shut the door before leading them to the living room.

"You said she was with a man named Ezra, who goes by the name of Izzy correct?" He asks.

"Yes. He took her while she was dropping off our youngest daughter at preschool." I say.

I Love You - Jeff Wittek Where stories live. Discover now