Chapter 10

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-1 1/2 years later-

"Wake up Pay." Jeff says kissing my cheek.

I smile but keep my eyes clothes. Jeff pecks my lips and I open my eyes. I roll over on top of him and kiss him.

"Good morning." I say.

"Good morning princess." He says kissing me again.

I smile at him and then hear the door open. I look back and see Hailey standing there with her thumb in her mouth.

"Hi baby." I say.

She smiles and walks over to us. I pick her up and set her next to me on the bed.

She hugs me and then hugs Jeff.

"Good morning daddy." She says kissing his cheek.

"Good morning baby." He says.

She cuddles up to him and closes her eyes as he wraps his arms around her.

"She's definitely a daddy's girl." I say laughing.

Jeff nods in agreement as he kisses Hailey's head.

This was the first morning Hailey's come in to cuddle with us since we got back from our honeymoon.

We had gone to Puerto Rico and Hailey had spent the week with Jeff's parents in Staten Island.

I get up and put on a pair of black shorts, a lavender shirt and lavender Converse. I pick up Hailey and take her to her room to change.

I put her in lavender onesie that had shorts and short sleeves instead of the typical onesie. I then put on a black leather jacket that Jeff insisted on getting for her and some black Converse.

Jeff walks in right as I finish in a white t-shirt, black leather jacket, black ripped jeans, and some black Converse. He smiles at me before picking up Hailey and putting her in her playpen.

Jeff goes to sit on the couch and he swiftly pulls me onto his lap. He places small kisses all over my neck.

"Hey gu- Damnit. Again?" David asks walking in with Todd following.

David had his camera on us and filming. I hide my face in Jeff's neck and smile. Jeff went a deep shade of red before flipping them off.

"Fuck you guys." Jeff says.

"No, that's what your wife is for." Todd says quickly covering his mouth.

"Todd, what the fuck?!" I scream.

"I'm so so sorry guys." He says.

"Um, yeah so apparently Todd just told all 12 Million of your subscribers we were married. So, yeah. Jeff and I got married a week ago. So yeah, that's the tea." I say with a sarcastic smile aimed towards Todd.

David turns off the camera and Jeff pushes Todd.

"Dude what the fuck?! We said we were gonna fucking tell them when we were ready!" Jeff says letting his Staten Island accent show.

"Bro, I'm so sorry." Todd says with a slight scared look on his face.

"Jeff, baby, calm down." I say grabbing his arm.

He quickly yanks his arm out of my grip and punches Todd in the face. Todd had gotten up but quickly fell to the ground as Jeff's fist collided with his face.

As soon as he falls I see blood on his jaw. Jeff looks at his hand and sees a little bit of his own blood and really red knuckles.

Hailey immediately starts crying and screaming and reaches out for me.

"Baby, it's okay. Mommy's here." I say kissing her cheek.

Jeff's eyes soften as he sees his crying daughter in my arms.

"Jeff, you made your daughter scared. Go to the bedroom and calm down now." I say.

Jeff nods and walks to our room. I set Hailey down and she goes over to Todd.

"Uncle Toddy, are you okay?" She asks quietly.

"Yeah, I am princess." He says kissing her forehead.

"Lemme look." She says referring to his injury.

He removes his hand and she touches near his injury. He winces and moves his head away from his fingers. Her eyes soften and she kisses his jaw.

"All better?" She asks in a cute tone of voice.

"All better princess." Toddy says giving her a small smile.

She gives him a hug before going back to me.

"Again, I'm so sorry Paisley." He says.

"You're okay, and Jeff will forgive you eventually. I mean, after all you are his best friend." I say.

I give him a reassuring smile and he hugs me after standing up. David was filming Hailey and him playing.

"I love you babygirl." He says kissing her cheek making her giggle.

"I wove you too Uncle Dave (agh class memories. We miss you Uncle Dave aka David C.)." Hailey says.

He smiles at her and she smiles back.

Around 15 minutes later, Jeff walks back out and he looks sorrowful. He looks up and I see he has tear streaks on his cheeks.

"Todd, I'm so sorry for freaking out on you and punching your jaw. You didn't deserve it for a simple mistake." Jeff says.

"It's fine Jeff. I'm sorry too, but as waking as we're still best friends, everything will be fine." Todd says hugging him.

Jeff had more tears running down his face as his arms were still wrapped around Todd. Todd backs away and goes to the bathroom to clean his wound.

Jeff flops down onto the couch and I go to sit on his lap. He wraps his arms around my waist and kisses my neck.

Except this time instead of just placing small kisses on my neck, Jeff starts sucking and biting on it.

I shift myself slightly on his lap and he stops. I feel something poking my leg and give him a look.

"Baby, I would suggest you stop." He mumbles.

I get off of his lap and he quickly goes to the bathroom. I laugh quietly before going over to where Hailey and David were.

-later that day-

David and Todd had left and Hailey was sitting on my lap watching a movie.

"Mommy, I'm tired." She mumbles.

"Okay, let's go take you to bed." I say picking her up.

I walk to her room and change her into a baby pink onesie and lay her down. I put her covers on and start to walk away.

"Mommy, can you lay with me?" She asks with a tired voice.

"Sure Hailey." I say going back to her bed.

I lay down next to her and wrap my arms around her. Shortly after, Hailey falls asleep.

I slowly get up and turn off her light. I close the door and go back to the living room. I turn off the TV and the lights before going to my room.

I see Jeff asleep on the bed and I get in next to him. After I do that I fall asleep.

I Love You - Jeff Wittek Where stories live. Discover now