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I averted my gaze from Brody and looked straight in front of me.
Pursing my lips and inhaling deeply I decided to speak up;
"I think you heard it. That's all what I have to say...." After a thoughtful moment I added "For now."

I gazed at him again and noticed that the other guys has backed a few steps away to give us space.

"Gemma, trust me it's not what it seems to be. I never wanted it." Brody said

"Well, it happened." I said "and judging by what I saw, I don't think I believe what you just said.... We're gonna have to talk but later cause I don't want to hear about it now."

He took a step towards me so he's standing right in front of me.
He looked into my eyes;
"Listen, you're right we have to talk but it's not gonna lead where you think it would lead. I won't let that happen cause I don't want to lose you ever."

My eyes filled with tears but I fought them back. However, I didn't say anything and went into my house locking the door behind me.
Noticing it was getting late, I go to bed and drift into a restless sleep.


I finally get out of the house when Mick called, claiming that there's an attack in the city.
I sprinted most of my way through and morphed when I was out of sight.

When I arrived, the other guys including Brody were already there.
I shrug every thought off and concentrate on the bunch of basherbots surrounding me.
I take them down quickly one by one.

The frog looking like monster hit me from behind and I knelt on the floor.
I felt two hands grip on my shoulders to help me up. I looked up and it was Brody. I got annoyed and uncomfortable at his touch so I freed myself from his grip and got up myself.

"I can get up on my own, you know." I partially snapped and continued to concentrate on only the fight.
I could've sworn I heard Brody sigh before moving himself.

I continued punching and fighting my way through till it was just that monster. To my surprise it was a female.
I stood opposite from it/her as she spoke.

"Humans are pathetic. All they're capable of is love. Love is disgusting and a huge lie!"

"You know what, I agree with that last part you said. A huge lie indeed. But I don't think every human being is capable of it, believe me." I said then lunged forward
Final attacking that monster. Luckily it didn't turn big and it burned until it's nothing but air.
I demorphed and was about to get home but Mick claimed he needs us in the base to check on everything and so.

I quickly moved and arrived before any of them.

"Hey Mick." I said

"Oh, hey, Gemma. Uh... I'm sorry you know about..."

"Yeah yeah it's fine I'll get over it." I said waving off his concern but didn't succeed 100%

"Gemma, the choice is yours but my advice is that you guys should talk it through.." Mick started

"Eventually we will. Cause it all needs to be clear." I said

"And try your best to solve it and get over it you two together." He finished

I chuckled lightly, " I know you don't want a break up to happen and to be honest... neither do I. I mean, I love him. I really do. It's just... what happened was no small thing and I guess we'll see what's for the best." I shrugged a little

Then the others arrived and I prayed Brody didn't hear me when I said that I still love him. Cause it's the truth if I'm gonna be honest with myself.
After checking on everything on the screens in the base and a light conversation with the other guys just to lighten the mood and ease their tension around the fact about what's happening.
After everyone left and Mick decided to go with Redbot somewhere I don't recall, I was beginning to leave but Brody stopped me.

I turned to face him looking him in the eye, "what?"

"We need to talk. Now's the best chance." He said softly

I looked away my heart in my throat.

Off we go...
The Talk.

"After too much thinking, I guess I should go. Maybe it should be over. It's for the best." I said and i don't like it immediately and I'm so suddenly scared he'd agree

"No no. Please. Don't go. It shouldn't be over. Please, you're all I have. We just need to talk it out and make it easier." He said his voice begging much. Oh God, I don't wanna see him like that. That hurt.
But I don't forget that I am feeling the same way even more.

"That's funny cause I know we should but I don't know where to start." I said between a chuckle

"Please, just hear me out." He said

"Alright." I whisper

"Gemma.... listen. I'm sorry. What happened should've never happened. And I know it's my fault. But you must know that I never wanted it. All I could be thinking about at that time is the only thing I think about all the other times. You. And only you. My heart is yours. It's always been you to capture my heart like that and yet I'm so grateful for it. I can't lose you. Gem, baby, you're everything to me."

I started to tear up at his words. I know he means them but I still should say what I'm gonna say;

"When I saw you at that moment... God, it was so painful. I saw you pulling her like that and it shattered my heart to pieces." And that's it where I break down. I started to cry now and he walked closer putting his hand on my arm

"I'm so sorry honey." He kept saying

"Who was she?" I asked him

"I don't know."

"Don't bullshit me! Who is she!?" I snapped

"Baby, I really don't know. I promise you we'll get her. Please don't cry. Don't you worry about her. It's now about us." He said

When I remained silent, he smiled and said, "you didn't tell me not to 'baby' you or to rethink about using the word 'us'."

I stared into his eyes and admired their beauty. Those eyes I've fallen for. His words eventually made me have a faint of a smile on my face.

"Gemma, I love you so much." He said

I took a deep breathe and said what should be said, how I feel,
"Brody, I love you too. More than you ever think."

He smiled and his face showed all signs of relief and pulled me into him and kissed me. I kissed back wrapping my arms around his neck in response of him wrapping his arms around my waist. When we pulled back, he rested his forehead on mine.

"You and only you are everything to me." He said, his breath soft on my face
After a moment I hugged him tight like my life depended on it nuzzling my nose in his neck.
God I love him so much.
I don't wanna lose him. Ever.


Unknown P.O.V

"You told me it was going to work!" I hollered at her as I entered the secret 'lair'
"Now he went after her and they're back together. And he hasn't said a word to me either."

"Hmmm. They have a strong connection. But I'll figure you something out." She lied through her teeth

"No I'm done with you. You told me I won't have to watch him from far away anymore and I'm gonna get him if I did what you tell me exactly and it didn't work. Goodbye, Rosanna." I said and walked away but she stopped me in my tracks

"Hold it, Kara, that was the start plan. Now we should move to plan B. You want the red ranger to be yours and I want to capture the silver ranger. Are you with me?"

I turned and faced her. She's right I do want him. I'm the one who deserves him. Not her. Yes I want that Gemma girl gone out of my life.
"I'm with you."

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