Chapter Two: The Mutant Resistance

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"There is a room where the light won't find us, holding hands while the walls come tumbling down. When they do, I'll be right behind you."

- "Everybody wants to rule the world" by Lorde.


Lauren had never felt more alive after they made it to their new hideout. She acted as if she was in shock or in a daze because she couldn't let the others, especially her parents, see the darkness swimming in her.

She couldn't seem to let go of Andy's hand. She felt even more attached to him, like she needed to have him with her. When they were alone, no one near them, she heard Andy whisper in her ear. "You felt it, didn't you? The darkness....the power we posses. You felt it, I know you did."

She looked at him silent for a moment before slowly nodding. " felt so good." She said softly, looking at her younger brother.

Andy began smirking. "I know. It feels so good. This is who we are. We're Von Strucker's." Hearing her brother sound this powerful made the blonde smirk darkly. She squeezed his hand a little tighter, her way of telling him that she's accepted the darkness inside her. He squeezed back, silently telling her that it was about time.

When their parents came back, Lauren put up the act that she felt guilty for what she did. Her mother soothed her, telling her that they saved everyone. She knew she was right, but Lauren enjoyed taking down that building. The rush was amazing.

She could care less about Marcos speech about how the X-Men knew it would be a struggle and all. She was sick of all the struggle and sacrifice they were making.

Just then, she hears a new voice join in. "There's nothing noble about struggle, Marcos. And sacrifice is just a pretty name for losing." Lorna Dane had strutted in, dark lipstick and a stunning black outfit behind her was one of the Frost Sisters, probably Esme. Lorna had basically taken the words out of Lauren's mouth.

Lauren stood up straighter, now listening to what Lorna was saying. She was getting recruitment to rebuild a better world, and it was obvious her boyfriend and father of her baby would not join her. A few people stood up to stand next to Lorna and Esme, but Lauren was surprised to see Sage join them. Lauren and Andy took one look at each other and nodded. They knew what they had to do.

They both stood up and began walking towards them when their parents suddenly stopped them. "No! You're not going anywhere! Your not taking our children!" Her parents had yelled but Lauren stood tall and defiant.

"No one is taking us. This us our decision and you can't stop us." Andy said, sounding almost powerful that it made Lauren smile wickedly.

"This is something our family was a part of. We're going to help mutants and fight for what we believe in. I am so sick of playing nice. We are the descendants of Fenris and its about time we start acting like itm" Lauren said this so strong and darkly, it almost startled her. She truly sounded like Andrea Von Strucker.

They both began walking away again when their father tried grabbing Andy. The ground began shaking and their parents nearly fell. Both of their hands began to glow a faint golden, a warning before the light dimmed away. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to do that." Andy apologized. "Just stay away and don't try to stop us." Lauren added before they stood next to Lorna.

Lauren had never felt so powerful. She knew the Mutant Resistance would make a new and better world for mutants. It was time to step up and fight back. Lauren could see the look of shock and betrayal on her parent's face but felt nothing. No remorse, no guilt. Just power and darkness.

They began walking away, Lorna wrapping her arms almost protectively around Andy and Lauren. This will change the war. They will win once and for all l. It's time to show all those humans that mutants are superior.

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