Chapter Twenty-One: The Dark or The Light

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"We built this city, we built this city on rock an' roll. Built this city, we built this city on rock an' roll."

~We Built This City by: Starship~


Tuesday July 15.....

Today Fenris resolved the problem of national government. Senators, and Representatives are all gone now. Next target is the White House, then the Sential Services building.....

Present Day

Four hands combined together, the four figures gathered in the middle of a room. A bright light formed in the open space around inside of the hands. Everyone single person in that room could feel the power of darkness inside them and their powers combined as one.

Darkness filled the room completely.....

The darkness grew bigger and bigger. The four figures are shown nowhere inside this complete darkness.

Minutes later Andrew drove fastly around Washington D.C. searching for Lauren along with Lorna. Everyone at the Inner Circle felt tension that came through Andy once he felt Lauren's presence disappear from their connection. Lorna looked to her very best friend who was driving the car madly. "Andy calm down we will find Lauren I promise." Lorna assured him touching his arm.

"I can't calm down Lorna. One minute everything was fine and the next minute everything has gone wrong. Lauren is in trouble I need to find her and make sure she is safe. I'm her brother its my job to protect her as her other half of Fenris. Andreas told me that I need to keep Lauren safe, Andreas wasn't able to protect Andrea! I can't have that same fate as him." Andy drove through a stop sign and three stop lights.

Lorna used her magnet powers to slow down the car forcing the car to go into a empty parking spot on their right, plus turning off the car. Lorna turns towards Andy panting slightly. "Andy listen to me." Andy turns to face Lorna, "we will find Lauren I swear on my life. We just need to focus on what Lauren was doing when and before she left the building, I'll call Sage to ask her to find cameras on Lauren's whereabouts and the last place she was seen, but first you need to calm down and trust in me and in Sage to find Lauren." Lorna pulls out her phone waiting for his response.

Silence filled the vehicle. Everything was going fine in Andy's eyes until part of his connection to his favorite person in the world is not anywhere safe. The safest place to him is his sister being there by his side while he protects her.

Lorna ended her phone call with Sage. The sadness, the loneliness, and quietness shown all over Lorna's face. The impatience made Andy madder, Andy grabbed Lorna hands madly. "What did Sage say? Where is Lauren?" The car started shaking rapidly.

A loud explosion was made near by the SUV. The noise caused Andy quickly rush out of the car towards the noise finding a small figure leave a demolished building. Andy took a hard look towards the figure to find the person being his big sister injured badly.

Andy rushed screaming to Lauren to come to him quickly, the air in the sky felt dark, cold, harmless. To Lauren the air was not there for her to keep going, Lauren fell unconscious to the ground. Lorna forced the car to pull up by Lauren as Andy carried his sister into the back seat as he sat next to her.

Lauren's motionless body movements conjured Andy as he could get Lorna to drive quicker back to headquarters. Every second that passes Andy felt Lauren fading from him as if she was dying in his arms. "Please Lauren! Don't leave me. Don't leave us." Andy cried into his sisters shoulder.

"Were here." Lorna called someone on her phone. Andy listened closely to the conversation, "yes she's breathing but she's hurt badly and were unsure of what might be broken or sprained, we need a doctor fast and quickly."

Moments later Reeva, the best doctor in the building rush towards the SUV carrying Lauren to the emergency room on the third floor of headquarters. Andy followed them to the emergency room as Lauren was being treated, given some test on what could be wrong.

Time seemed to stop for three long hours. Tensions between Andy waiting for a reply on his sister condition and if he'll be able to see her. Lorna returned from the medical wing with papers from Lauren's x-ray. "Is Lauren going to be okay? Will she wake up? Can I see her? Did someone hurt that I need to go hurt for hurting Lauren?"

A few days pass the worried mutant looked at his other half dreaming of her waking up and welcoming him with wide open arms. The other half that continues to be unconscious and breathing while healing as days go by. Everyone especially Lorna could keep watching her little brother figure like the way he's been. "Andy let's go I'm taking you for a day at the state fair in town."

"No I can't leave Lauren in this state of mind. I need to be here when she wakes up." Andy sat on Lauren's hospital bed holding his sister hand rubbing them softly.

'Go with Lorna, we promise that Lauren is in safe hands. We'll keep her safe for you, go have fun everything will be okay!' Esme spoke through Andy in his mind calming him down getting him to trust the doctors.

Andy took a step off the bed giving Lorna a smile, "let's go. I'm feeling better now that I can relax that my other half of Fenris is in good hands." Lorna mouthed a thank you to Esme as she and Andy went for a day out.

Far from the room stood Reeva and the best medical doctor at the Inner Circle, the mood set in the hallway pretty known Reeva stare back at Lauren and then the doctor pissed off as the results we're giving her the answer she wanted to hear, "make sure that if anything happens while that I'm first informed the Von Strucker name is important to this whole cause and losing someone that is powerful just like her means that the legacy is gone for good and we lose our other Von Strucker! UNDERSTOOD DOCTOR?"

"The condition of miss Von Strucker is nothing I have ever seen before. Every test I've took on her has shown very little difference of her, but my team and I are close to finding what happened." Near by Lorna listened in to the private conversation concerning of the outcome.

"Isn't rude to listen into a conversation that doesn't involve you?" Three soft spoken females asked Lorna tilting their heads at her.

"Lauren and Andy are my concern, anything that happens to them or anything about them I need to know." A green glow appeared around Lorna's fingertips.

The green glow disappeared as the result of Reeva knocking Lorna out, showing Esme looking down in disbelief as she grown close to Lorna and her daughter Dawn fondly.

"Girls bring Lorna back to her room, inform Andrew of change of plans and he is to report to the training room immediately." Reeva's stern look gave a lot of how the situation has gotten out of hand, Esme and her sisters gathered Lorna up taking her back straight to her room.

In the monitoring room stood Sage the tech analyst for the Inner Circle. Sage looked down in the training room finding Andy there standing next he suddenly........

Made the whole training room go complete black, when everything clears up in the training room Andy isn't anywhere to be see.

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