Chapter Seven: Embrace Who You Are

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"Risk it all and see..... don't you want to get away from the same old part you got to play, cause I got what you need to come with me and take a ride to the other side."

The Other Side from the movie The Greatest Showman sung by Hugh Jackman and Zac Efron.


Once after the golden light disappeared, the building was still in tact, nothing was destroyed or killed. Lauren rushes herself out of her own room to the elevator panting and pressing the button to go down to the garage so she could take a car and leave to go to North Carolina where Madeline Rasim lab is. "Come on you stupid thing, please hurry up..." Lauren pleaded quietly.

Lauren wasn't running away because of what happened in her room with Andy, and also seeing her ancestor next to them, all she wanted was answers to what Madeline Rasim was up to. Some might Lauren wasn't embracing who she truly was once again, but the truth is that if a Von Strucker can gather information on research that may or may not be good for mutants then the Von Strucker family still holds the power to fear humans and mutants.

Lauren searched through all of the cars hoping one of them to be unlocked and have key inside them. After 10 minutes of searching through all of the cars Lauren found herself lucky to finally find one car unlocked with the key inside the ignition. "Yes." Lauren sighed in relief to herself, looking all around her before stepping inside the car Lauren made sure no one else was there watching her.

A loud sonic scream pierced through Lauren's ears badly. Lauren falls to the ground covering her ears. Lauren looks up to see Reeva coming towards her with Andy and the frost sisters. "We're sorry Lauren, but letting you leave unexpected doesn't work right now that we are preparing for our first up coming mission in the next day or two." Reeva explained holding out her hand for Lauren to take to go back inside to train.

As everyone went to do their own business leaving some what betray to Reeva as Lauren wasn't embracing the darkness inside her. Reeva sits Lauren down in the meeting room alone as Andy had gone to training with Lorna.

"Reeva I don't mean to cause you not to trust me, I found information on mine and Andy ancestors and our grandfather. I know I should talked to you about this first, but I feel like-" Lauren gets stopped by Reeva half way through her small speech. Reeva sits down next to Lauren placing her hand on Lauren's shoulder. "Lauren I do want you to have the freedom around like like everyone else I do, but Lorna told me about your and Andrew's dreams, I want to keep you and Andrew isolated from each other for a week, meaning one of you will not be going on this first mission. I decided what was best was that you didn't go on this first mission." Reeva sighed giving Lauren a small smile.

Lauren was in shock, Reeva could see it on her face. Reeva gives Lauren a reassuring smile to give her some hope. "What will happen to me while I'm isolated for a whole week? I'm sure Andy will be concerned about this too?" Lauren smiled softly still wary about it.

"Andrew was all for it, he will be going through the same process once we prepare for the second mission. Once you both have been through a whole week of being isolated you'll both be doing missions together, I promise you that. The girls will be helping me during this whole time as well, along with Sage." Reeva smiled at Lauren, Lauren nods. "When do we start?" Lauren asks Reeva accepting the challenge.

Reeva gave Lauren a wide smile happy to know and hear Lauren was accepting this task. "Good, I'm glad to hear you want to get started right away, I'll go get Esme, she'll be helping me during your week of isolation. Also about that mission you were planning to go on, that will be your first mission while Andrew is in isolation for a week." Reeva smiled giving Lauren a hug before leaving to go get Esme.

Andy who down in the training room, sees Reeva, Esme, Sophie, Phoebe enter the training room as he finished his training for the day. Andy saw them smirking and smiling at him. "Is everything good? Is Lauren agreeing to the whole thing?" Andy asks them smirking and smiling back.

Reeva nodded at me, "yes she believes this is just something we want to be sure of but now that she is on board we can pick through her brain. You and your sister will change the world of how mutants are seen in this world. Sophie, Phoebe you two will head with Andrew back to his room get ready, then Esme and I will get Lauren ready! Let's get ready this revolution won't start it self."

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