Chapter Three: Its Just The Beginning (Revised)

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"So no one told you life was going to be this way..."

-Theme song from the show friends.


Lauren felt the darkness inside ever since she left with her brother Andy six months ago. A taste of victory consumed both the Von Strucker siblings, they felt a different side of themselves as the months had gone by. Looking and searching for a place to call home until they built their new home and new world.

Andy and Lauren's mom thinks both Andy and Lauren was kidnapped instead of them choosing to leave on their own terms.

Andy and Lauren stood together staring at each other watching as their connection consumed them. The two siblings were in the training room though not in the way you think they would be. The two of them started having dreams together for the past two or so months.

Andy felt Lauren's uncertainty of wanting to use Fenris just in the dreams. "Lauren we can do this, take my hand and trust me and everything will be okay. Were here together and that is all what matters." Andy pleaded gesturing his hands out for Lauren to take. "Andy I'm just worried the darkness is growing stronger inside me, and I don't feel like myself anymore, but then part of me is so happy that I embraced the darkness to my fullest." Lauren added finally take her brother hand.

Lorna Dane who is has taken the opportunity to treat them as her own children. Now it's time for Lorna to have her baby which she found out through an ultrasound. Lorna Dane is having a baby girl.

Lorna found out about the dreams a month when the building they were in was shaking madly.

Andy remembers now that he was actually training when a sudden pull came over him and he passed out. heading back to his room with one thought on his mind. 'Lauren'

Lauren was in similar state as Andy but as she headed down the hallway of the Inner Circle building.

"Lauren, what's wrong? Have you been sleeping?" A sleepish Lorna Dane asked stopping Lauren in the hallway, as Lorna exited her own room herself.

Lauren nodded to Lorna."Yeah I'm fine, I had another dream with Andy." Lauren yawned walking down the hallway. Lorna stops Lauren immediately in her tracks, Lauren turns around to see Andy has come back from training, "everything okay in here? Lauren is something wrong?" Andy asks drinking a bottle of water.

Lauren reentered her room slamming the door shut behind her. The darkness inside Lauren sometimes came and go over the six months being away from her parents and the mutant underground. The true reason Lauren was still enjoying the actual darkness that Andy also shared inside himself.

'Let the darkness out Lauren Von Strucker. The more power, and darkness you let out will truly be the greatest fight of your life.' Lauren looks up in the mirror to see Andreas & Andrea Von Strucker smirking at her with darkness truly in their blood.

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