Chapter Seventeen: Going Back In Time

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"You've been on this road too long. Hearing music but it's not your song. Wanna scream but your voice is gone. Days trapped inside your head. Can't look up cause your world is down. Walking miles staring at the ground. All alone inside the crowd. Letting pockets hold your hand. But the sun is always there to shine. The clouds block out the sky. Oh hold on. Just once more day."

~Hold On by: Extreme Music~


Two figures stood in front of two bodies on one bed. The two bodies are alive, but their powers are acting strange. Andrew and Lauren Strucker have been sending waves of energy not killing anyone or destroying anything, the power between them was growing stronger every second.

Reeva stood amongst the two children with the Inner Circle top medical doctor. Pulling the doctor to the side after he checked Andy and Lauren temperature again, "Doctor we're not going to lose them understand. We broke through Andrew breaking point into his darkness we can't lose that advantage or them in general." The determination on Reeva's face gave the doctor enough strength to continue helping Fenris.

The frost triplets enter the room turning their heads towards Fenris. "We gathered up what is on Andreas and Andrea. Turns out this exactly happened to them." Emse started, "Andreas gained another ability though. Lauren has Andreas power while Andrew has Andrea's power." Sophie continued, "The energy wave their both sending is causing no harm which is good.... what is it doing though is that is leading both of them towards-" screams came from both Strucker kids cutting off Phoebe from explaining more.

"Doctor?" Reeva scowled dangerously. The doctor made his way back over to the kids. "I'll need you three to look inside their minds." The doctor ordered the triplets.

Esme and her sisters stand around the bed where Andy and Lauren are laying. The three of them turn their heads to the side their eyes glowing bright blow entering the two most powerful minds.

~Strucker's minds~

The frost see a glimpse of the Struckers were having a family picnic. Reed and Caitlin talk about spending more time together. Andy is messing around on a skateboard. He tries to teach Lauren a trick. She gives it a shot and falls backwards. Andy grabs her hand. The two are hit with immediate power. They let go and never speak of it again.

The next glimpse they caught is when Reed and Caitlin tell the kids about Fenris. They want them to hold hands and see if anything happens. The first try is a dud. Andy says they need to try again, but they have to want something to happen. They hold hands again. Their hand begin to glow. There’s a growing power coming from them that shakes the vault. Reed pries their hands apart and asks what happened. Lauren says it felt like they could have brought the entire building down. That would have killed everyone inside.

The very last one that the triplets saw was Campbell excited to meet Lauren and Andy. He knows they are the grandchildren of Andreas von Strucker and believes they have the same power as Fenris. They are put in room made of Adamantium so Campbell can test their powers. Lauren refuses to cooperate. They shock her. Andy tells him to leave her alone. Campbell says he will when they give him what he wants. Andy says he won’t cooperate either. They are at a stalemate. Lauren and Andy wait in the special room. Lauren says they can’t make them do anything. She thinks they way Campbell looks at them is creepy. She thinks if they hold out long enough, someone will come for them. Campbell appears on the screen and asks if they are ready to cooperate. They aren’t. He has Clarice and Dreamer brought into the room. He holds a gun to them and says if they don’t cooperate, their friends will die. Dreamer tells them not to do anything. Campbell tells them to hold hands. Dreamer speaks up again and Campbell shoots her. He asks if there’s a need for more bloodshed. Campbell turns the gun on Clarice. Lauren is shocked by what just happened. Andy tells her to take his hand. They let their power build and the sensors measure their power. They raise their hands towards the sensors. The power is too much for the sensors to take. Campbell tells the tech to keep going. The room is indestructible. The Struckers melt the sensors and break the wall between them and the lab.

The frost pull out of their trance. Energy waves stopped five seconds later giving everyone in the room a huge shock. Reeva gives the doctor a glare. "Doctor?" Soft moans came from Andy and Lauren.

"Are you two alright? Do you remember anything? Both of you need to take it easy I suggest that what you two did during this time sending energy waves everywhere." The medical doctor exams the both of them finding small birth marks on their shoulder.

Andy nods "the last thing I remember is that after Lauren went outside after the mysterious letter showed up a strange energy that I could feel coming from Lauren." Andy glances towards his big sister.

A knock on the door startled everyone, Sage stood by the door with results from the computer system and medical system. "Reeva can I speak to you in the hallway for a moment?" Sage softly smiled.

As the doctor finished up with Andy and Lauren, he and Reeva head into the hallway. Sage stood in front of them. "The results are back from the lab. Turns out Lauren has visions....."

Lauren came walking out of the room leaning against the wall behind her. "I wasn't sure how long I could hide that ability from all of you. The power that Andy and I were sending where was only increasing the power of our abilities nothing else. I'm truly sorry for lying to you guys, but I had to be sure of what these visions could do and what they mean." The sound from Lauren voice showed she was loyal to the Von Strucker name and to the Inner Circle.

"We can't take any risk if other mutant groups find out about what you can do, we might not be able to handle what is coming our way." Sage sighed softly.

Reeva tapped her arms taking a deep breath. "Lauren do you know who sent the letter here?" Reeva asks sensing something was still off.

Lauren stiffened against the wall, "No I don't I'm sorry." Andy placed a hand on Lauren's shoulder comforting his big sister. "Its alright sis I'm here to protect you and save all mutants." Andy smiled.

That night strange and figures in dark clothes surrounded the female Von Strucker.

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