Chapter Twelve: Come Back We'll Always Be The Same

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"I've been running through the jungle. I've been running with the wolves. To get to you, to get to you. I've been down the darkest alleys. Saw the dark side of the moon. To get to you, to get to you. I've looked for love in every stranger. Took too much to ease the anger. All for you, yeah, all for you. I've been running through the jungle. I've been crying with the wolves. To get to you, to get to you (oh to get to you.)"

~Wolves by Marshmallow & Selena Gomez~


It's been a couple of hours since the mutant underground had gotten Lauren Strucker back on their side. The next step was now to go save John Proudstar star from the purifiers.

While being back home the whole thought of hearing her parents talk only about Andy all the way to Virginia to save John, Lauren couldn't take it anymore. Once they saved John Lauren was going to speak her mind about this to her parents no matter how much it may hurt them. All Lauren could do for the time being was to keep the goodie goodie act.

At the purifier compound the mutant underground arrives at their destination staying out of sight. When they thought they were alone for this mission two Inner Circle vehicles pull up next to them. Everyone in the mutant underground cars were shocked except for Lauren as she figured they would track her down.

Everyone got out of their cars, Lauren couldn't meet Andy or Lorna's gaze, but kept her head up. Reeva stepped forward in front of the others. Marcos took a protective stance in front of Lauren. "If your here to bring Lauren back with you, it's no use she came back to our side willingly and is back where she belongs." Marcos scowled giving Lorna a sweet smile, but a mean look towards Reeva and the frost sisters.

Clarice looks at the building to the side of them across the fence. "Look can we fight about this later please. John's life is on the line right now. I think we all could set aside our differences for a little bit to save John." Clarice sighed.

Everyone looked at each other and nodded to get along for the time being. Lauren looked at Clarice coming up with an idea. "Clarice you think you can get Andy and I in there and you can get John?" Lauren asks as Andy already knew what she was thinking.

The Strucker parents look at their daughter somewhat horrified. "Lauren what are you thinking?" Caitlin asks.

Reeva steps in to stand next to the Strucker kids. "She means using Fenris once John is out and safe. I am right Lauren?" Reeva smiled at the two kids standing next to each other.

Lorna and Marcos begin their attack by opening the gate and shooting lasers at the landmines. The Purifiers move to the back of the compound to defend the building. Turner hears the commotion and check the cameras. The security guys describe the mutants as Lorna Dane and Marcos Diaz. Turner gets angry and grabs a shotgun. He goes into John’s room, accusing him of lying to him. He shoots John in the chest and the bullet explodes, but doesn’t penetrate the skin. Turner starts yelling at John, blaming him for everything he has lost. He shoots John again. Meanwhile, Andy, Lauren, and Clarice enter the compound, deflecting bullets as they make their way through the building.

Andy forces the door open to the room the purifiers are keeping John in, Clarice and Lauren unchain John, Clarice and John leave the building.

Andy grabs Lauren hand triggering Fenris. As the two of them raise up their hands a gun shot went off coming from one of the purifiers in the next room.

Minutes later both Andy and Lauren make it out of the building alive making it to the others as the building was destroyed. Relief flew over everyone except for Lauren who was holding her side in pain as she was shot, but not harmed enough that she couldn't use her powers of Fenris.

The Strucker family looked at Lauren to see she was bleeding. Andy grabbed Lauren helping her to get treated. Reeva, Caitlin, Reed, and Lorna joined Andy and Lauren by the car. "This is your guys fault. We were trying to keep our children safe and now look what happened?" Caitlin yells out in rage.

Andy gets done patching up his sister wound. Anger and rage was building up inside Andy because of two things Lauren leaving for no reason to go back to the mutant underground and the last one is that his parents don't understand him or his sister at all. "Mom, the connection Lauren and I have can't break no matter what happens. Lauren leaving showed me that I need to protect her at all cost." Andy scowled sitting next to Lauren.

Reed begins to stop Andy from going further by saying "were your family, your home, you belong-" "You know nothing dad. Ever since I came home all you and mom talked about was Andy. You never once gave it a thought that the one person that came home was trying to reconcile with two people they'd cared about. I see now that you only care that the Von Strucker name doesn't live on. I knew it was a mistake coming back, I realize now that my home and my family is with the Inner Circle." Lauren added grabbing her brothers hand and walking away with him, Reeva, and Lorna.

The drive back to Washington D.C. was quiet in all cars, the Strucker parents once again lost their children to the Inner Circle. Lauren went back to her brother after leaving thinking it was the right choice.

The thought of loosen his only sister frightened Andy. He asked the frost sisters right after she left the day before if they could have Fade keep an eye on Lauren for him, and possibly help her remember the darkness their parents put them in for so long.

Esme paced back and forth with her sisters as giving Reeva space to think before she comes up with a plan to help Andrew and Lauren. "Girls? It's time that all of us show the Von Strucker siblings the darkness truly unlike they have experienced before." Reeva starts explaining the simple hints of what she needs them to do.

The three telepaths turn their heads to the side as their eyes glow blue getting the true feeling of Reeva's plan. "Wonderful. The fun has just begun." The telepaths say in unison.

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