Chapter Twenty-Two: Andy's Journey Part 1

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Author's Note:

Hello everyone,

Hi guys, how's it going? As you seen in the name of this chapter it's part 1. All I can say is SURPRISE! In the first time in forever you will get an experience of a very important family that true colors will show.

I feel like I'm doing something wrong with this book. I need some feed back from you guys. I love this book, but it hurts me to see you guys not truly enjoying the book without having your thoughts, opinions, suggestions, etc. My job is very stressful right now with so many new changes well actually at both jobs one of them I plan quit next year at and focus on the one job I just got. Truth be told I'm not a good writer and you can probably tell from how this book is doing.



'Hey whatever happen to, waiting your turn doing it all by hand cause when everything is handed to you it's only worth when everything was automatic."

~Automatic by Miranda Lambert~


Sage found her way to find Reeva immediately when Andy went missing. The moment of truth wasn't revealing it self to the mutant kind. No one wants to responsible for the disappearance of a royal mutant.

"Reeva, we need to speak about Andy!" Sage eyes pleaded as the more time that Andy was gone and Lauren would wake up chaos would erupt through the whole Inner Circle. Reeva steps aside to show Andy body next to Lauren's body like nothing had ever happened in the training room.

"What happened Sage? Your acting like you never seen the doctor working on the two Von Strucker siblings!" Reeva questioned as the doctor walked off giving Reeva test results from blood samples. Sage runs off to find Lorna quickly as everything wasn't making sense.

Esme and her sisters join Reeva at the door of the small bedroom. "Did Sage notice anything about the events that happened?" Sophie asks questionably, "we want to make sure that the plans are not messed with by Lorna, but most importantly the parents of these two. Do you three understand that nothing can go wrong!"

The three nod in unison entering the Von Strucker bedroom setting up everything they needed for their research. The very first experiment they tested on failed, now they're on to testing the male half of Fenris.

'Andrew everything is going to be alright! You'll be with Lauren very soon. First you must find what is missing in yourself. Your guide will help you all the way through this path.'

In a place in the middle of the desert. A boy with blonde hair stood there looking at a female figure around the age of late 40's early 50's.

"Welcome Andrew! It's a pleasure to meet my Great grand nephew in the flesh. The Von Strucker family name will truly live on through the 'New Fenris' but first you must take a journey to become the full new extent Fenris."

"I'm ready for anything you throw at me Andrea. Proving myself to you, the humans, and to the world that a new generation of mutants living among the Von Struckers will live on for decades to come!" Andy smile went dark into a evil smirk.

Andrea grew a wide smile, "good our journey begins now. Today we'll start with your focus on controlling your inner Fenris."

The earth moved from a desert to a training room replica of the Inner Circle training room, but larger than the original. Wires randomly were connected to Andy as faced a female figure who looked exactly like Lauren. "Lauren?"

One more figured came into view this revealing Marcos. Andy watches angrily as Marcos puts his hand on Lauren's shoulder, "good Andrew use that anger and attack the people keeping you from your sister." Andreas voice rang throughout the room. Andy looked at the two people who seemed so close though was very far away from him.

"Your still scared aren't you Andrew. A scared little boy who will hurt his own sister just to get ahead and be more powerful. Your scared I am right Andrew?", but Andy yelled "I'm not scared. I never have been. NOW MOVE!" He says angerily, but Marcos shakes his head at Andy. Andy apologizes and gets ready to power up. Marcos tries to make him stop as if this was him asking as a true friend. Andy pushes Marcos back. Marcos hits his head and is knocked unconscious suddenly disappearing along with Lauren. Andy is concerned, believing what he just did was all real.

"Good job! Our next stop is the memory that hurt you and your sister and your family. Get ready we start now......"

The whole area shifted once more this time turning back to Roderick Campbell's lab in the room Andy and Lauren were tested in for Fenris. Andy saw Lauren come back the mirage of his sister pulled him in her direction as he reached out for her. "Lauren! It's alright I'm here your safe now."


A power surge came out of Lauren hitting Andy strongly sending him towards what looked like nails in the wall, causing the male Von Strucker to black out in a few short seconds.

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