Chapter Six: One Day At A Time

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"What about us? What about all the time you said you had the answer."

-What About About Us by Pink.


Night fall came upon the whole state of Washington D.C., the cops were on their rounds searching for mutants to throw into one of the mental hospitals, or mutant detention centers using the collars on innocent mutants.

The collars prevent mutants from being able to use their abilities to kill and escape. No one has been through the collars painfully unlike Lorna, Andy, and Lauren. All three of them suffered do to the collars and the shocking.

This is one reason why Andy turned towards the Von Strucker legacy to prove he isn't weak, a kid that gets bullied constantly at school. That's when he felt the darkness inside him, was that very moment he was forced to have the collar around his neck and watch his own sister be shocked by the collar as well.

Deep down inside Esme, Sophie, and Phoebe felt the darkness in the Strucker kids. Their power was nothing like they imagined it would be.

It was time to put the Strucker kids to the test if they were truly on the Inner Circle side like they said six months ago when leaving the mutant underground and joining the Inner Circle.

One main secret was being kept hidden from Andy and Lauren. Reeva did some invegation on their family history and what their parents and former group have been up to which one surprising them of all was the the father of the Von Strucker kids father is a mutant himself and his powers are out of whack.

The frost sisters worked their magic on the Strucker kids. Fenris was the main priority to the Inner Circle, having the full extent power of Fenris meant a great deal to everyone, but Lorna who was against the frost forcing Lauren and Andy using Fenris when they needed more training and energy to actually do the missions for the new world.

With the lives of innocent mutants on the line, Andy and Lauren are some what forced to use Fenris once again, the darkness hides the fear inside both in Andy and Lauren. Esme and her sisters took control of the Strucker kids mind to ensure that the mission they were on goes as planned.

A first mission for anyone who might be a mutant can be difficult due to the stress of getting everything to go perfectly and no one leaves any evidence behind.

The darkness had lead Lauren to believe that letting the most powerful telepaths take control of her and her brother Andy. A training simulation is what is preparing everyone for their first mission. To be told Reeva doesn't like people who she can't trust nor will be a weak link to their cause.

Lauren listened to music in her room alone as she researched things on her grandfather Otto Strucker the son of Andreas Von Strucker. As day went into night Lauren found something very particular that might help her understand her true calling to the Von  Strucker name.

Otto Strucker had an assistant named Madeline Rasim who worked for him during his time researching. As Lauren scrolled through articles that she could find, one of the articles caught her attention right away, in the article read that Madeline is trying to find a cure for all mutants. Later on it shows a few mutant names with mutants who have been helped by Madeline.

"What are you up to Madeline?" Lauren whispered to herself scrolling more into the article, in the hallway Andy was coming down the hallway knocking on Lauren door once he reached it. "Lauren its me! Can I come in?" Andy asked his sister. Lauren looked up from her laptop and closed out of her screen then replied "yeah you can come in Andy."

Andy enters his sister room, keeping the door open slightly. Lauren looks up to where her brother was standing and smiled at him. "Everything okay Andy?" Lauren asks her brother, pulling him to sit down next to her. "Lauren I know you felt the darkness, I could feel you fighting it just like before. We're Von Struckers we have the ability and chance to change the world with our gifts. I seen you in the training room lately like your mind is else where. What is going on Lauren? What aren't you telling me or Lorna or the others?" Andy asks forcing the darkness inside him control his feelings.

Lauren grabs his hand gently pulling him into a hug. "I'm only looking at some information on our grandfather and his research. I found something interesting on his lab assistant, hopefully Reeva won't mind me skipping our first mission to go find out so things." Andy calmed down somewhat, but then tightening their grip on their hands making the golden light appear around them.

The whole golden light gathered around them and the whole room. The Von Strucker kids saw their ancestors standing right next to them copying what they were doing by triggering Fenris.

Andreas, Andrea, and Andy smirked and smiled all at each other, but Lauren was unsure and confused giving a pretend smile and smirk.

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