Chapter Twenty: Find Us & Bring Us Together

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Author's Note:

Hello everyone,

Well were in the month of September already. I finally have a good break from my seasonal job for now. I hope to have a chapter a lot more now.

I realized that I have been unfocusing on Lauren's light side and dark side in this book. I realize this now, I can promise in this chapter you get to see that again. I am so sorry CrazyQueenWriter aka TheBestLiars that haven't been able to bring your book up to par with how you wanted it go and be.

Some more exciting news I got a new job. I start September 9, 2019. I got the news on Tuesday September 3. I'm busy this whole month as it is. I have wedding, going out for my boyfriend's birthday, going up to my aunt and uncle's cabin working at my new job, and working one day at my seasonal job.



"Today We will see the sun In flames Tidal waves Washing all the world. Away Today Everything we thought will change. Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh Oh, oh, oh, oh Just let go Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh Oh, oh, oh Oh, oh And just let go We will rise Together Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh Oh, oh, oh, oh Just let go We will rise Together Just let go We will rise Together."



The unconscious Strucker girl layed on her brothers bed as he continued to worry about her health and her waking up. Andy blames himself for hurting Lauren, he didn't mean to hurt her, he just wanted to speak to Reeva about their mission.

No one was able to get through to Andy by speaking to him. He blocked out training, barely eating, and avoiding the mission coming up. All he cared about was Lauren waking up and hugging him.

Reeva knocks on Andy's door slightly entering his room finding Andy sitting at his window looking outside. "Andrew I know this must be hard for you, the rest of us are deeply worried about you and of course Lauren. The doctor said she should wake up in a day or two." Reeva joined him by the window.

Andy kept his gaze out the window clenching his fists and shaking his head. "If you were truely worried about me or Lauren you wouldn't have given Lauren a mission that would put her back in a mutant restraint collar. We both suffered and watched a friend die." Andy faced Reeva scolding her.

Reeva places her hand on Andy's shoulder as she sat down next to him. "Andrew I knew the minute I've given you and your sister your assignment that it would cause trouble, but not like this. I want what is best for you both, I realize now that some of past haunts you both." Reeva gives Andy a soft smile "do you think you can your sister in your dreams?"

Andy turned towards his sister watching her lay there, the door creaked open revealing the frost triplets, and the doctor. "I'll do anything to see Lauren awake and okay again, seeing her like this hurts me deeply." Andy took his sister hand squeezing it.

The very next morning as everyone even Andy was down in the training room preparing for a team mission coming up soon. Back in Andy's room Lauren awoken from her slumber, the thought of never waking up from sleep worried Lauren as she took a long look in the mirror in front of her. Andreas and Andrea came to view in the mirror smirking at the Von Strucker girl.

Now Lauren is obsessed with the box, that she has hidden from her brother and the others. She listens to the box as she researches the Von Strucker family. She has been training a lot as well, in fact, the music encourages Lauren's stronger stance.

Lauren headed for the outside world, the sun blinded her eyes from seeing what was around her. In her hidden building looking through images, and articles. Lauren puts her computer away to go to sleep but leaves the music box on. She starts tossing and turning, throwing blades across the room. Her dream is about the Von Struckers. They are trapped outside of a stone wall. People are shooting at them. They grab hands to become Fenris. Someone shoots Andrea and she dies.

Embrace the darkness.....

Find us....

Bring us home.....

Just like before back in Atlanta, the sudden rush of darkness that flooded through her body nearly took her breath away. Everything felt right in the moment of time. Lauren heard a Twist of a knob coming from the door. Lauren raised up her hands into a fighting stance.

The door creaked wide open, three figures stepped into the room, two males and one female. Each one of them greeted each other with smirks and smiles.

"Von Strucker."




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