Chapter 42

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"Woah this house looks better than mine," Meizou mumbled when he walked into the new Huaze residence.

"Guys! Welcome!" Meiza shrieked when she saw her friends walking up the small driveway. Their new house wasn't huge because Meiza didn't want to live in a house that had too many unnecessary rooms.

"Meiza, this house is so cosy and homey! It's a great place for you guys to start a family," Shancai grinned as she took in the house. She was nearly about to pop and everyone around her was always anxious whenever she groaned or looked tired.

"I know..." Meiza said softly. Lei noticed her sadness and immediately took her hand in his. She looked up at him with adoration and smiled as a thank you.

"Where the wine at? I haven't had a drink in ages!" Ju asked.

"Aren't you still breastfeeding?" Meiza asked worriedly before she and Lei grabbed the wine bottles and glasses.

"No. Mian's old enough to start drinking from the bottle now. Now give the wine to Mama," Ju replied and grabbed a bottle out of Lei's hand. Meizou sighed but gave her a kiss on the cheek nonetheless as she started to drink.

"Please don't get drunk," Meiza warned after sitting on one of the couches next to Lei. Everyone helped themselves to a glass of red wine.

"Maybe you should get drunk so that you can quicken the baby-making," Ju winked making Meiza blush.

"How is everything though... with the whole baby stuff?" Ximen asked as he sipped his wine.

"We both did a bunch of tests and Doctor Wu said we have a forty five percent chance at least but the baby surviving that is twenty percent. So we have to be careful as well," Lei explained.

This topic was hard for the both of them seeing as how they both now wanted to start having children.

"I see... it may take a while huh?" Ximen said with a small smile. Meiza nodded and sipped her wine.

"Enough of this. Shancai, are you going to have a girl or a boy?" Meiza asked sweetly. She really wanted to show genuine concern for her friend but inside it was killing her.

"Well..." Shancai glanced at Ah Si who just nodded excitedly. "Okay... it's a girl!"

"AWWWWW!!!" Everyone cooed in excitement. Meiza grinned and rushed over to Ah Si and Shancai, wrapping her arms around their necks and squishing them into a hug. She was genuinely happy for them.

"Meiza, please let go so that my daughter will still have a father when she's born," Ah Si groaned and Meiza let go immediately.

"I'm so happy for you guys! Ohhh! I'm so excited to meet her!" Meiza jumped up and down in excitement.

"Also, another thing," Ah Si stood up and helped Shancai up to her feet. "We want Meiza and Lei to be the godparents."

Meiza's eyes widened in shock and Lei quickly stood up. They both looked at each other and grinned, tears filling Meiza's eyes.

"Oh my goodness. I'm speechless," Meiza cried and hugged Shancai tightly. "Thank you."

"We'll do our best to care for her," Lei smiled and Ah Si gave him a hug.

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