Chapter 01: You've Got Lovelight

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An ABBA songfic (what a fucking surprise). Here's basically a cute little intro chapter  because I'm too lazy and impatient to build it up. Merry Christmas, Happy Chaunaka, Happy Flag Day, here ya go hoes. Date: June through August (two months of dates and flirting before establishing a relationship) of 2016

I've always hated my room, it's so gloomy and dreary

Always the dark, for the windows just face the back yard

So I can't understand how it's happened, how everything's changing

This old dirty ceiling seems a little whiter

When you walked into the room it all got so much brighter

Your life had never really been anything to write home about. Ever since age nineteen, you had been living on your own in a rather dreary old apartment in New York City. That was until you met him. You had started out friends, but always felt more. Both of you, obviously unbeknownst to the other, had brightened up the other's world. Ever since you met, you could've sworn that Giovanni Palandrani had a...lovelight.

You must have a lovelight

Everything around you is lovelight

And I can feel your love everywhere

Maybe even when you're not there

The lovelight

Everything around you is lovelight

You're shining like a star in the night

I won't let you out of my sight

I don't want to lose you, I don't want to lose your lovelight

You both attempted to drop subtle hints in the beginning of June. Hell, you had even seen Aquaria, Giovanni's drag persona, perform Lovelight by ABBA, something, the closer you listened to, the more it became your unofficial song. Everything around you, to Giovanni, seemed to light up all of New York City. Even when you weren't in his company, you felt he was there. Everything about one was so wonderful to the other, you both made a pact with yourselves to not let the other go.

How I remember the first time we went to a movie

We had decided to meet on the corner downtown

And I waited there when you came up from behind and you kissed me

And the traffic seemed to get a little lighter

When you came into my life it all got so much brighter

When you went on your first date to the local movie theater, you agreed to meet on the corner of a shopping centre downtown. Traffic zoomed by while you waited for him, the early summer heat of New York slightly getting on your nerves when you felt a pair of lips brush against your cheek ever-so-slightly. It was Giovanni (thank god). That same light that came with his presence seemed to come back and it was all you could see, other than him of course. Light. Love. Love. Light. Lovelight.

You must have a lovelight

Everything around you is lovelight

And I can feel your love everywhere

Maybe even when you're not there

The lovelight

Everything around you is lovelight

You're shining like a star in the night

I won't let you out of my sight

I don't want to lose you, I don't want to lose your lovelight

A month after your first date, July, you and Giovanni had been going out on more and more unofficial dates and every time, whether he did something small like brush his thumb over your knuckle at a restaurant or throw half a jewelery store at your feet, you felt that same light. Not only could you see more light in your life ever since Giovanni came along, but every fiber of your being seemed to be electrified whenever he so much as looked at you. Little did you know, whenever you so much as smiled, it felt like you had lit up his entire damn body. He didn't want to lose that, neither did you want to lose him.

And I feel so good

And I feel so right

And I know that you must have a lovelight

You've got lovelight

And I can feel your love everywhere

Maybe even when you're not there

You've got lovelight

Everything around you is lovelight

You're shining like a star in the night

I won't let you out of my sight

I don't want to lose you, I don't want to lose your lovelight

Everything about you is right

Let it glow and let it be bright

I don't want to lose your lovelight

Shining like a star in the night

By August, Giovanni wasn't shy in telling you he, if not fully loved, really did care about you and loved you for who you were. This is why he asked you on roughly your tenth date to be his girlfriend. Without hesitation, you said yes. Everything about this was right, whether it would last or not. And believe me, it would last.

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