Chapter 4 'will you be my girlfriend"

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I can't believe what the hell I just saw. He was her father for Christ's sake and I knew it was a bad idea for her to go home. I looked over at her; she was so beautiful and I can't believe I let that rumor affect our friendship. 'God I'm so stupid.'

I got her out of that house and took her over to mine and brought her inside.  When I opened the door the guys were talking and they stopped talking and looked at me wide eyed I forgot she was only in her bra an underwear. I blushed and took her upstairs to my room and she went to sleep. When I walked down I looked at the lads to see Louis smirking. I just rolled my eyes then Liam spoke in a whispering yell

"Niall what the bloody hell happened!"

"I went back to her house because I was having second thoughts about her staying there and I heard screaming through the door so Ii barged in. I heard crying upstairs and I ran to her she was practically naked with her father top of her. He was going to rape her Liam!" I yelled.

"It'll be ok Niall at least you there when you did." he smiled sadly. I smiled back and suddenly got really tired.

"I'm going to bed night guys" I said.

"Night mate."


I woke up in a different bed and I was really confused until everything came flooding back to me with my father almost raping me again and then Niall saving me. Niall brought a smile to my face and then I realized that I'm starting to fall in love with him again. I was interrupted by Niall walking in the door.

"Hey beautiful you hungry?" I blushed and nodded and started to get up.

"Wait, I'll get you some clothes wait here." He came back as fast as he came and brought a pair of shorts and a shirt. I put then on and followed him downstairs to see the boys. They looked up and smiled at me and Niall until Louis spoke up.

"Aw, did little Nialler get a girlfriend?" Niall glared at him while blushing like a mad man. He looked like an adorable tomato, maybe darker. I sat down and piled my plate with five pancakes, two sausages, and four pieces of bacon and poured syrup all over it. As I took a bite I looked up and the boys were looking at me with wide eyes and their mouth open.

"What" I mumbled looking down at my food shyly.

"You ate more than Niall." Harry said still shocked.

"Well I've hardly ate anything for a year" I said and they all looked down.

"Guys I've forgivin you so stop being upset. What do you want to do today?" They looked at each other and smiled then Louis yelled truth or dare. Great.


Louis whined to be first over and over until Harry agreed to let him. He spun the bottle and it landed on Danielle. Louis smirked

"Truth or dare Danielle?" she put her thinking face on which was adorable.


"If you would date anyone of us who would it be?" she blushed and looked down.


I was so happy I couldn't keep from grinning like an idiot. Danielle Spun the bottle and it landed on Harry.

     "True or dare Harry?" she said.

"I don't feel like doing dare so truth." she smirked.

"What's the most embarrassing thing your family has done in front of the boys?" The boys and I were chuckling because we already knew this.  Harry groaned from embaressment.

"Well we were at my house and I was trying to make whale noises until my mom walked in the room and goes Harry styles quit making sexual noises."

Danielle bursts out laughing with the rest of us and when she contained herself she tried to speak.

"So your mom knows what you sound like having sex?" as she bursts out laughing again.

He sighs and spins the bottle and it lands on me.

"Niall truth or dare?" Either way I was screwed.


"I dare you to go in your room with Danielle for 10 Minutes." I looked at Danielle and she was already up so I got up and took her to my room and sat on my bed. I patted beside me so she'd sit down.

"Sooo Danielle." I looked in to her eyes got lost in them. I felt myself leaning in closer and surprisingly she was too. I could feel her breath on my lips and when I closed the gap it was perfect. I felt fireworks as I cupped her cheek. I don't know how long we were kissing, but it felt right. We pulled away before it got too heated and smiled with our foreheads touching.

"Danielle I know I've hurt you, and I'm truly sorry but would you be my girlfriend because I can't stand the thought of not being with you and you finding someone else?"


"Danielle I know I've hurt you, and I'm truly sorry but would you be my girlfriend because I can't stand the thought of not being with you and you finding someone else?"

I looked at him shocked. I know I said I wanted him to give me time but something told me I should do this. I was caught up in my thoughts and I snapped out when he looked down and started walking away.

"Niall wait!" he turned around and I ran toward him and kissed him. He put his arms around my waist and pulled me closer.

"Yes." he looked really confused but it hit him; he looked like a kid on Christmas.

"Really! I won't let anything hurt you." He kissed me again until the boys walked in.

"Yea get it in Nialler! We pulled apart and they were all laughing except Zayn. He looked kind of jealous?

Why would he be jealous? He stormed out and the boys and I looked at each other confused

"I'll go talk to him" Liam said smiling. As he left the room we just stayed in Niall's room and talked about random stuff and had some laughs.


As soon as I saw them in there kissing my heart shattered to pieces. I've had a crush on Danielle for a long time, but I never said anything to anyone because of her being bullied, but now she's taken; I'm too fucking late. Liam walked in concerned and sat down beside me.

     "Zayn what's wrong?"

"Liam I'm going to tell you something I've never told anyone" he nodded for me to go on.

"I've had a crush on Danielle for a long time, but I've never told anyone and she's with Niall now. It sucks." He was shocked to say the least but he looked at me with sympathetic eyes

"I'm sorry Zayn, but she's with Niall now. If it doesn't work out maybe you'll have your chance. I thought you were dating Tynesha "I looked at him

"I broke up with her. She was cheating on me. "

"I'm sorry about Tynesha but you will find someone else." He smiled sadly and then got up and left.

If Niall screws up one time and Danielle's upset I will be the person comforting her. I will get my chance.

*authors note*

Oh no what's gonna happen with Zayn is he goin to get his chance???

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