Chapter 21 asking all them questions

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When I took the blindfold it was so beautiful. The lights and the scene was perfect and I turned around to Niall and he was smiling nervously.

"Niall, what is all this?"

"Come on let's go eat." He dragged me without answering my question. Soon after we were done eating he got up and held a hand out for me to take. He walked us over to the river and turned to me. Music started to play and out stepped the lads and the girls? What are they doing? Niall and the boys started singing.


I wanna write you a song

One as beautiful as you are sweet

With just a hint of pain

For the feeling that I get when you are gone

I wanna write you a song


I wanna lend you my coat

One that's as soft as your cheek

So when the world is cold

You'll have a hiding place you can go

I wanna lend you my coat


Ooh, everything I need I get from you

Ooh, givin' back is all I wanna do


I wanna build you a boat

One as strong as you are free

So any time you think that your heart is gonna sink

You know it won't

I wanna build you a boat


Ooh, everything I need I get from you

Ooh, givin' back is all I wanna do


Ooh, everything I need I get from you

Ooh, givin' back is all I wanna do


I wanna write you a song

One to make your heart remember me

So any time I'm gone

You can listen to my voice and sing along

I wanna write you a song

I wanna write you a song

"Danielle?" I was on the verge of crying and I look to see Niall on one knee. No.

"Niall?" He smiled.

"Danielle we be been through a lot and from the first day I met you I've been in love with you, but I never told you because I was afraid. We started hanging out and did everything imaginable together. I know I messed up greatly and I regret it every single day. When you yelled at us and told me you hurt yourself because of me I couldn't even look at myself because I was disgusted because I never wanted to hurt you. The day you had to leave Ireland and live here broke my heart. We have a beautiful little girl together and I'm proud to be a part of her life. That song we just sang was what I wrote for you. Danielle everything about you makes me go crazy and I don't want to let you go. I want to spend the rest of my life with you, give you everything you need, and raise a bigger family so what I am asking is Danielle will you marry me?" I look around to see everyone smiling and some crying. Niall was looking at me full of hope and love so I said what I wanted.

"Yes." I said smiling and crying. He stood up, put the ring on my finger, and kissed me passionately.

"I love you Danielle so much." He whispered on my lips. 

Moment in time Niall Horan love storyWhere stories live. Discover now