New People

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I dedicate this WHOLE book to the AMAZING Shannah Bolt @shannah1010 for being an amazing supporter of my books. She is the best person I know. Shannah edited this whole book because I am terrible at grammar and spelling and she is just that awesome. She is also the best friend you could ever ask for! Anyway, I love you Shannah!!!

I FINALLY got ten reads on the Coming Soon! part of this story so here is the first chapter, enjoy!

~Dedicated to @cvrvmvrie for writing the best Vampire/ Teen Fiction story I have read. It is called Kidnapped. and she has a sequel to that one called Awake. These books have inspired me to write this story.~

Chapter 1

"Grace don't you walk away from me!" My mom yelled as I walked out the door.

I've had it with her, I don't want to deal with her stupid rules and orders anymore. So I'm going to take a walk. I want to go calm down.

My mom was mad at me because I didn't pick up my little brother, Grant, who is 15. He will be driving in a year and I can't wait. I had a lot of homework to do that night and I had to write an essay so I went to the library instead of picking him up. He was fine, he got one of his friends to take him home. But when I got home she threw a fit, she is very protective of my brother. I can get that he is the baby of the family, but I'm twenty so she shouldn't treat me like I'm five.

The only reason I still live with them is because they pay for my college. My job can't pay for college, an apartment, and gas. My parents say that they will only spend it if they know for sure that I'm really going to college, I guess the only way they can do that is by making me stay with them.

I've been trying to find a better job but no one is hiring. I guess I'm just stuck with what I have.


*Elijah's P.O.V.*

I was taking a walk in the park when I saw this beautiful girl just sitting alone on the bench.

It has been a while since I have come to the park or talked to a girl. Yes me and my brother have thrown parties but I never talked to a girl. What if I make her nervous? What if she doesn't like guys?

Enough thinking just do it. I stopped thinking about it and walked up to her.


*Grace's P.O.V.*

Just then I heard someone approach me from behind. I turned around and saw a tall, buff, handsome guy walking to me. His hair was dirty blonde color and spiked in the front. It went perfectly with his beautiful hazel eyes.

"Who are you?" I asked as he sat down next to me.

"I'm Elijah, you looked lonely so I thought I would come say hi to this beautiful girl." I blushed, "What is your name?" he asked smiling, showing off his pearly white teeth.

"Grace." I answered.

"That is a beautiful name." he spoke with such happiness, like he had never been mad or sad in his life.

I couldn't help but smile, "You have such a beautiful smile." he said. I have never seen him before in my life and he is flirting with me like he has known me for a while.

I have never had a boyfriend, let alone someone flirt with me, "Why are you always so happy?" I asked.

"Why are you so bummed?" he asked.

"Well I just had a fight with my mom for the millionth time and I needed to calm down." I answered.

"Well, do you need to talk about it?"

"I just met you, you could try to kill me for all I know."

"There is always that possibility, but how could I kill such a beautiful girl such as yourself?"

"Would you stop that, I don't even know you." I said smiling, holding back laughter.

"We could change that, I could tell you my story and you could tell me yours."

I couldn't help but smile, he was so... what's the word? Adorable, "Fine." I agreed.

"Okay well my name is Elijah, I live with my brother, Alex, and my friend, Jayson. I don't have any parents, they died when I was ten so I grew up with my grandparents. But now that I'm 21, I can live on my own."

My mouth was still agape from how he just openly told me that his parents died when he was 10.

"I know it's a lot to take in but that is pretty much it, oh yeah and I'm single." he said it as if he didn't just tell me that his parents died, he was still flirting with me, "So what is your story?"

"Well I still live with my parents because they are paying for my college and they will only pay for it if I'm there living with them. I don't make enough money to pay for college, gas, and an apartment." I said.

"Ooh, college girl, I like it." he said.

I shook my head and continued, "Anyway, I also have a little brother, Grant, who is 15 and the main reason me and my mom fight. I love Grant and will do anything for him, but my mom treats him like he is five and needs to be watched all the time. Even he gets tired of it sometimes too."

"How old are you?"


"One year younger than me." he said smirking.

Just then I felt someone grab my shoulder and I turned around to see Grant, "What do you want?" I asked.

"Mom wants you home." he said.

"I don't want to go home right now."

"Well mom isn't pissed anymore so I suggest you come home before you make her mad again and get yourself deeper in this pile of shit." he said.

"Fine, I will come home in a minute."

Just before Grant left he stuck out his hand and said, "I'm Grant, Grace's little brother."

Elijah shook it and said, "Nice to meet you, I'm Elijah." Then Grant left.

"Sorry about that." I said.

"It's okay, he's pretty cool."

"Whatever." I said getting up to leave.

"Hey wait, what's your number?" he asked.

I pulled out a piece of paper, wrote it down, then gave it to him, "Thanks, I will text you later so you will have my number and you can call me if you need anything."

"Wow, thanks your so nice. Are you sure your single?" I asked.

"Yep." he said smiling.

"Well I guess I will talk to you later." I said.

"I will be looking forward to it." He said, and with that I slowly started walking back home.

A/N: Hope you liked the first chapter. Like I have said before this is the first time I have written a story like this so I am trying to make it unique.

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