And They All Lived Happily Ever After... Right?

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Chapter 25

This is the last chapter of Kidnapped... Sort of! Thank you Loves for sticking with it this long! Love you guys!

P.S.~ Listen to the song in the Media Box as you read.


I woke up to feeling a dip in the bed. My eyes shot open to see a smiling Eli.

"What are you doing?" I asked moving my hair out of my face and trying to keep my eyes open.

"I just wanted to come see your beautiful face."

"Why are you really here?" I asked playfully, now sitting up.

"Well, I was enjoying watching you sleep, but I really did come in here to tell you something."

"What?" I asked.

"Well today me and the boys were going to go out in the forest to... you know." I only nodded, not understanding what he was getting at. "Well, I know how much you love it out in the woods and I found this beautiful place that I want to take you to."

I smiled, this was the first time I ever wanted to go with them when they were 'hunting'.

"I would love to." I smiled.

"Great." Eli gave me a quick kiss on the cheek. "We are going to leave in like an hour."

"K, I'll get dressed." I said getting up and out of bed.

I put on some skinny jeans and a long sleeve shirt with my combat boots.

I walked down stairs and the guys were ready and waiting. "So I hear your going hunting with us." Damon smiled.

"Well not hunting with you, Eli's taking me somewhere." I smiled taking his hand.

Jayson, Damon and Alex all exchanged looks and start laughing.

I just shake my head, "Lets go." I said.

We all walked out and headed deep into the woods. We all split up, me going with Eli of course.

We got to this place in the woods that was thick with bush and trees and I was about to ask where he was taking me when I saw it.

It was the most beautiful place I had ever seen. There was this crystal clear lake, so clear you could see the bottom. The trees around it made the view even more breath taking.

"Oh my God. Elijah, it's beautiful here." I smiled in awe.

"I knew you'd like it."

I turned to him and kissed him passionately. He was the best thing that has happened to me.

"I love you." I said in the kiss.

"I love you." He smiled.

I pulled away and he took my hand and stared at it intently for a few seconds.

"Eli what are you doing?" I asked, it looked like he was thinking.

He looked up at me and gave me a smile then got down on one knee, my hand still in his hands.

I gasped, I knew what was coming. "Elijah." I breathed out shakily.

He pulled out a ring, "Grace McAlister, you are the best thing that has ever happened to me." he started and I wanted to scream yes at the top of my lungs but I wanted to hear what he had to say and the tears pouring out of my eyes prevented me from speaking.

"I can't imagine a world with out knowing you were by my side. Grace will you do me the honor of-" before he could finish I screamed.

"Yes! Yes of course!" I wrapped my arms around him after he slid on the ring.

I wiped away all my tears of pure joy and kissed him, "I love you so much." I said.

"I love you, too." He kissed me again.

I couldn't wait to tell Mel and my mom. Oh I was so happy, I couldn't stand it. I knew my mom would be excited.

I looked down at the ring and smiled at it's beauty. It was a simple diamond ring but it was amazing because the diamond reflected the sunlight.

Eli walked to the edge of the lake to try and find some shells. I heard rustling from behind me and I figured it was just the guys so I turned around.

It was not the guys. I didn't recognize who it was but he was a vampire and his fangs were out, he looked mad.

"Wh-who are you?" I asked backing away.

The last thing I could hear before I screamed was Damon's screams, "Elijah, Grace!"

He sunk his fangs into my neck and I screamed out in pain. I didn't know why this guy was doing this to me, I didn't even know him.

I tried to push him off but it didn't work. Elijah was pissed, he ran to me and snapped the guys neck throwing him against a tree, hard.

I felt so drained, I was falling to the ground when Elijah caught me. The boys ran to my side.

I was getting so tired, "Elijah." I said in a whisper, as loud as I could talk.

He began to cry, I wiped away his tears, "Don't cry. I'll be ok."

"Grace no, no, no." Damon cried.

I looked down at my ring for what would most likely be the last time. I could feel my blood on my neck and hair.

"Grace, Grace," Eli cried, moving the bloody hair out of my face, "Hold on baby, don't leave me."

A tear fell out of my eye and Eli wiped it away, my vision was going blurry. I put my hand on Eli's face, "Elijah, it's okay." I whispered as loud as a could. I wiped away a few of his tears as he sobbed, "I love you." I said before my eyes started to flutter shut and my hand began to fall to my side.

Eli caught my hand and held it, "I love you, too." he sobbed into my neck holding me close.

That is all I could ask for in my last moments. The man that I would have been spending the rest of my life with, holding me in his arms as I pass.

My eyes got heavy and I could feel myself giving in, "I love you guys." was the last thing I said before it all went dark and I was... Dead.


So that's it! Kidnapped... Sort of is officially over, I REALLY want to hear what you have to say about this chapter so PLEASE, I beg of you, comment my loves!

I started this story, never knowing that I would get 1,000 reads. I know it isn't that big of a number to some of you but to me that is huge! You have no idea the love I have for all of my readers!

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Thank you SO SO much for sticking with it this long! Love you guys! •3•


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