Rain Check

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Alexander's POV

"HEY! PUT ME DOWN! YOU SON OF A BITCH! LET GO OF ME! YOU SICK PIECE OF SHIT! OW! LET GO!" Mr. Laurens threw me out of his car and I tumbled onto the side walk. "YOU STUPID BITCH!" I shouted as he drove off and sighed. I promised John. I stood up and dusted myself off. I looked around and settled on the lobby of a nice hotel. I walked in and sat on one of the chairs in the far corner. I pulled out my phone and stared at John's contact. Would he pick up? Was he just like all the others? Love me and leave me? I bit my thumb and called him. It rang for what seemed like forever before...
"Hey, baby girl!" I smiled and smoothed out my skirt. "Are you ok?"
"I'm fine. A few bruises maybe but fine."
"Alright. Where are you, baby?" I gave him my locale and bit my thumb again. "Oh, cool. You're not too far from my apartment. I'll be there in ten minutes. Stay safe, baby girl."
"Ok. Bye, Johnny."
"Bye, Lexi." I sat criss cross applesauce in the seat and rocked back and forth, biting my thumb. I had gotten my panties back so I wasn't worried about flashing anyone. Millions of questions and doubts buzzed through my head as I waited for John. Ten minutes felt like ten years and I was starting to think he left me. "Alex?" I perked up and saw John in the doorway. I shot off the chair and dove into his arms. "Aw, miss me?" He teased.
"Shut up...yes." John chuckled and kissed my forehead. It had to be around midnight or something because I was really tired. I yawned and John scooped me up bridal style.
"C'mon, Baby Girl." He carried me to his car and laid me in the passenger seat. He hopped in the driver's seat and I let my knees fall away from my chest, buckling my seat belt.

"Wake up, Lexi." I blinked and stared into John's freckled face.
"Where are we?"
"Well, I thought we could rain check dinner for now because you're very tired." He smiled and helped me out of the car. He entwined his fingers with mine and lead me into a building. I quickly realized it was a very nice apartment building and tried to run but the elevator doors closed.
"John, no."
"What's wrong?"
"I don't wanna take up your space."
"You won't. It'll be just fine." He kissed me gently and I latched onto his arm. The doors opened and I followed John to his apartment. It was fucking nice. A beautiful entry way and god it was just gorgeous. John tossed his keys in a bowl and clicked his tongue. He looked down at me and I stared at my surroundings.
"No way."
"Way. C'mere." John took my hand and pulled me into his bedroom. Pictures of turtles and marine biology books were everywhere and the bed was a mess. John dug around handed me sweatpants and a t-shirt. "Bathroom is two doors down, take a real shower and don't wear your bra. I know you hate it." I blushed. "If you need help with the shower just ask, it took me a week to figure it out." He kissed me gently and sent me away. I was able to figure out his shower and fit into his clothes for the most part. He t-shirt was really big on me and his sweatpants hung of my hip so if I jumped they'd fall down. When I came back John was cleaning up his room and I watched. "Hey! You look adorable."
"Are you hungry?"
"I don't wanna over stay my welcome." John chuckled and grabbed my waist.
"Not possible. Let's get you something to eat, baby girl." John took me to the kitchen and sat me on a stool to the high table. "What do you want? I've got...sandwiches...Mac and cheese-"
"Mac and Cheese!" I jumped at the opportunity and John laughed. "My mom used to make it for me and my brother."
"Aw, that's sweet." John kissed me gently and started cooking. "Alexa, play my playlist." I suddenly got really jealous and frowned. Music started to play and I bit my lip.
"Who's Alexa?" John burst out laughing and nearly dropped the noddles.
"Are you jealous, Hamilton?" I blushed and John chuckled. "Relax. Alexa is just-"
"You're girlfriend. I'm intruding."
"No. Listen to me. Alexa is a robot. She's just a little cylinder. Look." He pointed to a cylinder with a blue ring on top. I blushed. "See?"
"O-oh. I'm stupid."
"No, you're not." John gave me a massive helping of Mac and Cheese and we chatted while we ate. When I finished John gathered my bowl and kissed my forehead. "C'mon, Baby Girl." He lead me back to his bedroom and cupped my face in his hands. "I wanted to ask you something."
"Stay with me." I frowned. "I can support you." My eyes widened and gasped.
"No, John, I'm not-"
"Please? Alex, you don't belong on the streets and, truth be told, I really like you. I've fallen for you and I can't let you go." I hesitated.
"You won't leave me?"
"You won't die?"
"Not yet." I sighed. "Please, Lexi? I can give you the world." John took my hands and leaned in close.
"Ok." John cracked a wide smile and I smiled too. "Yes, I'll stay with you." John pulled me into a passionate kiss and I grinned.
"Ok, cool!" John squeezed me tightly and I squeezed him back. "Tomorrow we'll get you a real meal. We'll go to Walmart and get you boys clothes that fit and we'll get you some sports bras. Right?"
"Yes, John." I chuckled, I looked down and bit my lip.
"What? Is there something else you need?"
"I have depression, anxiety, and PTSD. I used to have medication for it but I ran out awhile ago." I mumbled, John lifted my chin and pressed our foreheads together.
"Then we'll get your meds. Then clothes." I nodded and John scooped me up. He held me in one arm and pulled the covers back with the other. He started to lower me and I scrambled to hold onto him.
"N-no!" John frowned and cradled me.
"It's your bed. I'll just sleep on the floor."
"Not a chance, Baby Girl." John set me down and pulled the blankets around me. "C'mon. Get comfortable. I'll be on the couch." John turned to leave and I panicked.
"Will-will you stay?" John chuckled and closed the door.
"Of course, Baby Girl." John laid down with me and I snuggled into his side. "Goodnight, Lexi."
"Goodnight, Jacky." John kissed me goodnight and I started to nod off. I felt...At Home

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