My Stupid

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Alexander's POV

"What? I thought he went to jail!" I grabbed John's hand and he snapped out of whatever trance he was in.
"How do you know this?"
"Hercules saw him on the way home yesterday."
"No, no, no! I can't-...what if he-..."
"Ok, ok. Calm down. Let's go about this rationally. Maybe he'll leave us alone." The elevator dinged and we all froze. John shivered violently and I frowned at him.
"It's him." I got nauseous and stumbled to the toilet, barfing. John held my hair back and rubbed my back as Laf answered the door. John and I got dressed quickly and I rubbed my stomach as John helped me sit on the couch.
"Um...John can't come to the door right now."
"Why?" The second John heard his voice he stopped moving. I kissed him and he snapped out of it. Seeing John afraid terrifies me but I have to stay calm for him.
   "Because he-" Francis pushes into the room and John looked like he might faint.
   "Baby-" I whispered.
   "John!" Francis smiled. "Everyone else out." He grumbled, John bit his lip hard and I stood up.
   "No. What ever you have to say you can say to the three of us." I kept a hand on my stomach as the baby kicked and John started shaking his head. I knew he was going to tell me to sit down but that wasn't happening.
   "You. You're the bitch who called the cops and locked me in the closet!" He stormed up to me and I John stood in front.
"Don't you DARE even THINK about laying a finger on him." John growled, it sent shivers down my spin and I was legitimately scared. I put a gentle hand on his back and he softened. "Stay away from my husband." John sounded like he may commit murder and it kind of worried me.
"Babe, please?" I begged, trying to get him to calm down. I moved in front of him and both men were seething with anger. Laf slipped into the elevator and I got John to stop on his murderous rampage. "Can we just sit down and talk like civilized human beings?"
"No!" Both men growled at the same time.
"John, baby, I love you but you're kinda stressing me out right now and-"
"Stress isn't good for the baby." He mumbled.
"Baby?" Francis glared at me and I rested a hand on my stomach.
   "I'm four months pregnant." I glared at Francis and he seemed to shrink a bit. "Now. Both of you sit."
   "No way am I gonna-"
   "SIT!" I raised my voice and John immediately sat down. Francis slowly sat in a chair and I huffed. "Now. Both of you are going to talk this out like civilized people and I don't care if I'm pregnant. I'll beat the shit out of both of you." I growled, John sighed heavily and Francis pouted. "Francis, why are you here?"
   "To win him back."
   "You can't just-" I glared at John and he shut his mouth.
   "Because he's mine!"
   "People aren't property. You have to remember that."
   "He used to be mine until you came along!"
   "John, is this true?"
   "No. I broke up with him long before I met you."
   "Ok. Francis, why do you feel the need to get him back."
   "Because I love him." John crinkled his nose and I sighed.
   "Francis, he's moved on. You need to respect that and let it go."
   "Francis, you treated me like shit. I was never happy with you. If you actually loved me you would be happy for me. I found someone who loves me and I love him too."
   "Alex, Francis."
   "I married him and that's my child." Francis became angry and he stood up. He started toward me and suddenly he was on the ground. John stood over him and in front of me. Francis popped up and swung at him. John pushed me back and I stumbled, falling on the couch. John dodged Francis and decked him, causing him to crumble. "Get the hell out of my house and stay the fuck away from my family." Francis looked like a hurt puppy as he stared up at and scrambled to the elevator. John ran to me and hugged me tightly.
   "I love you." I smiled, kissed him gently.
   "I have a surprise for you." I frowned and John smiled. "C'mon." We headed out to the car and I frowned.
   "Where are we going?"
   "What part of 'surprise' don't you understand?" John giggled, I rolled my eyes and shook my head.
   "You're a dork." I giggled.
   "I've been told." John pulled up to a house and I frowned.
   "Where are we?"
   "Come on." He got out and opened the door for me. He took me into the yard and smiled. "Close your eyes." I did so and he spun me in a circle. "Open." I opened my eyes and frowned.
   "I don't get it."
   "It's ours...I bought it." John looked at me hopefully and I bit my lip. "Here. Let's give you the tour." John showed me the house and couldn't believe it. The house was gorgeous and pretty big. It had three bedrooms (including the master bedroom) three bathrooms and it was two stories. All bedrooms and one of the bathrooms was upstairs with a small sitting room. We ended in the living room and John bit his lip. "I know I should've asked you first and it's a big step but I wanna take it." I didn't know what to say so I just stared at him. "Please say something? Anything." He begged.
   "I love it." I breathed, John grinned and I hugged him tightly. "I love you!" I giggled, John kissed me and I smiled widely.
   "I was so worried." He kissed me again and I giggled.
   "I could tell."
   "Hush." I laughed and John smiled. "Look at me." I looked him in the eye and he smiled. "I'm doing the heavy lifting." I laughed and he chuckled. "I'm serious."
   "Alright, alright. I won't do anything stupid." I grinned and looked at John. "Unless it's you." John frowned and my grin grew wider. "Cause you're stupid." John glared at me and I giggled hysterically.
   "You better be glad you're carrying my child." He grumbled.
   "You're my stupid." I giggled.

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