Best Night Of My Life

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Alexander's POV

All of the possibilities raced through my mind as I pressed the button on the elevator to Laf's apartment. The doors closed and I tapped my foot. John wouldn't be home until three so I had enough time to figure this out. The doors opened and I looked around.
"Laf!" I called shakily.
"Yo! Alex, what's up?" Laf asked when he saw my uneasiness. He sat me on the couch and I bit my lip.
"I have a huge problem." I sniffed.
"Huge? What's wrong?"
"I haven't had my period yet and normally I wouldn't worry but it's different this time." Laf's eyes widened and I started to cry.
"No, no! I'm sorry! Don't cry! Ok. Tell me everything." I pulled myself together and huffed.
"I've been hungrier and I cry for no reason. My boobs fucking hurt and I feel like throwing up all the time." Laf glanced at Herc and bit his lip.
"We have to be sure before we tell John." John. I started to cry harder at the thought and Laf hugged me. "Herc-"
"Yeah. I'll be back." Herc left and Laf tried to calm me down.
"What am I gonna do!" I wailed.
"Don't freak out yet. We don't know for sure."
"Maybe it's just a side effect of the meds I take?" I asked, begging for a different explanation.
"John's gonna kill me." I sobbed.
"No, he's not. He loves you. It's ok." Laf held me tightly and I emptied my tears ducts into his shirt. "When does John get home?"
"Ok. Why don't you take a relaxing bath while Herc is out and calm yourself down?" Laf asked, I nodded and he helped me off the couch. He escorted me to the bathroom and drew a bubble bath while I stared in the mirror. "Holler if you need something, honey." Laf hugged me again and I nodded.
"Thank you." Laf smiled and left the room. I stripped and sunk into the water like a hippo. I held my head in my hands and huffed. I'm over reacting. This is stupid. There's no possible way...right?

"Alex?" Laf knocked on the door and I sat up.
"Herc's back."
"Ok. I'll be out in a minute." I huffed and I got out. I dried myself with a towel and redressed. I stepped out into the sitting room and fell onto the couch.
"Feeling better?" Laf asked gently, I nodded and rubbed my eyes.
"Let's do this bullshit." I grabbed the box and headed to the bathroom. I went about my business as tears dripped down my face and I shook mercilessly. I finished up and refused to look. When I stepped out of the bathroom Laf and Herc looked up at me expectantly and I sniffed. "I can't look." Laf took it from me and hugged me before looking at it. His face fell and Herc joined him. I bit my thumb so hard waiting for something to be said but they just stared at it.
"Alex-" Laf tried to find the words but he failed and showed it to me.


I screamed in horror and collapsed to the floor. I don't know what happened next but I woke up on the couch shaking and sobbing. "Please tell me that was a dream!" I begged.
"No...I'm sorry, Alex." Laf spoke gently and stroked my hair. I choked on my own spit and tried to sit up. "Hey...stress isn't good."
"Not helping!" I screamed, Herc crouched down next to me and whispered something to Laf. Laf nodded and stood up. "What's going on?"
"Nothing." Herc assured. "Just rest."
"If stress isn't good then someone tell me what the fuck it going on!" I screamed.
"We're trying to get John here."
"N-no! You can't. We can't tell him!" Herc sighed and pushed me down into the couch.
" should tell your fiancé."
"He'll leave me."
"No, he won't. He loves you too much."
"But I can't." I sobbed.
"Yes, you can." Then a horrible thought drifted into my head, I shrieked and curled into a ball. "Alex, calm down. It's going to be ok."
"What if it's his?"
"Jefferson's." I whimpered.
"That's unrealistic. He used a condom, right?" I nodded and Herc smiled. "It's probably John's." He assured.
"He's gonna be mad." I sniffed.
"No. I promise." Herc assured, Laf crouched down and handed Herc his phone back.
"John's on his way."
"Did you tell him?"
"No." Laf shook his head. "I told him you had something important to tell him. He's trying to get out of work and he said he'd call me when he got in the car."
"I'm scared." I whimpered, Laf and Herc and glanced at each other and back at me.
"It'll be ok, mon ami."
"Can you do one thing for me?" I asked innocently.
"Kiss already, you dumb fucks! Jesus!" Both men flushed red and looked at each other. "I wanna see some action boys." I grinned.
"Alex, I don't-" Herc started, Laf looked down dejectedly and I raised an eyebrow.
"You're a terrible lair. You two, bedroom, now. Leave the phone." Laf chuckled and handed me his phone. They headed into Laf's bedroom and I turned my attention to the cartoons on the tv. The phone buzzed and I yelped. I looked down to see John's name and bit my lip. I answered it and pressed it to my ear.
"Hey, Laf. Dad, let me go. I'm heading over now. How's Alex?"
"I'm ok." I mumbled.
"Hey, Baby. Have you been crying? What's wrong, Peaches? Am I kicking the shit out of someone?" John rushed out, I giggled a bit and wiped my eyes.
"No. I'm ok, John." I spoke as calmly as possible.
"Good. I'll be there in five minutes, ok?"
"Ok. I love you."
"Bye. I love you too." John hung up and I hung my head.
"Not for long..." I mumbled as Laf and Herc sat next to me. "John'll be here in five minutes." I handed Laf his phone and slipped the test into my cardigan pocket. We watched cartoons in silence as I panicked and tried to calm down.
"Alex!" John rushed into the room and engulfed me in a crushing hug. "I was so worried, baby." He gushed and sat next to me.
"We'll give you two some time." Laf gave me a suggestive look and I huffed.
"What did you need to tell me?" John asked, gently taking my hands and smiling. God that smile made it so much harder.
"I-...I'm-..." John's smile faltered and his eyes swam with worry.
"What is it, Alex?"
"I'm pregnant." John's face became unreadable and he stared at me for a moment.
"Are you joking?" I shook my head and showed him the test. "Who's is it?" He was upset. I could tell he was upset.
"It should be yours." I stammered, starting to cry.
"I'm-...I'm gonna be a father...OH MY GOD! ALEX, BABY! THIS IS AMAZING!" John showered me with kisses and cupped my cheeks. "I love you so much, baby girl." He kissed me softly and pressed our foreheads together. I choked on my own tears and John pulled me into his lap. He wiped my tears and cooed soft phrases until I was calm. "I love you."
"I love you." I mumbled, kissing his jaw and still shaking a bit.
   "Stress isn't good for the baby!" Laf grinned from the doorway. "Also, I told you so."
   "Fuck you." I mumbled crossly, John nuzzled into my neck and rubbed circles with his thumb on my stomach.
   "He's right, Lexi." John hummed, I rolled my eyes and he kissed the side of my head.
   "I made up my mind, John."
   "About what?"
   "I'm gonna quit." I breathed, John sighed and nodded.
   "Ok, baby."
   "But I don't wan not work. I have to contribute some how."
   "I was gonna tell you later but how's good too." He chuckled and I looked up at him. "My dad's stepping down. I'm the new CEO and owner."
   "John! That's amazing, Princess!" I kissed him and he chuckled.
   "Yeah. I'm firing his old secretary. Which means there a job opening and I was wondering...if you'd like to fill it?" I grinned and kissed his jaw again.
   "I'd love too."
   "Cool. You start in two weeks." I giggled and he kissed me gently. "I can't wait to see your face more often." He mumbled into the kiss.
   "I can't wait to answer the phone." I rolled my eyes and John chuckled.
   "And bring me coffee." John grinned.
   "I'm not your slave." I teased.
   "I know, baby." John phone buzzed and he picked it up. "Hello...I know, dad...Yes, Alex is ok...I'll be over soon." He sighed and hung up, kissing me gently.
   "Duty calls?" John nodded and kissed me again. "Can I come with?"
   "Yes!" John laughed and pulled me off the couch, out to the car.

   "Dad, stop calling me. I'm right outside the door." John huffed as he opened the door and silenced his phone.
   "Sorry, John." His dad handed him a stack of papers and John plopped in the desk chair with a groan.
   "What's going on?" I giggled and leaned down over John's desk.
   "We got three new cases and dad is training me." John spat out quickly.
   "You told him?"
   "Uh Huh." I slid into lap and kissed his cheek as he continued to fill out paperwork. "I love you." John mumbled and kissed me. I giggled and smiled as John bent over my stomach. "I love you too, baby." I blushed and stroked John's curly brown locks.
   "What?" Mr. Laurens frowned and I looked at John.
   "" John stammered, trying to find the right words.
   "I'm pregnant." I smiled, John grinned and Henry cracked a wide smile.
   "You're kidding." I shook my head. "That's amazing. I'm so happy for you two." He hugged us and I giggled.
   "Oh! He's taking the job." John smiled and rubbed my stomach.
   "Awesome. I can have Susan start training you if you'd like?"
   "Yeah, sure." I smiled.
   "John, will you-"
   "Let's go, Baby." He kissed me and escorted me to Susan's desk. "Hey, Susan. So we've hired Alex as your replacement and we'd like you to start training him."
   "You hired your little slut? Be careful, sweetie. He'll love you and leave you." John tightened his grip on my hand and I rolled my eyes at her. "You're just like your father...a whore." She purred at John.
   "Hey!" I growled. "John is not a-" John put a hand over my mouth and I shut up.
   "This is why we're firing you. Now. Train my fiancé please." John let go of me and I played with the ring on my finger. John pulled up a chair and I sat down. "Love you, Lex." He kissed the top of my head and waved goodbye. I waved bye to John and turned to Susan. She began to train me and I nodded along.

   "Alex, you ready?" I nodded and followed John to the car.
   "Can we stop by the club?"
   "Sure, Peaches." I smiled and kissed his cheek. "Now I know why you've been acting weird."
   "Yeah." I giggled, we chatted on the drive over and John nearly attacked some guy who cat called me on the street. "Babe-BABE! He's not worth it, John." I assured, rubbing John's arm and pulling him away. "What's up with you?"
   "I don't know. I guess it's cause of the baby." He mumbled dejectedly.
   "Ultimate dad mode." I giggled, John snorted and opened the door for me. We walked into the club and I pulled John into Adams's office.
   "Alexander! I thought weren't dancing tonight?"
   "I'm not. I came here quit."
   "What?" Adams frowned. "Is it money or treatment. We can make some adjustments or-"
   "I'm pregnant." Adams stopped and frowned.
   "My fiancé's. It's John's." I squeezed his hand and John smiled.
   "Alright. It's a damn shame. You have talent kid." I smiled and nodded.
   "Yeah. I enjoy this occasionally." I chuckled. "I'm definitely gonna miss it."
   "One more dance? For old times sake?" I looked at John and he smiled.
   "One more dance." I grinned.
   "Go get changed." I grabbed John's hand and towed my to my dressing room. I changed and Maria threw the door open.
   "You're quitting!"
   "Yup. Sorry, Mar."
   "But why."
   "I'm engaged."
   "Ok. Just don't slut around."
   "I'm pregnant." She cracked a smile and squeezed me in a hug.
   "AH! CONGRATS!" I kissed John goodbye and we went to warm up. "So...Who's is it."
   "I really fucking hope it's John's. There's a tiny voice saying it's Jefferson's but I'm ignoring it." I huffed and stretched.
   "I'm sure it's John's. Besides, I don't think John cares. I think he's just happy to love you and have family with you." Maria smiled.
   "Thanks. That definitely makes me feel better." We started to spin and do tricks on the pole and I found myself being more careful than usual.

   "Alright, alright!" Adams quieted the club and I bit my lip. "Today is a sad day. All of you know and love Alexander." The crowd cheered and I chuckled dryly. Maria hugged me from behind and I giggled. "He's leaving today and this is his last dance so everyone give him a big round of applause!" I stepped out on stage and the crowd went wild. I blushed and saw John blow a kiss from the front row. I grinned and grabbed the pole as the music started. That night I got the most tips I'd ever gotten and I had a lot of fun. I danced all night with John's permission and the last song they played was a slow song. I grabbed John's hand and towed him on stage.
   "I love you." I wrapped my arms around his neck and he put his hands on my hips. We slow danced and I laid against him. Maria was crying and John kissed me gently.
   "If it's a boy we should name it Phillip." I grinned and nodded in agreement.
   "Frances." I smiled.
   "Deal." He giggled. That was the best night of my life.

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