Back To Work

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A/N - sry for the short chapter band camp is kicking my ass and I'm trying to get these chapters out for y'all enjoy!!!

Alexander's POV

"Alex, please!" John was on the floor hugging my legs as I desperately tried to get to the elevator.
"You can see up my skirt!"
"Your panties are adorable!" John giggled, I huffed and crossed my arms.
"Why do you wanna go?"
"Because I wanna see my baby dance." John whined, I groaned and sat down. John sat up and dusted himself off.
"John, I love you but that's not something you wanna see. I'm a stripper, John! Not a ballerina."
"I know that, Alex. I'll love you no matter what. I think it's really cool and you're an amazing stripper. I just wanna see my baby girl dance." John brushed my loose hair back into my ponytail and smiled.
"Fine." I mumbled. "You can hang out in my dressing room until it opens." John beamed and helped me up.
"I promise I'll be good. I love you."
"How'd I get stuck with someone as amazing as you?" John took my hand and we stepped into the elevator.
"My dad tied you down and stole your panties."
"Oh yeah." We paused for a moment before bursting out laughing and giggling.
"You look amazing by the way."
"Thanks, J."
"J." John giggles and kissed me gently. "Ya know I never thought I'd find someone I love so much."
"Well I'm glad you found someone and I'm glad it's me." We giggles and I shifted.
"John?...What if I got a real job?" John looked down at me and the doors opened. He lead me to his car in silence and I thought he was mad.
"Lexi, I know you think you need to have an income but you don't, Baby. I'm not suffering financially at all. You're not a burden." John put the car in drive and I sighed.
"I know but-...what about the future? I don't wanna use you, John."
"Lex, we'll be fine. I promise you. If you want to get a job I won't stop you but I want you to know you don't need too." John paused for a moment. "What if you went to school?"
"You could go to college."
"What! John, I dropped out of middle school! I didn't even go to high school!"
"At least take the SAT? For me?" I sighed and considered. "I want you to have a shot at a good life and if that means college then so be it. When I took you in I told you I'd give you the world and I'm still gonna. I love you, Alex." At that moment I realized just how much he actually loved me. He was willing to do anything for me to have a better life and be happy. I started to cry, I couldn't believe someone like him could love someone like me so much. John pulled up to the club and hugged me tightly. "Don't cry, baby."
"I love you so much and I don't deserve you." I wailed, John just hugged me and cooed loving things.
"You deserve me plenty. Now c'mon."
"Is Laf coming?"
"Not that I'm aware of."
"Johnny, I don't want you to be by yourself." I sniffed, John smiled and got out of the car. He opened my door and crouched down in front of me.
"I'll call him once I get inside." John brushed my tears away and kissed me gently. He helped me out of the car and bums started to prowl.
   "Head down. Don't make eye contact." I towed John inside and wiped my eyes a lot. "Sam, can John get a beer?" Sam nodded and starts to fix John a beer. John hugged me from behind and I smiled. "I love you, John."
"I love you too, Alex." I dragged him to my dressing room and sat him in my chair.
"Close your eyes."
"I thought you didn't care." John hummed.
"I don't. I just...I don't want you to see me in lingerie." I mumbled quietly, John cupped my cheeks and kissed my nose, making me blush.
"You look beautiful no matter what. I don't care what you wear. I love my Lexi." I smiled and pulled my shirt off. I unclipped my bra and John blushed.
   "How can you be so beautiful?" He asked, I grinned and straddled him.
   "You wanna touch?" I purred, John blushed harder and I leaned closer. "Consider it a present." John carefully felt me up and I kissed his jaw.
   "I've never felt any sexual attraction to any girl but...with you-...I love you. I love you so much. I don't care what body parts you have. I see any other girl or guy on the street and I think 'that's not my Alex. Ew.'" I giggled and stared into John's green eyes. "I've figured it out."
   "Figured what out?"
   "I'm Lexi-sexual." He grinned, I laughed and smiled. "And I love my Lexi."
   "I love you too."
   "There's not a thing you could do to make me stop loving you." He squeezed my breasts gently and I stifled a moan. "You are so sensitive."
   "I love you for it, baby." I kissed him gently and finished changing into my lingerie. I slipped my robe on and kissed John good bye before meeting up with Maria.
   "So, John? How's it going since you ran away?"
   "Great actually. He's amazing." I gushed and spun around the pole. "I'm nervous."
   "Why? You're never nervous."
   "John's here." I mumbled.
"He is? You're not gonna-"
"No. I-...I invited him." Maria raised an eyebrow and I sighed, flipping upside down. "That night he came I saw the look in his eyes. I was so upset that I misinterpreted the look as hateful not loving. I was so stupid I didn't realize how much John loves me."
"Well dah."
"Maria, I died. I died in his arms and he's still here. He risked heat stroke for me for days when I had severe hypothermia. He nearly raced home because I was stupid and hungry and I collapsed in Laf's living room."
"You are an idiot."
"So how are you and Peggy?"
"Amazing. She's so wonderful and kind!-" I listened to her rant about Peggy as I warmed up and Adams shooed us back stage. I wrapped my robe tightly around my body and poked my head into the dressing room.
"I love him, mom. I really do." He was on the phone and I blushed. "I don't care what dad would think. I love you bye." He hung up and I smiled.
"Hey, Jacky." He spun around and blushed.
"How much-?"
"Just how much you love me!" I cooed and grabbed his hand.
"I love you." He kissed my cheek and took him to the back stage door. "Laf's waiting outside. I'll be ok. I promise. I can't wait to see my baby dance!"
"Alex! You're on!"
"I love you." I hopped up on my toes and pecked John on the lips. I darted up to the stage and spotted John almost immediately. I winked at him and he grinned, Laf nudging him. I took my place at my pole and started to spin and be sexual. I spun to the floor and crawled over to John. "Hi."
   "Hi." John cooed, he slipped a one dollar bill into the hem of my panties and kissed me gently.
   "How dare you." I teased, John just grinned and brushed my hair back.
   "Hey, why don't you go shake that pretty ass for me?" John slurred his words slightly and I raised an eyebrow.
   "Are you drunk?"
   "Tipsy. Now slay, baby." I giggled and hopped up. I collected tips and smiled. I was glad John was there. I also find it funny that he gets tipsy off two drinks. When my shift ended I slipped into my robe and tied it tight around my petite frame. I navigated through the crowd and found Laf, Herc, and John sitting one of the couches. I slipped into John's lap and he jumped before putting his hands on my hips. "Hey, Baby."
   "Hiya, Jacky." He kissed me and let a hand slip up my robe. He rubbed circles with his thumb on my sids and I laid against him. I yawned and John chuckled.
   "Do you wanna go home?"
   "We can stay if you want."
   "Nah, let's go home." John slurred a bit.
"No driving for you." I giggled.
"Laf and Herc are sober and I'm just tipsy." John smiled, I grinned and kissed him gently.
"I love you so much." We all got ready to leave and I remembered my stuff. "Hey, you guys go on out. I've gotta get my stuff." I pecked John's cheek and ran into my dressing room. I grabbed my bag and turned to leave but the door slammed in my face.

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