The Office

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A/N - just a tiny bit of rape

John's POV

I woke up to Alexa basically screaming that I have a call.
"Answer it." I mumbled.
"John?" Great.
"Morning, dad." I pulled Alex closer so if he woke up he wouldn't say anything.
"I need you to come in and take my place for a few hours. My-um-sectary and I are busy." I sighed heavily.
"What about mom?"
"Eleanor hasn't spoken to me in a day."
"She told me you haven't been home."
"Just come in unless you want a beating, boy!" I sighed and he hung up. I buried my face in Alex's shoulder and held him close.
"John?" He groggily. "Baby, what's wrong?" He pet my hair and I held him as close as possible.
"My dad's cheating on my mom again."
"Oh, I'm so sorry." He squeezed me tight and I sniffed.
"I just wish my family was normal." I know I shouldn't be complaining to Alex but I can't help it.
   "I know." He hummed, he's too understanding.
   "Get your head off mine."
   "Why?" Alex complied and moved.
   "Cause I wanna see your cute face." I grinned. "All better." I hummed and kissed him gently. He giggled and I held him close again. "You're the light of my life."
   "I'm a stripper."
   "So what?"
   "That lady was right."
   "Nah. She's just jealous that you're so cool." I rolled over so Alex was on top of me and stood up. Alex wrapped his arms around my neck and his legs around my waist. I took him into the bathroom off my bedroom and set him on the seat of the toilet. He held onto the waistline of my boxers as I moved around and muttered a bit. I quickly grabbed his meds and filled a small cup with water. I handed the meds to him and he popped them in his mouth. I brought the cup to his lips and he's swallowed his pills. I scooped him up and laid him in the bed while I started searching for clothes.
   "Johnny, what are you doing?"
   "I've gotta go take my dad's place for a few hours." Alex sat up and watched me button my shirt. "You have three choices. Come with me, which I'd love it if you came with. You can stay here and sleep all day. And lastly, you can stay with Laf and Herc." Alex crawled off the bed and scratched his stomach...which was adorable.
   "I'm coming with you."
   "YES!" I pumped my fist and grabbed Alex. "My dad's work is business casual so c'mere." I pulled out one of my button-ups and bit my lip. "I don't have anything that'll fit you."
   "Gimme the damn shirt, John." I handed him the shirt and he grabbed a pair of black jeans from the drawer. He threw off my t-shirt to expose his breasts and I turned away. "Really?"
   "You've seen them before!" He had a point. "Just turn around." I turned back around and finished buttoning my shirt. Alex pulled a sports bra over his head and an white tank top. He buttoned up the top and stuffed all the excess, which was a lot, in his pants. He flopped the sleeves around and I laughed.
   "Come here, you tiny gremlin." Alex giggled and held out his arms. I cuffed both sleeves and kissed his nose. He pulled on his converse while I pulled on my vans and soon we were in the car.

   "Holy shit." Alex breathed as we stepped into the revolving door and into the lavish lobby. Alex stared at the chandelier and I chuckled.
   "Mr. Laurens!" Martha smiled.
   "Martha, this is my lovely friend Alex." Alex smiled and Martha gave him a glare then a smile.
   "Hello, I'm Martha." She held out her hand to shake and Alex shook it. She yanked him forward and Alex gasped. "Listen here. John, is mine. Back off, slut." Alex stumbled back and I saw the look in his eyes.
   "Alex, could you wait in the elevator please?" I glared at Marty as I spoken and used the meanest tone I had. Not toward Alex. Toward Martha.
   "Please?" I used a softer toned and he nodded. I kissed him before he could walk off and smiled. "Martha, we've been over this. It's over. I don't like you. I never have and I never will. I am his. I belong to Alex." I headed over to the elevator before she could shoot back and pressed the button. The doors opened to reveal a shaking Alex. He was barely holding it together and I closed the doors. I wrapped him in a hug and kissed his forehead. "I belong to you." Alex composer himself and the doors opened on my dad's floor...the top floor. We pasted my dad's sectary's desk and I pushed open the door to his office. Alex gasped and stared around as I headed to his desk. Alex spun in a circle and giggled. I fell into my dad's chair and sighed heavily. Alex stopped gawking at the room and sat in my lap. It's kind of startled me and I rubbed his hips. "Hey, Baby."
   "What's wrong?"
   "Ya know what's fucked up?"
   "They did it on my dad's desk." On the drive over I told Alex all about my dad and his secretary.
   "How do you know?"
   "Because I walked in on it." Alex looked at me then the desk.
   "Your Dad is just one big porno." Alex muttered, I laughed and Alex grinned. "Ya know what would really yank his chain?"
   "If we did it on his desk just to spite him." Alex smirked, I chuckled and blushed a few loose hairs from his ponytail out of his face.
   "No, sorry, baby. If I'm gonna fuck you for the first time it's definitely not happening on my dad's desk." Alex shrugged and kissed me sweetly.
   "Ok. It was just a joke." I chuckled and rubbed his hips.
   "Hey, so I got to get through these papers and then I have a meeting and we'll be outta here, ok?"
   "Can I stay here for the paper part?"
   "I'd love that." I rolled the chair forward and asked moved so he was leaning against the arm of the chair and I had use of both my arms. I got through the paper quickly and Alex and I chatted until my meeting. The phone rang and I picked it up.
   "John, your father's secretary isn't here so I'm doing her job." Martha spat. "Your two o'clock is here."
   "Send him up, please." Alex slid out of my lap and sighed. "Hey, you can play on the computer outside. Cool math." I grinned, Alex beamed and kissed me gently as someone knocked on the door. "Come in!" I called, Alex turned around and immediately hid behind my chair. Thomas Jefferson walked into the room smirking and I frowned. "Lexi-?"
"That's h-him." I frowned and looked at Thomas. "The man from last night." He whispered, Alex had told all about the man from the club last night and I was pissed about it.
"Thomas?" Alex nodded and Thomas grinned. "Ok, Alex go outside. We'll talk about this later." Alex nodded and scurried past Thomas. Thomas grabbed Alex on the way past and he screamed, causing me to shoot out of my chair. "Hey! Let go of him!"
   "Her and if you want her back unscathed then you'll shut up." Thomas threw Alex to the floor and I saw his hands move. It was sign language for 'stay'. I picked it up for a little, ok? Thomas quickly unbuttoned my shirt and literally ripped open Alex's tank top. I covered my mouth and Alex squirmed. "Stop moving, slut!" Thomas back handed him and Alex bit his lip. Something told me he's been in several situations like this. Thomas pulled up Alex's bra to expose his breasts and started teasing his nipples. Alex moaned and whined and Thomas smirked. "Sensitive, aren't we?" Thomas leaned down and took Alex's nipple in his mouth.
'Stay' Alex signed again, I listened to him and stayed put. Once Thomas wasn't paying attention Alex nodded and I grabbed Thomas by the shirt, throwing him out of the office and locking the door.
"Alex? Baby, are you ok?" Alex sat up and wiped himself off. I dropped next to him and pulled his sports bra down.
"I'm fine." I gave him an unsure look and he sighed. "I've had a lot worse, Jacky." He sighed and looked at his tank top. "He fucking ripped my shirt." He grumbled, I looked around for a solution and grinned.
"We could staple it back together."
"Staple your shirt." Alex and I stared at each other for a moment before bursting into a fit of giggles. I picked him up and set him on my desk. I grabbed the
stapler and began stapling his tank top together. "Stop moving! I'm gonna staple it to your boobs!" Alex laughed harder and I completed the task, gaining thirty XP. I buttoned up his button up and pulled him into a sweet kiss.
"You should get back to you meeting." Alex sighed.
"You're amazing." I kissed him again and smiled. "I'm gonna have to walk you out." I took Alex's hand and opened the door. Jefferson grimaced and I pulled Alex to the desk outside. I set him up and kissed him gently before letting Thomas into my office.

"Well, that was my pitch."
"It's a good deal. Benefits us us both." He leaned forward and grinned. "I'll take it...on one condition."
"Do you know what your precious Lexi does at night?" Thomas asked, leaning forward and smirking.
   "I am very aware of Alex's job. I don't fault him for it. There's nothing wrong with it."
   "There's nothing wrong? Really? He's nothing but a whore! He'll just move on to the next fuck."
   "That's where you're wrong. Deal or no deal?"
   "My condition...I want one night with that sexy little thing out there."
   "Sell me your sex slave or no deal."
   "Then no deal. Alex isn't my sex slave. He isn't a bargaining chip. He's a human being with feelings and needs and he's mine." I growled.
   "Fine. I'll take the deal. No conditions." We shook hands and stood up.
   "Thank you, Thomas." I walked him out and made sure he wasn't anywhere near my baby. As he passed he turned to Alex and opened his mouth. "Ah! Keep walking, buddy." Thomas stepped into the elevator and disappeared. I bent over the sectary's desk and grinned. "Clear my evening. I'm taking a special someone out." Alex looked up from his game and giggled.
   "Where are you going?"
   "I don't know. They get to pick." I smiled, Alex thought for a moment before grinning.
"I think you're going to the club."
"He can get you a few drinks before the club actually opens but you have to been gone by then."
"Ok, deal."
"He says he can't wait." I laughed and showed Alex how to get off the computer. This was going to be an interesting night.

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