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Alexander's POV

"No...No! Francis, I said no!...don't-yes...yes...I'm sorry." I stirred and John brushed my cheek. He smiled at me and sighed heavily. "Francis, you can't just-" I caught a bit of the other person speaking.
"You are mine and to think you'd actually try to leave me when you love me! I'll be there in five minutes! You better be ready bitch."
"Francis-Damn it!" John threw his phone into the bed and fell next to me.
"What's happening."
"Francis thinks I still love him but I don't." John sighed.
"I can go."
"No, you're staying here. With me. Where you belong." John cooed and kissed my forehead. I smiled and snuggled into him. After a few minutes there was banging on the door and I jumped. "Shhhhhhh, it's ok. Be very quiet. I'm gonna close the door, ok? I don't want him to hurt you."
"Ok." I mumbled, John kissed my nose gently before slipping out and closing the door behind him. I heard music start to play and muffled voices. I stuffed the sheet into my mouth and waited. Ten minutes, John didn't come back. Twenty minutes, John didn't come back. Thirty minutes, I was sobbing by now. Suddenly the door opened and John smiled. His smile fell when he saw the tears and he rushed over. I crawled into his arms and sobbed into his bare chest. "I thought you weren't coming back."
"Oh, baby. I just had to take care of Francis."
"Is he your boyfriend?"
"No! God, no! I hate him!" He kissed my temple and squeezed me tightly. "I kicked him out. He's gone. I promise."
"Can we just lay here for a bit?"
"Oh, absolutely." He laid us down and I curled up in his arms. "You need to take your meds."
"In a minute." John chuckled and kissed my cheek. Oh, how I wish he was mine. I can't. Not with my job. I'm not going to cheat on him every night. After a minutes I sat up and stumbled into the bathroom. I grabbed my meds and swallowed them quickly."
"Yeah. I'm hungry." John chuckled and pulled me into the kitchen. "Alexa, play Be Alright by Dean Lewis." Alexa played the song and I danced around a bit. I felt a hand on my left hip and hand take my right hand. I opened my eyes to find John grinning down at me and I blushed. We started to ballroom dance around and when the song started to end I laid against John and wrapped my arms around his neck, letting him wrap his arms around my waist. "Johnny?"
"Who's Francis?" John sighed and kissed my forehead as he rocked us around the room.
"A couple mouths ago we met at a club and we hit it off. I gave him my number and he called me. We started dating and soon he started to hit me. It was little things at first, anytime I did anything stupid. Than it escalated to any little thing he didn't like he'd beat me." John explained.
"So...these bruises aren't all from your dad?"
"No." John scooped me up bridal style and smiled.
"I'd never hit you." I touched his cheek and he chuckled.
"I know, baby girl. So...breakfast!" He set me down and I slid onto my usual stool. "On the menu today...eggs, bacon, and toast. Order up!" He set a plate in front of me and I giggled.
"You're silly."
"I try my best. So what does the famous Alexander Hamilton want to do today?" I shrugged and John smiled. "I never took you out to dinner." He grinned.
"Oh, yeah." I mumbled.
"What? You don't wanna go to dinner?" John frowned, he leaned against the counter and I shoveled food into my mouth.
"No, it's not that." I kept my head down and John slid into the stool next to me. "It's just-...With me?"
"You wanna have dinner with me?"
"Look at me! I'm a train wreck! Look at me, John." I slammed a fist on the table and held my head in my hands.
   "I am." John brushed my cheek and left his hand in front of me. "You no what I see?" I shook my head and John lifted my chin, letting my arms arms fall on the table. "I see...a beautiful pair of hazel eyes. I see...an adorable nose. I see...oh! A nice pair of lips-" John brushed his thumb over my lips and I giggled. "-and don't forget that superb smile." John giggles. "I see a cute face." John cupped my face in his hands and smiled. "I see a nice body. I see something beautiful scars." John reaches down with his left hand and lifted my t-shirt just enough to see my stomach, keeping his right hand on my cheek. He didn't lift my shirt up too high because I wasn't wearing a bra and I find it cute how he demands I have my privacy.
   "If you say something that is mildly self-deprecating I will end you." I chuckled and scoffed.
   "What're you gonna do?" I teased, John just grinned and chuckled.
   "This." He stole me off the seat and whisked me to the couch. He dumped blankets on me and made sure I was comfortable before slipping into the heap with me and kissing all over my face. Soon I was a giggling mess and laughing hysterically under his kisses.
   "Stop! Stop! I can't breathe! Please! Have mercy!" I wheezed John let me go but I noticed not once did he kiss my lips. Kind of disappointed but I did swerve him yesterday. I laid there for minute to catch my breath and John chuckled.
   "Are you ok?"
   "I think you need to call an ambulance."
   "Why?" John chuckled.
   "I've O.D.ed on love!" I flopped dramatically into John's laugh and did the classic back of the hand to the forehead thing. John laughed and squished my face.
   "Time of love?" John checked his phone. "Twelve fourteen a.m." I laughed and John giggled. "I've got a question."
   "Do you regret staying with me?"
   "Not a bit Johnny boy." I smiled, John grinned and pulled me up so I was sitting in his lap.
   "Have you ever heard of Supernatural?"
   "Supernatural?" I frowned and John grabbed the remote.
   "It's a tv show. I think you'll like it." John phone rang and I grabbed it before he could.
   "Hey, Alex. Where's John?" Laf asked while John tried to wrestle for the phone.
   "In his bedroom." I smirked.
   "Can I talk to him?"
   "Nah, now's not a good time."
   "What's he doin'?" I snickered and put a finger to my lips.
   "He's trying to jack himself off. I mean he really can't hold an erection. Like geez. He needs about fifty viagra." Laf burst out laughing and John just stared at me. I laughed and he grabbed the phone.
   "I can hold an erection." He spat into the phone and to me. "Alex, you should know that better than anyone!" Laf laughed harder and I fell off the couch laughing so hard.
   "I'm yanking your dick, dude!" I laughed, John glared at me and brushed his brown curly hair back.
   "Well, don't touch my dick!" John was very flustered, Laf made a comment I didn't hear and John blushed bright red. "I do not!...Tonight? Maybe another night...Yeah-uhhhhhh-I've got plans...He's got plans too...We have plans together...We're going to dinner...So what?...fine." John handed the phone to me and I frowned.
   "Hey, Laf."
   "Going to dinner with Johnny boy, huh?" I stepped into the bathroom and closed the door.
   "Yeah, so what?"
   "John doesn't just ask anyone to dinner."
   "So he pities me. Great."
   "That's not it. He likes you, Alex."
   "Friends can pity."
   "He doesn't like you has a friend and he definitely doesn't pity you. Look. John is the sensitive cheesy romance type. He likes to spoil his dates. Be prepared for anything. Do you know anything about where you're going?"
   "No. Why?"
   "Ok. You need to find out and you're coming to my place to get ready. I'll give you a ride, ok."
   "Oh. Laf, I-"
   "Hey, John told me you have this thing about taking up space and it's no problem. I'll get you all dolled up for John, ok?"
   "Text me, ok?"
   "Yeah, yeah. Thanks Laf." Laf hung up and I sighed. I stepped out of the bathroom and found John tidying up.
   "Hey. Where are we going tonight?"
   "It's a surprise, baby girl."
   "Laf wants to know."  John chuckled and put his hands on my hips.
   "Oh, he's gonna whisk you away and basically Queer Eye you."
   "Oh, it's a tv show. Basically all these gay guys give people make overs or something. I don't know. Laf's obsessed with it."
   "It's not anything bad but I'll text him the place under strict orders not to tell you." He smiled.
   "Hey-um-Promise you won't run away?"
   "Why would I run away?"
   "It's a-list." John mumbled. "Perks of being a rich white boy I guess."
   "I prefer the term 'bougie bitch'." I smirked.
   "Oh, how flattering." John laughed.
   "How a-list are we talking?"
   "Um...on a scale from shrug to drop dead...about a drop dead." I sighed heavily and John gave a cheeky smile. "I just wanna spoil my baby girl." John cooed.
   "I don't think dropping dead is spoiling." I chuckled.
   "Are you ok with this? I can cancel reservations. We can go to McDonalds or something."
   "Although that sounds riveting." I put my hands on his chest and ran them up to his neck, back down to his shoulders. "Dinner with you...anywhere...sounds wonderful." I smiled, I kissed his nose and slipped away.
   "We can go to McDonalds."
   "No, keep the reservations. I'll manage. You just quietly tell me which fork to use, hm?" John laughed and sighed.
   "Yeah, ok. You're silly, you know that?"
   "So I've been told." I giggled.
   "Well I better call Laf cause...he's got work to do."
   "Hey!" I threw a pillow at him.
   "I'm kidding!" John threw it back and I caught it. "You look amazing no matter what." I blushed and threw the pillow at him again. "Would you stop that!" John laughed. "Lemme call Laf."

   "Hey, mon ami!" Laf chimed.
   "I leave you in good hands, babe." John turned to leave and I panicked.
   "Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait!" I grabbed him and cupped his face in my hands. "You'll be ok, right?"
   "Of course." I looked back at Laf and Herc and bit my lip. "Hey, look at me. I'm not leaving the apartment. If you get upset you call me, ok?"
   "Call you, yeah. Ok." I nodded and John smiled.
   "I'm just a couple floors up. I'm not going anywhere. Laf is going to give you a ride to the restaurant. You call me if you have a problem, ok?"
   "Yeah. I've got it." John started to leave and I sniffed. "Be safe!"
   "I will, Baby Girl. See ya tonight!" With that the elevator doors closed and he was gone.
   "He'll be alright...right?" I sniffed, Laf put a hand on my shoulder and I bit my thumb.
   "Yes, Alex." I turned around and met Laf's eyes. "He's a big boy. He can handle himself."
   "IM A HORRIBLE PERSON!" I sobbed and fell to my knees.
   "What? How are you a horrible person?"
   "I'm keeping him in a leash and he can't do anything he wants anymore without me freaking out and being a pussy!" I sobbed, Laf crouched next to me and rubbed my back. "I'm a fucking waste of his time."
   "No, you're not. You wanna know what I think?" Laf asked.
   "I think Johnny boy has fallen in love with you." I sniffed and frowned. "And I think you are falling in love with him but you don't wanna admit it because you think something horrible is gonna happen to him."
   "What?" I whimpered.
   "It'll take a bit of time but you can get past this and be happy...with John."
   "But I-" I cradled myself and sniffed. "I can't love him...he'll die."
   "No...he won't." Laf assured. "That boy loves you and he's not leaving this earth without you." I sniffed and wiped my face.
   "Ok. I'm ok."
   "Alright! Let's get up and running!" Laf beamed.
   "Alex, I need your measurements so I'm going to be all up in your biz." Herc smiled, I chuckled and got to my feet.
   "Herc is a real dork about this stuff." Laf chuckled.
   "Hit me with it." I grinned.
   "Well I was thinking a nice sharp suit-"
   "I-um-I just-"
   "Spit it out, bud. No one's gonna judge you." Herc smiled.
   "I wanna wear a dress." I gushed, Herc beamed and his eyes twinkled.
   "Alex, what have you done." Laf chuckled.
   "Come with me." Herc whisked me away and into a side room. As Herc measured me, designed and sewed my dress Laf and I chatted. We talked about John and soulmates and other what not. I vented to him about being a stripper and how shitty it is to live on the street. He listened and did his best to sympathize. Soon Laf had me sitting in front of a vanity and he was kind of fidgeting with my hair.
   "So I'm thinking...light make up and pin your hair back?"
   "Define 'light make up'." I smirked.
   "Alright, smart ass." Laf chuckled. "Blush, mascara, maybe a wine colored lipstick." I giggled and smiled.
   "Sure." Laf got to work and pinned my hair back so it hung in my shoulders but was out of my face. He applied blush, mascara, and a dark red lipstick. Herc walked in with the finished dress and smiled.
   "All done, Alex." He grinned.
   "Are you guys sure this was-"
   "Yes, you're totally fine. Everything's great." Laf beamed. A/N - the dress is in the image at the top I'm just hella lazy.
   "Well, go get dressed!" Herc dumped the dress in my arms and I sprinted to the bathroom. When I stepped out Laf and Herc grinned and looked at each other.
   "You look great." Laf smiled. "C'mon. You don't wanna be late." I nodded and laced up my converse. Laf and I sprinted outside to his car and dove in.

   "Drop dead." I mumbled, Laf chuckled and pushed me out. I looked around and died. This. Was. A-list. John wasn't kidding. People stared at me as I just stared at the building. Women wearing heels frowned at my scuffed up converse and small boobs. Being petite was always a gift. It made being trans a lot easier and being a stripper a lot more interesting. Now I was just getting ugly looks and I started to back up. I considered running home and crying but I had to stay...for John. I looked around and bit my thumb. I pulled out my phone and called John.
   "Hey, Baby Girl. I'm gonna be a little late."
   "My dad just wants me to off some papers and I'll be right there, baby. Are you ok?"
   "I'm fine. I think. John, can you hurry?"
   "Of course. I'm almost at my dad's office."
   "People are staring."
   "Probably because you look amazing."
   "You haven't even seen me for hours." John chuckled and sighed.
   "You always look amazing."
   "That's not why they're staring." I mumbled.
   "Then why are they staring, cutie?"
   "Because I'm wearing converse and I have small boobs." John scoffed and I smiled a bit.
   "Wait. Are you-are you...wearing a dress?"
   "Um...yeah. Yes. Is that not ok?" I heard John chuckle and I sighed with relief.
   "No, it's fine. You can wear whatever you want. I can't wait to see you. Hey, I just pulled up to my dad's office give me five minutes and you can call me back."
   "I-I think I can manage."
   "Alright. Stay safe. Bye, baby girl."
   "Bye, baby boy." I smirked.
   "We're discussing that later." I laughed and hung up.
   "Ok, Alex. Everything's ok. John's ok. I'm ok." I mumbled, I bit my thumb and shivered. It was cold. Really cold. I stood there shivering for fifteen minutes before I started to worry. "I'm ok. He's ok. Everything's ok."
   "Oh my god! You're shivering, baby." I felt arms pull me close and I smiled. "Holy shit, your skin is ice!" John quickly pulled off his coat and draped it over my shoulders, keeping it close to my body. John wore an nice white button up with blacks slacks, matching shoes, and a royal blue tie. He looked amazing with his curly hair tied back in a high ponytail and freckles glowing in the moonlight. "Let's get you inside."

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