Not So Happy Reunion

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A/N - I have a question if I made a discord chat for all'a'y'all so y'all could ask questions and we could chat would y'all go for it or burn everything to the ground???

Alexander POV

John's dad seemed to really turn himself around but I stayed warily all through lunch. I love John so much and I can't wait to marry him. I have one problem. If I'm marrying then I need to quite my job. I have too. I won't cheat on John every night. I won't. I love him too much to hurt him like that. On the other hand, I enjoy it...kind of. The spinning and doing tricks is fun. The catcalls and 'hey, baby's are not. John is the only person since the hurricane to make me happy. I have to quit.
"I have a date suggestion." John hummed suddenly on the way home.
"For what?" I frowned.
"Our wedding...are you ok?"
"I'm fine. Just thinking. What's your suggestion?"
"September fifteenth." John hummed.
"Why then?"
"Well, you love the fall and it's right in the middle of the month." I giggled and shifted closer to John.
"True." I hummed, John chuckled and I closed my eyes.
"We have a date." I confirmed.
"Now we just need to do everything else." John laughed.
"Alright, Alright!" John laughed. "You can do that." He laughed, I grinned and took his free hand in mine. We drove in silence and I played with the hem of my skirt.
"Your dad seems nice." I mumbled quietly.
"I know you don't like him, Alex. You don't have to like him. I'm not even sure if I like him but we'll see how it goes."
"I'm happy you're happy." John parked the car and we headed up to the penthouse.

"Hello, John." John shoved me back in the elevator and closed the door. I frowned and opened the door. The stepped out and looked around. I heard voices from the bedroom and I approached quietly. As I drew closer the conversation became more apparent and I heard John speaking.
"You can't be here."
"Why not?" The man asked.
"I'm engaged, Francis!" My eyes widened and tears formed. I sprinted to the elevator and spammed the button to Laf's penthouse. When the elevator opened I tore into the hall and to his bedroom. I banged furiously on the door until it was ripped open and I tumbled forward into Laf's arms.
"Alex? What's wrong?" Laf asked, I couldn't breathe or talk and I felt week.
"Francis." Was all I could muster, Laf tightened his grip on me and another hand pressed on my back.
"Alex, I'm going to call John. He's smart we'll fix this. We have a code." Laf grabbed his phone and Herc sat me on the bed. "Hey, John." He put it on speaker.
"Hey, Laf." John hummed.
"My friend and I were wondering if you'd like to come with us to catch a game?"
   "Nah, I can't tonight. I'm with my fiancé, Francis." I buried my face in a pillow and let the tears flow.
   "Damn, Alright. Hey, remember that guy who hit you and told you you looked hot?"
   "Yeah, he looked like a rapist." John laughed, Laf's eyes darkened and he glanced at Herc. "Anyway, I gotta go. See ya later." John hung up and I started to sob loudly.
   "He doesn't love me." I wailed, Laf smacked my arm and I swatted at him.
   "John loves you and only you. Stop that." He scolded.
   "Then why did he-"
   "He was letting me know he was with Francis. Francis is kind of psychotic, if he doesn't hear what he wants he'll loose it. John's good at dealing with him. He loves you."
   "What was the rapist thing?"
   "Francis...Francis is going to rape John." I shot out of bed and tore down the hall. "Alex, no!" Laf chases after me and got in the elevator before the door closed. "I'm calling the police." Laf dialed the number and the elevator opened. I heard moaning coming from the bedroom and I kicked the door down. John was bouncing on Francis's dick and the other man was biting my fiancé. John had sweat beading down his neck and chest and bite marks on his shoulders, along with hickeys strewn across his neck and collarbones. Francis threw John off and he tumbled to the floor. Francis slammed me into the wall and I coughed, trying to break free from his hold on my neck.
   "No!" John croaked. "Leave her alone!"
   "Who is this?"
   "A friend. She's not important." I was slowly choking and I struggled in his grip.
   "I've always wanted a threesome." Francis mused, throwing me on the bed and pinning me down. I've been in situations like this before, horny guy trying to hurt me. I did what I always did, I shut down and just let myself be horny too. Francis started to pull off my dress and John begged him to leave me alone. John has gotten good at reading me so he stayed put and let me handle it. I've dealt with shit like this time and time again. This is just another client.
   "Please, Daddy." I whined, Francis's eyes lit up and he started to toy with me, teasing through my underwear. I moaned and shivered, hating his every touch but doing it for John. Francis seemed busy so I took my chance and kicked him in the dick.
   "Fuck!" I pinned him down and pressed my leg against his neck.
   "John, cover yourself. The police are on their way." John hastily dressed in boxers and a baggy t-shirt and he fit his old swim team hoodie over my head as I held Francis on the bed. I had Francis's hands pinned over his head as he struggled and fought under me. He got the upper hand and threw me off the bed. I didn't see what happened next but John was holding the closet door closed and Francis was screaming and banging on the door. I scrambled over to John's discarded clothes and slipped his belt out of the loops. "Move." John moved and I tied the belt to the door knob and the other end to the desk. I enveloped John in a hug and he broke down sobbing into my shoulder. I held him close and moved him away from the door.
"Alex!" John sobbed and gripped me tighter. I kissed his cheeks and held him as tightly as possible. There was a knock on the door and I shuffled closer to open it, still holding John. The police stepped in and I gestured to the closet. Another officer lead John and I into the living room and I blush knowing I was wearing panties and a hoodie. The officer asked us questions and John never let go of me. They took us down to the hospital to get John tested and make sure he's ok. John wouldn't let go and I had to sit with him while the doctors checked him. When they finished they let us go and I took John to the subway. I lead him into a train as he sobbed and shook. I took him to Central Park and sat him down on a bench. "Where are we?" John asked after a few minutes.
   "My happy place." The trees hung low so it was dark and cool. Water ran near by and it was always quiet. "I used to come here when I was stressed or upset." I explained. "Now I've brought you here." I kissed John's cheeks and curled into me.
   "I'm so lucky to have you." He whispered.
   "I'm lucky to have you too." I whispered back, John laid down in my lap and I stroked his hair.
   "What would I do without you?"
   "Fuck, I don't know. Die I guess." I chuckled, John hit my chest and I winced.
   "Did I hurt you?"
   "You just hit my boob." I mumbled, it was strange though. John swats at my chest all the time and it's never hurt that bad. I shook it off and kissed John's forehead. We chatted aimlessly until dark and John laughed and smiled up at me. My heart swelled with joy knowing he was going to be mine forever and ever and nothing was going to change that. I loved him so much and I was never letting go.

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