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A/N - *screech*

John's POV

   I woke up to one of the babies crying and yawned. "Who is it?" Alex asked, sitting up enough to breast feed.
   "It's Frances." I gently picked her up and gave her to Alex as he tried to unbutton the gown. "Here." I unbuttoned it for him and he closed his eyes. "I love you." I cooed, kissing his cheek.
   "I love you too." He mumbled tiredly, I smiled and laid my head on his shoulder. "Don't let me fall asleep like this."
   "I'll try."
   "Are we in over are heads?"
   "Oh, most definitely." Alex smacked my arm and I chuckled. "We'll be fine. We both have steady jobs and it'll all be ok."
   "Ok." When Frances finished I put her back and helped Alex fix his gown. I kissed him and let him snuggle into me before falling asleep.

   I woke up to a knock on the door and Alex whined about sleep. "Come in." I yawned, Francis poked his head in the room and I smiled. "Hey."
   "Hey." Alex yawned and started to sit up, letting me help him.
   "So..." I chuckled and got up. I pulled the two carts toward him and Alex rubbed his eyes.
   "Hey, Francis." He yawned, Francis smiled and waved.
   "Ok, this is Phillip." I smiled, gesturing to little Phillip. "And this is Frances." He frowned and I laughed. "She's not named after you. She's named that way cause I like it." Frances sighed with relief and I chuckled. "Wanna hold her?" Francis nodded and I gently handed her to him. Francis smiled and rocked her a little bit, careful not to hurt her. PhIlLiP started crying and Alex sat up again. He pulled Phillip over to him and tried to calm him down but he wasn't having it. "Maybe he's hungry?" I suggested, Alex nodded and Francis blushed as Alex unbuttoned his gown.
   "I should go." He started to hand Francis back and I carefully took her in my arms. The door opened as Francis left and Alex exposed his breasts to Laf and Herc who immediately looked at their shoes. I snorted and Alex was laughing so hard he could breathe.
   "You two have seen me in my underwear this isn't much worse." The two chuckled and Alex breast fed Phillip.
   "I want to hold child." Laf made crappy hands at Frances and I snorted, handing her over.
   "I'd use two hands our Alex will yell at you about his vagina."
"Six hours. I was in labor for six hours. You will use to hands."
"You're cute."
"John, honey, I love you but I will make damn sure we only have two if you drop one." I laughed and pressed I kiss on Alex's lips, watched Phillip lovingly.
"Wow, he's really goin' for it." Alex nodded. "Makes me think he's on to somethin'." I teased.
"Oh my god!"
"Drink it!" Laf and Herc shouted, waking Frances and making her cry. I hurried to calm her and bounced her until she was fast asleep.
"I dare you to drink his breast milk." Herc grinned.
"What! No!"
"I dare you too." Alex giggled.
"I am not-"
"I'll get the breast pump, Jesus." He laughed, Laf took Phillip and Herc took Frances as I helped Alex get the pump. "It's loud." He mumbled, we sat and talked until he was done and he fixed two bottles and a small cup. He handed the bottles to Laf and Herc and the cup to me, fixing his gown.
"I hate you."
"We have children." I sighed heavily and Laf smirked.
"Just down it like a shot." I glared at him and huffed. I knocked it back and coughed.
"I fucking hate that." I coughed. "How do you drink that, Franny." I teased, pinching her nose gently and smiling wide.
   "You used to drink it."
   "So did you. You have to shoot it now."
   "John Laurens-Hamilton, I've shot worse."
   "I honestly forgot you were a stripper." Alex smiled and I pressed a kiss on his lips.
   "Cum certifiably takes worse than everything." I chuckled and Alex grinned. "Except yours." I punched his arm and he laughed. "I'm not wrong!" I put a hand over his mouth and kissed his forehead.
   "Shut up." Alex licked my hand and I raised an eyebrow. "You know that doesn't work." Alex rolled his eyes and I let go.
   "You're mean."
   "I'm just horrible, aren't I."

   "We are in way over our heads." Alex mumbled as we tried to calm the babies at fucking three a.m., Alex could only breast feed one at a time and they were both hungry. "I saw a study that if you suck on a man's nipple long enough they'll start to produce milk so-"
   "Absolutely not. I love you but no. Here's what we'll do. Use the fucking pump and make a bottle dumb dumb."
   "But that's no fun." I rolled my eyes and bounced Phillip a bit to calm him down.
   "I love you, baby." I cooed, kissing his face and smiling.
   "I love you too, John." Being home for the first time after having the babies was honestly a little over whelming but amazing. I love all three of them. They're perfect in every way. I wouldn't change anything for the world. We had both babies tested and both are indeed mine. Thomas is less of an asshole now and my dad is way better at being my dad. Francis and I are friends again and he begged me to babysit if need be, I agreed. Life is pretty good. It's amazing actually. I have beautiful husband and two amazing little babies. I wouldn't change anything for the world. We've survived through breakdowns and laughter and even through the downs I've never stopped loving him. The day he disappeared was the worst day of my life but he came back. He came back to me and I am never letting him go. Ever.

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