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A/N - big tired tm

John's POV

ALEX IS SEVEN MONTHS PREGNANT! HOLY SHIT! Calm down, John. Alex is currently working and he's happier now days. I'm excited for the babies and we've started putting the nursery together. We painted the walls a nice light gray and the sheets are a brown a little lighter than my hair color. I had to do most of the painting but I didn't complain. It was cute watching Alex try his best to help and pouting when I'd tell him to sit down. Right now we're working and Alex is in the other room. I kind of want to call him in here for some random reason but I know he's busy and it's hard for him to get up and down. Still I wish he'd come here. The door opened and my wish was granted. Alex walked in with a hand on his stomach, Thomas hot on his tail. "He wouldn't leave me alone! I'm sorry!" I got up and I ushered him to sit.
"That could be my child!" Thomas yelled, causing Alex to flinch. I pet his head and sighed.
"Lets go about this as adults, please?" I begged, Alex whimpered a bit and rubbed his stomach. "Did you wear a condom?"
"Yes. Did you wear a condom?"
"Haha, no. He was my fiancé."
"Bastard!" Alex burst into tears and I went to comfort him.
"No, baby! No! We're married. Ok?"
"Shhhhhh, my peach." I cooed, I turned to Thomas. "The doctors say they were conceived a month after you raped Alex. Right around the time I proposed. They're mine."
"Twins." Alex sniffed and nodded, rubbing his stomach again. I brushed a loose hair behind his ear and he smiled a bit.
"Thank you." I smiled. "Now please leave?" Thomas turned on his heel and stormed out. I knelt down next to Alex and he sniffed. "Baby, I thought we were past this?" Alex shrugged and rested his arms on his stomach. "What's bothering you?"
"Dinner?" Alex mumbled.
"Dinner? With your dad?" He nodded and I sighed.
"What if he says no? What if he leaves again? What if he calls me 'Alexandra'." He winced at the name and gagged.
"He's not gonna call you Alexandra."
"How do you know?" He snapped, I chuckled and kissed him softly. I sat on the edge of my desk and took his hand.
"I know because he's trying to be your father. He's trying the make up for lost time." I rubbed his thigh and smiled.
"I know." He mumbled, I helped him stand and hugged him gently. "I love you, John."
"I love you too, Alex."

"So...um...dad?" Alex bit his lip and took a breath. "I'm due in a couple months and I was wondering-...hoping that...you could be there." James' eyes widened and he nearly spit out his drink.
"What?" Alex bit his lip harder and I rubbed his thigh.
"I want you to be there, dad." Alex mumbled quietly.
"You...want me...there?" Alex nodded and James bit his lip. "You want me there?"
"You want me there!" He ran around the table and threw his arms around Alex. "I'll be there. I promise. Just call me. I'll keep my ringer on. John-?"
"I'll call you." I chuckled, James grinned and kissed Alex's forehead. He squeezed him in a hug again and I laughed. Alex giggled and hugged his dad before he sat back down. We continued eating and Alex gasped.
"Oh my god!"
"What!" I jumped forward and Alex put a hand on my arm, telling me it's not what I think it is.
"I forgot to tell you, dad!"
"Tell me what?"
"We're having twins!"
"Twins!" James laughed and Alex grinned. "Ya know James was almost a twin."
"No." We laughed and Alex winced a bit.
"They're kicking. That's all." Alex assured, I kissed his temple and he leaned into me. "Grandpa or papa?" I frowned and Alex looked at his dad expectantly.
"I want you in their lives, dad. Grandpa or papa?" James teared up and smiled brightly.
"Papa." Alex giggled and I smiled at the two.
"Awwwww!" I teased, Alex laughed and kissed my cheek.
   "Well. Thank you, honey, for dinner. I see you retained some of your mother's skills." James smiled. "I really need to get going." Alex got up with a bit of difficulty and hugged his dad goodbye. He walked James to the door and I started cleaning up dishes. Alex sat down at the table again and took a deep breath.
   "What'd I tell you, baby?" Alex rolled his eyes and I pressed a kiss on his lips. "I love you."
   "I love you too but I hate you when you're right." He mumbled, I laughed and started the dishes. "I'm gonna go lay down."
   "Alright, baby girl." Alex went into the bedroom and I went about doing the dishes. When I finished I crept into the bedroom and found my beautiful husband asleep on the bed. I smiled and kissed his forehead before undressing and laying down next to him. He rolled closer to me and I smiled. He whined and burrowed into my arms. "I love you, Alex." I whispered.
   "I love you." He mumbled groggily, I closed my eyes and let the sound of his breathing lull me to sleep.

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