Ice Skating

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Alexander's POV

I woke up happy and not messy in John's arms. I strained my neck and kissed him gently, trying not to disturb him. I kissed down his neck to his chest and smiled against his warm skin. I moved closer to him and drank in his warmth. I laid there for a few more minutes before John stirred and tightened his grip on me.
"Morning, Lexi."
"Morning, Jacky." John seemed to realize something and giggled.
"Having fun while I'm asleep, huh?" John grinned.
"Care to tell me why there's slobber all over my jaw, neck, and chest?" He smirked, I grinned and seductively kissed his chest. "Hmmmm, you are so sexy.~" he kissed me gently and I bit my lip.
"I could say the same for you, baby boy.~" I grabbed his ass and he chuckled.
"Damn, I wish you weren't on your period." John smiled.
"Oh? And why would you wish that?~" I purred, John pinned me to the bed and leaned down.
"Cause I'd like to hear you screaming and begging." I blushed and grinned. I pulled my knee up and pressed against his boxers.
"Johnny, I have to warn you." I grinned.
"Hm?" I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled myself up so I was breathing on his neck.
"I'm a bad, bad boy.~" I nipped at his ear and he shivered.
"Are you now?" He let his hand drift up up my shirt and I grabbed his hand.
"Do not stimulate me." I growled.
"Ok, I'm sorry."
"It's ok. I'm sorry too. I just don't want cramps. Hey, we can do this when I'm not bleeding out of my vagina." John giggles and I laid back down. "Can I take a shower."
   "You don't have to ask, baby girl." He flipped off of me and I grabbed a towel. I undressed and John kissed me before I ran into the bathroom. I took a refreshing shower and my cramps returned. I stumbled out of the tub and into our bedroom. John was buttoning up a work shirt and he looked up. He immediately saw the pained look on my face and the towel barely wrapped around my petite frame. He quickly scooped me up and gently laid me in the bed. He fixed my panties and slipped them on for me. He grabbed one of his oversized t-shirts and fit it over my head. I groaned and rolled over, burrowing deeper into the blankets.
   "Shoot me." John moves the blankets and kissed my cheek.
   "Not a chance, Peaches." I groaned again and sighed. "Hey, Lexi. My dad wants me in the office today."
   "I can't take you with me. I don't want him to even have the possibility of hurting you, baby." John sat next to me and I crawled into his lap. "I can leave you with Laf and Herc if you want."
   "I'll be fine here." I smiled.
   "Are you sure? I don't want you to die of boredom." 
   "I'll be fine. I'll do the dishes or do some laundry or something."
   "You don't have to do that."
   "John, I don't pay rent. I don't do anything!" I cupped one of his cheeks and kissed him gently. "I wanna be a functioning member of this household." John chuckled and laid down with my curled up on his chest.
   "You don't need to be. I don't need you to pay rent. I don't need you to do my chores. You're not my maid, you're my..." John trailed off and I frowned. We were both quiet for a long time before I couldn't take it anymore.
   "Johnny? What are we?"
   "I...I don't...know, Lexi." John rubbed my shoulder and I bit my lip.
   "Oh." We were quiet again and I was scared.
   "Will you be my boyfriend?" I broke into a grin and I bit my lip.
   "You don't sound too sure. We don't have to-"
   "John, I really wanna date you. I do. I swear but I'm just...scared."
   "I'm not gonna bite...well, at least not yet." John smirked, I giggled and straddled him.
   "I know. I just-...I don't want you to end up like everyone else in my life." John took my hands and smiled.
   "Promise I will never ever leave you." I bit my lip and John looked into my eyes.
   "Alex, I'm not leaving. I promise. I'm gonna spoil you and annoy you until you break up with me." I blushed and giggled. John squeezed my hands and kissed my palms.
   "Yes, I'll be your boyfriend." I grinned, John shot up and showered me with kisses. Alexa yelled at John that he had a call and he sighed.
   "Answer it." He called between kisses.
   "John, where the hell are you?!"
   "I'm on my way, dad. I had to get gas."
   "Hurry up!" Henry ended the call and I pushed away from my boyfriend.
   "Go. I'll be fine." I assured, John groaned and laid me in the bed. He pulled the blankets tight around me petite frame and kissed me passionately.
   "You're amazing."
   "You're wonderful." I giggled.
   "Bye, Baby Girl. Hey, I'll take you out tonight, ok? We'll have a special night."
   "No fancy restaurants."
   "Ok!" He giggled and just like that he was gone. I sat up and fished my phone out of the covers. I called Laf and laid back down.
   "Hey, Alex."
   "Hey, Laf. How bad is John's dad?"
   "Um...pretty bad. Why?"
   "He just left for work. I'm worried about him. Will he be ok?"
   "Look, Alex. John isn't stupid. He has you now and he's determined to not do anything stupid. He's not gonna get himself hurt. Have you taken your meds?"
   "No." I mumbled. "I'm sorry."
   "For what, bro?"
   "Sorry for making you put up with me." I rolled out of bed and stumbled into the bathroom.
   "Nah, don't mention it. That's what friends are for. Hey, are you any good in the love department?" I took my pills as he spoke and frowned.
   "What do mean?"
   "I mean can you help me get a guy?!"
   "Who? Herc?"
   "How did you know."
   "You were flirting the entire time I was trying not to puke my guts out."
   "Oh, shit. Sorry bout that, bro."
   "Nah, so how can I be of service?" We chatted for awhile before Herc got home and Laf hastily hung up. I chuckled and sighed. I sat up and moved into the kitchen, starting on the massive stack of dishes. Then I moved onto the laundry and by the time that was done my phone rang. I smiled at the name and put the phone to my ear.
   "How is my beautiful boyfriend."
   "Pretty good. How is my beautiful boyfriend."
   "I'm very good, thanks for asking." John giggled. "How was your day."
   "I told you not to."
   "And I disobeyed." I grinned.
   "Good thing you're cute." I laughed and John chuckled. "Hey, get yourself dolled up, ok?"
   "What do mean by that?"
   "I mean get ready cause we're going ice skating."
   "I've never-"
   "That's ok. I won't let you fall."
   "Ok, I trust you."
   "I'll see you in fifteen minutes, baby girl."
   "Bye." I hung up and tossed my phone aside. I dashed into my section of the closet and picked out an outfit. A light green sweater with black ripped jeans and a black infinity scarf. I tucked the sweater into my high waisted jeans and frowned at my butt in the mirror. I headed into the bathroom and pulled out my make up collection. I know John doesn't like the whole clown paint thing but it makes me feel better. I applied some highlight and mascara. I put on some cherry lipgloss and smiled at my reflection. I heard the elevator ding and I grinned.
   "Lexi!" I dashed into the entry way to find John smiling and holding a bouquet of peonies, my favorite flower. "Hey, ready to go?"
   "These are for you." He handed me the flowers and I giggled.
   "I know just where to put these." I grinned, I put them in the vase on the kitchen table and took John's hand. "Let's go."

   "Johnny. Johnny!" I grabbed onto John and wrapped my arms tightly around him. "Holy shit." I slipped and slid as John just stayed put.
   "Hey, just breathe. Hold on." I regained my balance but didn't let go. "Just push and glide."
   "Huh?" He sat me on the walk and kissed me gently.
   "Like this." He skated in a couple circles and I giggled.
   "I hate you."
   "No, you don't. C'mon, Peaches." I took his hands and hopped off the wall. I kind of got the hang of it and held his right hand tight. "There ya go. I'm proud of you." I shivered and John skated to a halt. "I forget you're from Nevis." He shrugged his jacket off and wrapped it around me. He kissed me gently and smiled.
   "Your welcome. Hey, wanna skate without actually skating?"
   "How would-?" John bent forward and put his hands on my ass, pulling me up. I wrapped my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist. "I guess that's how." I chuckled, I kissed him gently and squeezed him tight as he glided across the ice. "Johnny?"
   "Yes, Baby?"
   "I have the best boyfriend."
   "So do I." John giggled, we glided across the ice and I decided I wanted to try again. "Careful." I put my weight on my legs and squeezed John's handed. We glided along until I slipped and fell on my ass. John grabbed my arms pulled me up. "You ok, baby girl."
   "I'm fine."
   "You sure?"
   "I'm a big boy, Jacky." I kissed him gently and we were off again. We skated for awhile longer before we decided to get dinner. That also went very well. I love him so much.

A/N - 2:50

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