Konoha idol pt 1

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* obito had just gotten in front of kakashi to protect him from kaguya's rod that she threw, but suddenly the secretary changes. And they're in a room with lots of chairs and there's a stage with a microphone. And they're a lot of people in the room, and everyone's confused *
Naruto: " where are we? "
* Suddenly a spot light shines in front of the stage, and there's two women who appear to be in their teen years and one taller than the other. The shorter one was wearing Mephisto pheles   outfit from blue exorcist , with bangs on the right side of her face with a low poneytail. And wore small square black glasses and had brown eyes. The taller of the two was wearing a pink puffy dress (like the one from the little mermaid ), with her hair down and it reached almost to half her back with bangs on the side of her face, she had purple square shaped glasses and brown eyes *
?: " Prepare for trouble "
?: " And make it double "
?: " Grace "
?: " Meteora "
Grace: " We're about to fuck up some shit, and you better be prepared "
* Meteora holds up a tabby fat cat *
Meteora: " ren that's right " * she said in a squeaky high pitch voice *
Grace: " don't judge us our cat dosen't talk "
Naruto: " so let me get this straight, the one in the pink dress is grace, and the one in the weird white outfit is Meteora "
Meteora: " yup and we're sisters "
* Obito points to grace *
Obito: " oh so you're the older sister "
* Grace starts to move her hands around frantically, with a nervous/scared expression on her face *
Grace: " ah no I'm the younger sister, Meteora is the older sister "
Obito: " but she's......."
* Meteora has a deadly/scary aura around her *
Meteora: " go on say it "
Sasuke: " small "
Meteora: " aye, yo, fuck you! "
Kakashi: " wait who are you guys? "
Grace: " uh well..........Meteora help me out "
Meteora: " didn't you hear our introduction? "
Sakura: " you said to prepare for trouble and make it double, you said you were going to fuck shit up. Then Meteora brought out a cat and said ren that's right "
Meteora: " Then that answers your question, we came here to fuck shit up "
Tsunade: " we were just in the middle of a war "
Grace: " you're welcome "
Tenten: " where are we?, And how did we get here? "
Meteora: " bitch we got fucken magic thats how, why do you think I'm dressed up as Mephisto "
Kiba: " who's that? "
Grace: " oh my jashin you ask to many questions, you guys are here because of our author-chan magic.  why else would neji be here "
Lee: " neji's still alive!! "
Meteora: " turn to your right "
* Everyone turn to their right to see a confused neji *
Hinata: " neji!! "
* She goes and hugs him and he hugs her back *
Neji: " i'm so confused "
Grace: " yeah and there's more people who are supposed to be dead that are alive, but we'll get to them later or more like you'll hear them "
Gaara: " what do you mean? "
Meteora: " i'm glad you asked, grace please explain to everyone what's about to go down "
Grace: " thank you Meteora, ok so since I'm bored and got nothing better to do. We're going to do a little singing contest, and we're going to call someone up on stage and they're going to sing a song that we assigned you. Because fuck that we're not about to think about your personality and choose a song based off it, no we just raffled your names and songs and picked two papers and you were assigned a song. So you're going to go on stage and be given a piece of paper and sing the lyrics off the sheet of paper, then you'll let the judges decided which will be us, then you'll get off stage and the next person goes next "
Neji: " what is the point of this? "
Grace: " bitch we told you we're bored so that's why we're doing this "
Meteora: " hey don't disrespect neji he's buutiful "
Grace: " right sorry, also don't even think about escaping again Power of author-chan, we control everything here. If we feel like it we can throw you back into the afterlife or war "
* Everyone thinks of the war/afterlife *
Tsunade: " fuck it we'll sing "
Grace: " great, then let the contest begin! "
* Puts right hand pointer finger in the air, with a big wide grin on her face. Everyone looks at her confused except Meteora, Who has left thumb and pointer finger on her chin. She has her eyes closed and a cocky smirk on her face *
Neji: " what is she doing? "

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