Chapter 1: Fei Ren

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3rd Person POV

"Well damn," was a usual reaction for missing the bus on the last day of school. It wasn't all that important really, it was on its way back to the neighborhood. However, there was a strong disdain in walking home, especially in this part of Cali. Recently, there was a group of gangsters roaming around. They didn't do much other than scare and sometimes rob small department stores, mind you without any weapons, and relying on their feet to run away. The only real danger was that with one gang, comes another, which means that gang wars happen. Generally not in public...but it still kept Fei's parents in a state of alarm. They couldn't be with her at the moment because of their business trips, one being a doctor that frequently loved to travel to other countries to study illnesses and the other being a translator at the "nearest" UN meeting...they didn't have much choice when it comes to breaks. They needed to give some further notice ahead of time, and with the sudden outbreak, no one was prepared.

Luckily for them, they had butlers and maids that could pick up their child, and look after her while they're gone...right? Well, they put faith in a 1-year worker, Raul, to look after Fei while they were away. It was the only option at the moment since most of the maids were on vacation or too busy with housework. The 14-year working butler, Meursault, was out of commission after having a recent eye surgery that only allowed him for limited things.

The old man, not that old, around 56 years of age, was saddened to be away from the family house. They are a strong and loving family, and though separated for the majority of times, they are strongly united. He also loathed the young man that was in charge. He was irresponsible and unreliable. He also knew the hatred he had for the family, but for what reason he didn't know. To leave Fei Ren, a granddaughter to him at this point, in the hands of this man is intolerable. But he can't do anything in his condition. He was left only to pray that the little fairy would be okay. Little Fey, in English, is what he called her as a tiny child.

Fei waited for Raul to arrive after calling him. She was about to explain to the man why she missed the bus, but he said he didn't care and he would be there in a moment. The slur in his voice was scary, but the cold and harsh tone made it scarier. She didn't concentrate on that though. She thought about the fun she had with her friends on this last day. The glitter fight with her group of besties, the confession she managed to let out though she was rejected softly, the comfort provided by her said friends, the way they joked around, the awesome history teacher inviting her class out for pizza as it was the last day and it turned out her period was the most behaved and well favorite. Everything, lovely, like a dream, she couldn't ask for more.

She saw the familiar vehicle approach her, swerving a little before stopping. She opened the door to the backseats only to be slapped with the intense smell of weed. Scrunching her nose, Fei sat down.

"Hello, Raul..." she said. He grunted in response, shifting gears to go fast. She gripped the seat a little, terrified by the speed. 70, 85, 100...hell!

"R-Raul? Please slow down, we're near a scho-"

"Quite! Don't fuck around with rules, you snobby brat. Look behind you," She looked behind her seat to see a bag of guns and other materials. Gasping, she went for the car door but wouldn't open it.

'Child lock?!' she thought.

"What's the meaning of this!? What the hell is happening!? She shouted at him. She always hated this man, the way he'd look at her parents, loathing.

He smirked and giggled, "I know we won't make it out alive from this," her eyes widen more than they already were, "so I'll tell you. Your family, the Ren's, I hate them. I won't tell you why cause it won't matter." Fei listened attentively, for his voice was the only thing that distracted her from the swerving car and the sound of gunshots. She was shocked, angry, and saddened, " I took the time to plan this out. To find a job in your home, wait till your busy fucking parents vanish for long, wait for that old fool to be absent, maids were gone, to get you here. I was hoping to just kidnap you and make them suffer to have them wonder whether you're dead or not," Raul looked back and smiled, "but looks like the rivals from my gang were here."

"So, you're part of a gang. One of the two that is terrifying this small town," she mumbled out, glaring.

"Mhm. a leader. Too bad once I die, they leave," he smirked at the rearview mirror of the car, "but as long as I take you with me, then it's worth it."

" bi-," Fei starts to hyperventilate, clutching her chest. With one eye open, she sees him grin maliciously.

'Fuck you...fuck you. Fuck you!' she pounced at him. A dumb idea. Firstly because of the situation they were in. Secondly, the slim chances that a 15-year-old can hurt a 20-year-old, 'I go to the gym every day' man. But what could she lose now? She knows he's a leader now, so there's no way they would spare him. She accompanied him, so that would also most likely eliminate her. Plus, just one slap was enough.

They struggled for a bit. The only reason she wasn't knocked out was because Raul was too busy driving.

"Get off of me, damnit!"


She felt a sharp pain in her arm. Then something wet. She had just been shot. She grits her teeth to stop herself from screaming but she still whimpered. She was pushed away and landed on her butt. Raul glared down.

"I suggest sitting the-," He stopped and yelled out. He got shot on the shoulder, which caused him to swerve even more. Fei slid and slammed on the car door, groaning out in pain. She looked out the window of the opposite door and saw the car-ramming against them. A few more times and they were flipped and damaged. Raul's unconscious and she's about to lose it herself. There's heat in the car, it hurts. All her blurry vision can see is Raul being pulled out. Then she felt herself move out of the heat. Everything hurt, everything went cold, everything went dark.

(Author's Note: if I can even be called that): Sooooooo, this is the first official and real fanfiction that I'm actually going to write. Fei Ren was on my mind recently and became more developed through thoughts, daydreaming, and dreaming entirely. Hopefully, she turns out to be the character I want her to be and not a mary-sue, as seeing the trend for the 'Stuck In BLAHH' type stories. P.S.: I've done these chapters ahead of time, so I will have chapters already up.

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