please help me out with this

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This isn't a rant or even necessarily an opinion but since amazingly there are people that have taken the time to read, comment and even vote on some of the crap I've written in this. If someone is still reading I have what I feel is an important question and would like some help with it.
  I read alot and I downloaded wattpadd because I can read for free here and since I don't have any income of my own it fulfills that need. If you've checked out my profile you can see that I have alot of reading list and have even gotten followers because of them. But here's my problem I've read two books today that weren't the greatest but they weren't bad enough to stop reading and I know that authors can see what reading list I've put their books in. I have one where I labeled with I couldn't get into it with an apology to the author. I'm not going to lie and say that I know that isn't offensive but it's honest. My dilemma with these two books and I'm sure more to come are that these books are in my opinion utter crap, the descriptions were great I thought I was gonna read a really good book I did not. Since the titles and covers of the books on here change often if I just remove the book from my library inevitably I'll find it and try to read it again I don't want that. Alot of times I've throughout my life been able to pick up a book look at the cover and description or read the first page and be able to remember everything that happened, I'll be 40 next year and my brain no longer works like that, so I have all the list so that I don't reread a book and since I have them I reference them when people are looking for a certain type of story or ship. So I need/want to create a new list that I can put these types of books in so I don't reread them and also so that I don't recommend them and I don't want to be rude and hurt an author's feelings by labeling the list as utter crap. So I was hoping that someone could help name this list without being rude. I could be brutally honest but I would want to tell the writers why I don't like the book and I don't want to do comment on the book itself or out of nowhere send a msg telling them why I don't like the book if there was a way to leave a comment on why I added it to a list than I would do that but since it isn't an option I just need a nice way to say I don't like this and I wouldn't recommend it even though the description sounded really good.  So please if you managed to read through all this please help me title a reading list.

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