book bullies

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     Have you ever read or even wrote one of those high school books where you have that one boy who may or may not be gay and all the straight homophobic jocks bully him? I've read alot of books that carry that dynamic. I just realized how incredibly inaccurate those books are. Don't get me wrong I don't hate them often when the story is written right its a good read. What I'm saying though is that the bullied boy that is presumed to be gay and is then harassed by everyone in the school at some point along comes the homophobic straight jock who can get any girl he wanted but chooses to insult and beat on the poor gay boy. Almost always at some point in the book the jock will corner this boy and sexually harass him or go even farther and sexually assault him. If the book isn't about the bully falling for the boy and only acting like he is so no-one finds out that he is gay as well, adding in this homophobic jock is pointless.
   Yes there are different types of straight man behavior. My personal favorite is the man that has no problem with how another man lives his life. The guy that will befriend a gay man. At the other end of the spectrum you have the straight man that completely despises gay people and could never sexually harass a gay man because that would make him gay, ignoring the fact that a man is gay is also unacceptable to them for the same reason. These straight men see lesbians as ok and even a challenge but two men together are to much for their little brains to comprehend and accept.
   These types of characters do make for an interesting plot sometimes but they also make very little sense. In reality these jocks would most likely be extremely violent and catch a charge for hate crimes. I really do wish that wasn't the reality of things.
   Women are more accepting of things I think not all women but most. I know that in America at least our younger generations are more accepting of all relationships. I remember meeting my best friend she's short and boyish. Because she is boyish I can get along with her better than any other girl. She got a job working as a cashier/cook at the fast food place I was a manager at. Sometimes my mouth has absolutely no filter my brain thinks it so my mouth says it. The first night she worked with me I saw her coming in and was thinking that this was nice we don't get many cute guys working here. I guess now I should point out that my attention to detail is almost nonexistent. I worked with her for a whole shift before I realized she was a girl. She found it very amusing when I told her my first impression of her was that she looked like a cute little guy. My dad cussed me out one day because she stayed at our house after we were drunk at a concert. That morning we went outside to smoke and when we came in my dad was furious that I was supplying cigarettes to a 12year old boy. The harder we laughed the madder he got and after trying to explain the situation asking him why he thought I would bring someone else's kid home when I mostly didn't want to bring my own kids home. We ended up having to show him her id because he didn't believe us at all.
    I've also seen my worst case of hate from a mother. I dated and lived with this guy for years at some point we had to live with his family. He had an older brother who I'm pretty positive is gay. I have my reasons but no confirmation or proof. Anyways his mother and grandmother were religious of sorts. They were racist and hateful. Yet they could hide that in public and seem like just a sweet old lady and her helpful caring daughter. The kids weren't allowed to watch most tv shows. Witches of Waverly Place, anything with magic or vampires or ghost because its against the bible its devils work. I was stuck in this environment for a while. One day me and their mom was talking and I don't have any idea how we reached this subject but she tells me that if she was to ever find out that one of her kids was gay she would suffocate them with a pillow while they slept and then kill herself. This is where all hell broke loose because of that whole my mouth not having a filter. I laughed and told her she would end up in hell but the son would have a chance. She informed me that being gay was a sin so the son would go to hell to. As Bible minded as she is and the way she wanted to twist things her way I asked her what was the only sin, according to the preachers she watched and listened to, that you couldn't ask forgiveness for. It was taught at our church and hers that suicide was the only thing that couldn't be forgiven. I was kicked out of the house for that.

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