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  Ok this is my view and my opinion only and I'm pretty sure that a lit of people don't see things the way I do. I will start off by saying that I'm from a small town in Georgia one of the southern states. I point that out because it could have some insight on why I view things the way I do.
   With the presidential elections coming up we are bombarded with commercials about candidates and debates so forth and so on. I recently saw a commercial that was the catalyst for this rant, there is a whole platform for black and brown Americans where people of color can ask questions to the candidates an example question was what are you if elected going to do for black communities?
  Why would that question bother me? Daily we hear about racism in one form or another but it's not just us white people that hold onto it. The goal over many years has been to get rid of racism but how do we do that when there are people that want to be kept seperate ????? Black people have their own colleges and are allowed to ask questions about what a candidate will do for black people. If I was to ask the same question but what will you do for white people then all hell would break out I would never be allowed to another debate.
  I do understand that in the southern states many if not most black people fall really close to and below the poverty line but there are plenty of white people in the same situation and this is not proven but is an observation I feel like it's easier for black people to get government benefits. I'm not complaining about that I'm complaining about people pulling the race card when it should no longer be about race. The question that should be asked to the candidates What are your plans to help low income families and communities? Simple really.
  I tend to get really worked up about things like this. My personal favorite race separating argument from when I worked as a manager at a fast food place where I was the only white person at that location I loved most of the people I worked with but there were some people who would automatically cry racism if they were in the wrong and got written up or hours cut or anything that they didn't like my response was always that yes I was racist and was looking for my chance to fire them so I could hire more white people. I felt comfortable saying things like that because at the time I did the hiring and most of the people I hired were not white the few white people that I hired did not last long.
I've heard arguments about why it's ok for some of the outspoken black people when they played the race card when that didn't work on me slavery became the new argument I mean I don't know why they thought that the past that neither myself or them experienced would have any type of decision changing strength. I've heard in just regular conversation that white people owe black people for slavery. Why would I a person who's never owned a slave owe you a person who's never been a slave compensation for slavery.
  I'm sorry I'm done I just wanted to vent about the fact that we will never get rid of racism because no matter what we do to change how people do and see things if people continue to play the race card when it suites them than we will never overcome racism it cannot just be one race ready to accept another. Right now it's one race scared to offend the other. That isn't how change happens.

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