disappointed but not surprised

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      I've already brought this subject up in other chapters but I'm writing this to stop myself from starting an argument or whatever would come from my comment.

     I was reading a book that I found recently and when I got to the last chapter the author had posted an explanation on why she hadn't updated any new chapters. She had went out to protest for black lives matter. No I'm not against the peaceful protest at all. She went on to talk about rioting and how she supported it and was even doing it herself and would not stop. She feels that as long as there is police brutality against black people then the rioting will continue and is justified. This is one of the reasons that I personally am not supporting this movement. The property that is being destroyed and stolen is not property belonging to the corrupt police its not even property belonging to any police. Violence against store owners because there are bad cops is not justified its not how you prove a point to get change. The fact that people are committing crimes against civilians and calling it justified is complete and utter bullshit.
      Why are the only black lives that matter the ones that are taken by police or the brutality claims that are not the whole truth. Story time   A black police officer was attacked in his home with his children inside because he ended up being sent to dangerous calls where he had to shoot the suspect this sadly happened three times that he ended up in the position of having to defend himself or another officer. Videos and witness statements all prove he was defending himself or others. A mob shows up at his house not peacefully protesting but destroying property and when he locked himself inside after going out to explain or hear the people out he went inside when things started getting violent. Someone shot through his backdoor with a shotgun yelling black lives matter. Why is it only certain black lives that matter why not all because if this is what you are promoting then what reason is there to shoot through a door blindly into the house of a black man and his black children and justify doing so under the umbrella of black lives matter.
       I've thought alot about the whole racism thing and I'm not saying that we are all racist but I think we are conditioned throughout our lives to judge people based on how they talk and dress and their physical appearance and yes at times skin color will be a factor in that judgement. I don't know how to explain it better so that you could understand what I'm trying to say so that you could see my way of thinking the whole thought process.

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